Matt Hardy needed nine stitches after his match at GBOF. That actually ended up working good for him, since they tied it into the broken references on Raw.
WWE 2K18 will be available on Nintendo Switch. Nintendo consoles haven't had WWE games in six years, so that will hopefully mean even more revenue for WWE from the project.
WWE Network has added the majority of ECW on Sci-Fi episodes with minimal changes resulting from licensing issues. The WWE vs. ECW special from June 2006 is included in this batch, spanning all the way to March 2009. The final 50 episodes will be added later this summer.
WWE promoted ICW's event later this month, where Pete Dunne will defend the UK Championship against Trent Seven, Wolfgang, and BT Gunn, and Noam Dar will be in tag team action. That's pretty cool. I expect the ICW/PROGRESS licensing deal will be announced later this month.
WWE has signed a new multi-year agreement to continue airing Raw and Smackdown in a number of European countries. The shows will be available on WWE Network with French commentary. I'm sure this will be a talking point at the stockholder meeting in a few weeks, as well.
Alberto El Patron was detained by police in an Orlando airport for a reported domestic violence battery incident. Not good news. At all.
- In presumably unrelated news, Alberto also missed a recent independent booking in Texas. This week has seen some really concerning behavior from the GFW Champion.
- Paige released two tweets regarding the incident, presenting her side of the events and asking for herself and Alberto to be left alone.
- TMZ released audio of the incident, where Alberto alleges Paige assaulted him and he will be pressing charges. No reference to the events in Paige's tweets in that clip. Police are still investigating.
- Alberto has returned to Texas without Paige. GFW is investigating the incident internally. I'd like for the two sides to stay apart and focus on their wrestling careers, but we'll see whether that happens.
Dean Ambrose cut a promo putting Texas over after Raw. No dark match.
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. If he no longer needs it to help with an injury, I don't see much reason to keep wearing it. His look is important.
1. If he no longer needs it to help with an injury, I don't see much reason to keep wearing it. His look is important.
2. WWE does those things to get people who aren't normally wrestling fans to get eyes on the product. People who are already die-hard wrestling fans are already following the show, so they try to do things to grow the audience beyond that core group.
3. Bobby Fish is a free agent, so he can work ROH or NXT or wherever. The angle is Cena has a WWE contract, but it's not exclusive to Raw or Smackdown. I mean, hell, I'm sure both brands are glad to have him on their show on a per-date basis.
4.a. Because it's not believable for Lana, who pretty much just started training to wrestle, to beat someone as accomplished as Naomi. They're mostly just throwing Lana into the mix to tie into Total Divas.
b. Smackdown already has Jinder, Owens, Ziggler, and Corbin as heels. Hard to incorporate Rusev into that, too. If they start using him more, they might have to put one of those other names on the backburner and that will lead to complaints about how THOSE names are booked. SO, WWE has to choose which names are going to be spotlighted.
c. I do think Rusev's haircut affects how fearsome he looks.
5. I wouldn't think that would play out in court. If anything, it gave WWE plenty of publicity for Wrestlemania 23!
More wrestling tomorrow.
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