- Angle/Braun/Joe/Roman:
Kurt has had a lot on his plate with the whole "I've got a secret son" thing.
I'm glad Jason's not changing his last name. That would be a LITTLE much for me.
I hope Jason has a big showing tonight.
Hey Braun grabbed the brass ring by getting involved in the main event!
Right?? Braun makes some good points here.
I want to see Brock vs. Braun REALLY badly.
Actually, I want to see Braun vs. Joe, too.
Joe did have a really good showing at GBOF.
Joe's confident. I like that. He's worked really hard for a long time to get here.
Joe has good reasoning, too.
Roman's such a natural cocky douche. I love it.
Roman does have a great resume!
I wonder if we really have seen the last of Taker in the ring. I expect we have, but I don't know.
I mean, hey, Joe was NXT Champion!
Oh I'm all for these four big hosses colliding. That would be a great way to get the title off Brock without him losing clean.
All this rage piling up.
This is pretty fun. Just imagine the chaos at Summerslam!
Yeah, I didn't expect Roman and Joe to work together for long.
And I didn't expect Braun to stay down long either!
Kurt's going to need a LOT more security. Looks like budget cuts are hurting there, too.
I really hope they do Joe, Roman, and Braun vs. the Raw roster in the main event.
That was cool overall.
- Elias promo:
Poor Samson had to break a guitar because of that dastardly Finn Balor!
Elias can definitely get heat.
- Finn vs. Elias:
Oh yeah, Balor's not too happy about the whole "guitar to the shoulder" thing.
Elias might need more than one guitar to win this one.
This is fine for what it is.
Samson's not a bad wrestler by any means.
Do NOT try a sunset flip on Finn Balor if you don't like being dropkicked.
Elias having a chair evens things up a bit.
This is pretty solid. Good story of targeting the shoulder.
Balor's full of energy. He works really hard.
Finn's going on a tear here.
LOTS of running kicks tonight.
Bray just saved Samson big time. I hope Elias is his disciple.
Fine to continue Finn/Bray.
- Post-match:
Bray's flexibility is impressive.
- Kurt/Emma:
Ah good ol' Curt Hawkins. The designated tackle dummy. Fine by me.
Uh-oh. Emma's about to get buried for her comments last week.
Emma is pretty great. I hope WWE finds a way to use her more.
- Show/Enzo:
Be careful with that, Enzo!
- Enzo promo:
They could easily substitute Show into Enzo's old intro with Cass.
I love this guy on the mic. He's always fired up.
Cass is NOT SAWFT. At least he doesn't hit sawft, as Enzo learned at GBOF.
- Enzo vs. Cass:
Enzo's got fire, but Cass is a mountain of a man.
Cass is just dismantling Enzo. He's a straightforward and efficient hoss.
Cass is just straight-up mean here.
Fine work!
- Post-match:
Enzo messed with the wrong dude.
Cass holding Enzo hostage!
We could see both Show and Khali in action at Summerslam it looks like. Both stories make sense, and Show putting Cass over is a good move.
This is effective to make Cass this generation's Big Show (along with Strowman). Or maybe Braun is more Kane given the Wyatt background?
- Alexa promo:
I love heel Alexa. I'm glad they're giving her a big run.
I love the shade!!
That was great.
- Emma vs. Nia:
Note, THIS is a burial. When a talent is specifically booked to send a lesson to them for something (in this case, Tweeting about not being on Raw), it's a punishment.
Hey, at least Emma did get on Raw!
Emma's definitely talented, but refusing to be Emmalina combined with last week's tweet probably means she's not going to get any kind of push. She better hope no "spring cleanings" are coming up.
Nia's another great talent.
That was an impressive ending!! Nia's put in a lot of work to not just be "The Rock's cousin."
- Tozawa/Titus:
Ha. Don't let a cruiser talk for too long! Get Titus out there dammit!!
I'd pop for Akira beating up a lot of doctors.
I like Akira's resolve.
- Tozawa/Neville/Ariya:
I love Akira's screams.
Neville working REALLY hard to be the centerpiece of everything.
Man, harsh words from the champ.
Akira not taking that lightly! You don't need a shoulder at 100% to do headbutts!
Yeah, be careful on that shoulder.
Ariya the opportunist!
Looks like Neville's got a new friend! Unless Daivari's suckering him in?
- Bayley/Sasha:
Sasha's cockiness on full display. I wouldn't expect her to turn heel unless someone else (Nia?) is going to take her place as a face to keep things even. Mickie's an option, but I would be surprised to see Dana get a push.
- Jordan interview:
This is a pretty big stage for Jason as a singles competitor. He and Gable are really talented, but they need a spotlight like this angle to get to show it.
I hope they do run with Jason as a face. He's good.
So, like, where are the foster parents in all of this? They're kind of getting pushed aside.
Good promo.
- Dean/Seth:
I'm surprised I'm actually not really looking forward to a Shield reunion. Dean's character has really suffered since they split, and Seth and Roman have eclipsed him as workers.
Wait, Seth's the architect! Let him come up with the plan!
Tortured loner Dean doesn't trust anyone. No one understands him, man!
- Bayley vs. Sasha:
This should be good.
These two know each other well, so they have each other scouted.
I'm loving the fast covers.
They're starting off well. I think Sasha can be heel again if they keep this up.
Quite the fight here. I love this match feeling really different from Enzo vs. Cass or the opening segment. It's more technical.
I love the Banks Statement and how Sasha makes it the centerpiece of her in-ring strategy.
I mean, this is really smooth.
Nice slaps and punches. Things have heated up now.
This is really good! Both of them clearly want to win. They started with holds and now it's about nailing that knockout blow.
That was a really good ending, since it could have gone either way and Bayley REALLY gutted through to survive the frog splash.
- Post-match:
I expect a triple threat or something. They've got to use The Boss in Brooklyn.
- Hawkins promo:
I like how self-aware everyone is about Curt. He plays confidence straight even though he's going to lose.
- Jordan vs. Hawkins:
Curt playing mind games. He's got a big opportunity to prove he's better than the son of a Hall of Famer.
I am going to miss American Alpha's amazing teamwork, but it's not like they were going anywhere on Smackdown with New Day as the top faces and Breezango getting regular TV time in the division, too.
This is solid enough.
Good first taste of Jason as a singles star. He's got the ability to be successful.
- Revival/Club:
Hahahahaha poor Charly.
I LOVE these two. They're great.
Man, these two are taking credit for a lot, huh?
I'm normally down on Karl and Luke, but they've been entertaining on Main Event.
I'm good with a face turn for the Club. Them as heels was really forced.
Funny enough.
- Revival vs. Club:
This is a fresh matchup. Glad to see these two teams working together.
Both teams are good workers.
Either team vs. Sheamus/Cesaro would be fun.
The Revival are a very refreshing tag team in a world of spotmonkey duos more focused on cool doubleteams than tag team wrestling.
I'm liking The Club as faces.
This is a good combination of styles. A nice brawl we got going on here.
This is going pretty well! Both teams work together well.
Hey, Hardys! Don't ruin this match!
Good to see The Revival get that win.
- Post-match:
How rude from Matt and Jeff!
- Miztourage backstage:
I'm glad Miz is still getting to show what he's capable of as a heel on Raw.
That was good. Miz is ridiculously underrated.
- Next week announcement:
Braun vs. Roman vs. Joe is going to be INSANE.
- Seth/Dean vs. Miztourage w/Maryse:
Haha Miz is such a natural cowardly heel.
Dean can be a good enough worker, even a fun one. Just don't have him do as much on the mic trying to be edgy.
Hey, at least Bo and Axel can say they're headlining Raw!
This is a showcase of Seth and Dean on Curtis and Bo. That's fine, since I've seen a LOT of Miz vs. Ambrose.
This is good so far.
Heck, Miz might need to expand his crew if he's going to win this one.
I like the heel tactics here.
Glad we are seeing some offense from Bo and Curtis. They don't get to be showcased much.
Miz is a really solid worker.
I want to see Miz mimic Angle SO badly.
This is going pretty well. I'm liking the action.
Dean can be fun in bursts.
This is going quite well, actually. There's a good story involved.
Ooooohhhhh that didn't look like a good fall for Bo.
Lots of backdrops here!
OK, that suicide dive spot was actually really cool.
Miz getting the surprise win after the dives would have been disappointing.
THAT was a cool ending. Seth and Dean work together pretty well. Not that that's a surprise.
- Post-match:
Good enough to continue Dean's paranoia.
More wrestling coming up.
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