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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Raw Reax - 7/17/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

- Ambrose/Seth/Miztourage:
Dean just doesn't click with me as a serious main eventer.

Real World burns are SSSSOOOOO old. That was 16 years ago!


Dean's THIS close to needing Moppy or Head.

Dean is totally what teenagers see as edgy. This is some Shadow the Hedgehog stuff.

Well at least Seth's apologizing and they're paying attention the past.

They have had quite the past.

Dean is SO lame.

Crazy that Miz is edgier than Dean Ambrose.

I love Miz working circles around Dean here.

The numbers game in full effect!

I'm glad Miz's crew got some heat on the two former WWE Champions instead of Seth and Dean just bowling them over.

That was cool. Miz is great.

- Bayley vs. Alexa:
I love how feisty Alexa is.


These two are solid workers. I'm glad they're getting to shine.

Good work so far.

Bayley is a hard worker.

Alexa and Nia are a great combination.

I suspect we're in for a four-way at Summerslam. Should be great!

Not bad to continue the build for August.

- Angle/Corey:
I'm trying to think of something ridiculous they could do here. Collusion with the Russians to get John Cena to be a free agent works for me.

They're going to tease this out all night.

- Titus Brand/Ariya:
Haha Titus still being positive!


- Gallagher/Mustafa vs. Gulak/Kendrick:
Random 205 Live tag match. It's hard to get involved with any of this when they just throw people out here in matches. The "people just want to see a bunch of good wrestling" argument is not panning out in the ratings.

I love the work here, but it's probably a niche thing.

Solid stuff, but none of this means anything. They're just here to fill time and promote tomorrow's show.

Fine for the time it had.

- Enzo/Cass/Show:
Enzo can definitely light up a room on the mic.

He's taking the fans on a journey here.

I love the trip down memory lane for the Enzo/Cass days.

See, Enzo took shots at Cass without burying him.

Enzo you gotta be careful whom you call SAWFT!

Enzo smart to get out of Dodge.

Show vs. Cass should be a fun hoss fight. Show's enjoyable in small doses.

I like where this is going.

- Roman interview:
THE BIG DOG. I like him in small stuff like this. Straightforward, but effective.

- Seth/Dean/Angle:
Who knew a Shield reunion would be so underwhelming? I guess Seth and Roman kind of covered for Dean when they were all a unit, although admittedly his character's changed since then.

That handicap match works for me. I wonder what everyone involved is doing at Summerslam. Miz vs. Dean vs. Seth?

- Elias promo:
I like Elias, but there's only so much they can do with him at this level.

- Elias vs. Finn:
It's going to be hard to believe Elias can beat someone as accomplished as Finn.

I like Samson's aggression.

Balor's pretty much lapping Samson here. He's got a big experience gap over Elias.

Pretty nice sitout powerbomb.

I wish they would have given Samson squash matches. He's talented, but out of his league.

I was wondering when that guitar would come in handy!

- Bray promo:
Bray's a weird dude. Also, where is he living now that the compound's been burned down?

I like Bray's gimmick being different from "I'm going to beat you and win some titles."

Finn vs. Bray works for me. Can Elias be a disciple? He might as well be.

- Angle/Bayley/Sasha:
This is one of the problems of having so much TV to fill. It's a long road to whatever they're doing at Summerslam, and they have to stretch it out.

Sasha vs. Bayley should be pretty good, but I expect Alexa and/or Nia to get involved before it gets TOO good.

- Revival promo:
Right? Those Attitude Era names brushing off the NXT guys!

I hope Scott and Dash get to another level after working with the Hardys.

- Tozawa vs. Ariya:
Wow. Akira trying to have a quick night. Is that Titus' teaching?

I like Daivari and his place in the division.

This is nice so far. I enjoy how they're working together.

Uh-oh. Akira's wounded.

Did they call an audible?

- Post-match:
Well that was pretty dramatic. Then again, Tozawa's always screaming.

- Angle reveal:
I'm pretty ready for this one to wrap up.

I hope this is worth the wait.

Uh-oh, Kurt. Sounds like trouble.

Interesting. I'm a little surprised they're doing an illegitimate son angle in 2017.

HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm actually OK with that. Jason's a really talented wrestler. I'm sure the Internet's going to flip at him having a mixed-race son, though.

- Hardys vs. Revival:
The Revival have a big fight on their hands with these two.

This is a good combination of styles.

Matt and Jeff have still got it, 5,000 ladder bumps later.

I love the old school tactics of The Revival.

Matt's leg is going to need a steel bar like Jeff's if this keeps on.

I like Matt as the face in peril.

Fine tag team action here.

The Revival are going to really be something special if they don't get pushed aside for someone else.

That was good. Sometimes high risk doesn't pay off!

- Joe interview:
I'm glad they're letting Joe be Joe here.

Both men have had some impressive paths since Mania.

This should be good!

- Tozawa/Titus:
I like Akira not taking any shit.

That was good. Tozawa's showing some agency.

- Reigns vs. Joe:
I like a hoss battle. Joe's like a lightning tank.

Nice fight so far.

Joe always brings the fight. Glad he's getting this big of a stage.

This is nice.

I do think Roman relies too much on a couple big spots, but the same could be said for a lot of musicians playing the same few hits at every concert.

Both men are good workers.

I like what these two bring out of each other.

Braun Strowman is not staying down long.

Oh, Strowman's pissed about the whole ambulance into a semi thing.

I love a big monster heel.

NICE big choke from Joe.

I loved the counter to the spinebuster from the Superman Punch.

I'm really enjoying Braun as a monster.

Man. Reigns really pissed off the wrong guy.

Roman's lucky Braun decided that was enough! Who the heck would have stopped Strowman?

More wrestling coming up.

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