Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
-- NXT:
- Gargano entrance:
Clever to show he's moved on from #DIY.
- Gargano vs. Mendoza:
Oh how I've missed Johnny Wrestling.
Fun cruiserweight match so far.
NICE counter to Raul flying off the turnbuckles.
- Ellering promo:
Authors vs. SAnitY is going to be one to watch. I can't wait!
That was pretty good. I've really liked Paul being paired with the Authors.
- Asuka/Ember:
This should be a really great match.
If Asuka does make it out of Brooklyn with the title, I really wonder who's going to take it from her. I'm all for her moving up to the main roster undefeated so the MYC winner can be the next champion.
I like Ember here. Glad she's back on track.
Hahaha heel Asuka is great.
I like Ember not backing down.
Asuka's gone on quite a tear.
I'm looking forward to Brooklyn.
- Roode/Strong:
Ha. I love smug dick Bobby Roode.
Drew vs. Roode should be really good as well.
I wonder what's next for Roddy.
Does Strong get involved in the Brooklyn main event? He doesn't look happy to be off the card.
- Profits video:
Videos like this to preview talents are needed on the main roster instead of just debuting someone who was a big deal somewhere else.
I love the interaction with the crowd.
- Deville vs. Jenna:
I'm liking Sonya's MMA background.
This is good so far.
Man, Sonya destroyed her.
- Hideo/Black:
I like Itami grabbing the brass ring. Maybe he can face Roddy in Brooklyn?
Itami vs. Black would be pretty sick.
Ha. No one's going to trip Aleister up like that.
- Black vs. O'Reilly:
ROHaitch in full effect! I figured the former ROH World Champion would get more hype, but I guess they're saving that for Adam Cole.
I'm loving the feeling out here.
This is cool as hell. Both men are legit.
I love what these two bring to the table.
Aleister is quickly becoming one of my favorite wrestlers. I'm glad he's here instead of on the UK brand.
This is really hard-hitting. I like it.
Kyle's a tough dude.
I mean, this is a real battle. And it's just Kyle's first NXT match! I'm excited for more from reDRagon.
Both men are really good at what they do.
OK, the cartwheel wasn't my cup of tea. It felt really out of place.
This is an absolute battle. Wow.
We're a long way from the Lucky Cannon/Eli Cottonwood days.
I love both men's talents being on full display.
Strikes and submissions pretty much always get me excited.
Both men have a lot going for them as wrestlers. Wow.
I'm so glad to see reDRagon again.
Kyle's holds are awesome.
This is really, really good.
ROH Slayer Aleister Black. Is Adam Cole next?? Great match.
-- ROH:
- WOH:
It's the Maria Kanellis Classic!! I'm grateful for a break from flippy tag teams.
- Commentary:
This is like a throwback to Vince being on commentary.
- Sakai vs. Wolf:
Nice fight to start things off.
I'm liking Kris already. I hope we see more of her.
Sumie's a solid worker, too.
This is going pretty well. Both women are good workers.
I'm liking the back and forth here.
I'm starting to think we need a WOH show more often.
Good pinning war.
- Silas/Bruiser:
Hahahahaa Silas doesn't take WOH shows off!
I do like how much they're selling Silas vs. Lethal for their rematches. They'll face off in the UK.
- Jenny vs. M. Leon:
Talk about a mirror match!!
Glad this is heating up.
Not bad at all so far.
This is going pretty well.
Solid work.
Nice Lotus Lock spot.
This is going well with all the back and forth.
Not bad at all! Good work from both women.
- Taylor/Webb:
I'm going to kind of miss Rebellion, but hopefully they're going to do better things now.
- King promo:
Kenny vs. KUSHIDA should be pretty good.
- Klein vs. Karen Q vs. Deonna:
Hahaha I like Kelly already.
Oh yay more handspring moves.
Deonna's got quite the role being able to appear in NXT, GFW, and ROH.
Solid work here.
All three ladies are doing good work.
Nice counter to the head scissors.
There's some pretty good psychology going on here. Kelly is clearly the heel the others want to work against.
Cool double suplex spot.
Deonna's impressive. Heck, all of them are.
Nice Boston Crab spot.
And a cool counter to the front face lock, too.
That was all really solid! I'd like to see more WOH matches.
More wrestling coming up.
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