Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown and 205 Live.
-- Smackdown:
- AJ/Owens/Shane:
AJ didn't build the Smackdown house. He might have added a chimney or something, but the house was being built when he was NWA Champion.
Ha. Now pretty much every U.S. Champion is going to have to tease an open challenge.
It's not a very open challenge if you turn down an opponent!
OH MY GOD they're still referencing Survivor Series 1997. Is Bret on the writing team??
Shane's pretty nonplussed about Kevin's complaints.
They FINALLY referenced the helicopter crash.
I love Owens thinking he's a conspiracy victim. Shades of Y2J.
Kevin plays the whiner role so well. I see the Bret comparisons more in that sense.
Profanity is SO cheap.
Oh this will be fun. If Kevin had any friends, that'd come in handy.
Wait, can Kevin pick himself as ref? That'd be absurd, but possibly entertaining.
- Bryan/Singhs/Jinder:
Wow, Bryan. That's rude.
I was wondering when the Singhs would get to wrestle on Smackdown. This could be a mess.
- Owens/Zayn:
Oh yeah like Sami's going to trust Kevin just like that. This is a Seth/Dean situation.
Kevin's such a manipulator.
Nice plug for the DVD.
HAHAHAHAH that shot at Sami's lack of success. Kevin's banter game is strong.
I hope we're not in for the 9,000th Sami/Owens feud. There's only so much to do between them.
- English/Roode:
I really want to see an Aiden/R-Truth tag team. Or Aiden/Elias. It's a natural combination.
Now THAT'S something you can sing along with.
- Aiden vs. Roode:
Hard to not love Bobby Roode. He's so fun.
I like English wanting to be a bigger star than Bobby.
I'm liking Roode's offense here. I'm mostly just excited he's getting a chance to be a bigger star.
English is getting in more offense than I expected! Heck, he's doing better than Rusev did against Orton.
I love Aiden getting to do something other than job in two minutes.
Roode's definitely still got it at age 40.
That was a lot of fun.
- Post-match:
I'm excited for his future. Interesting to use him as a face, but I'm good with getting to mix it up with Owens, Jinder, Rusev, and Corbin.
It pays to be Roode!!
- Bryan/Gable/Shelton:
I know, right? Chad didn't get any say in Jason moving!
Glad Shelton finally made it back to WWE. I don't know how far the new team will be able to make it in this division, but I like the idea of Benjamin taking Chad under his wing.
- Owens/Sami:
How could Zayn be so heartless??
- H. Bros vs. Usos:
Ahhhh I love Mojo.
Fun work so far.
Nice tag work here.
Mojo has like three moves but he's got the power of HYPE in his corner.
That was fun! The Usos established themselves there.
- Post-match:
I'm ready for a new team feud. I guess Gable and Shelton will be coming for the titles.
- Shinsuke vs. Singhs:
This is going to be a massacre.
Haha they don't stand a chance!
I'm liking this dominance so far.
Pretty quick showcase.
I hope they don't prove to be Shinsuke's downfall AGAIN. He needs a show of force here.
The Bollywood Men making the most of Shinsuke's distraction.
Pretty good!
- Post-match:
Jinder hindered again. He's keeping the title by the skin of his teeth.
- Owens/Breezango/Corbin:
Fashion referees would be fun.
Breezango is hilarious.
Oh, so Baron is still a thing. For now.
That was good enough.
- Natalya/Carmellsworth:
OH MY GOD enough with the Bret Hart references. He has enough of an ego already.
Nice heeling of Naomi from the new champ.
I missed Carmellsworth!!
This is pretty good. Carmella and Ellsworth are more compelling than they were apart.
Fun enough.
- Becky/Naomi vs. Natalya/Carmella:
Hahahaa I love Carmella's heel work.
Good wrestling early.
Natalya and Becky always work together well.
This is all solid!
I'm glad Natalya won. She's pretty good when they let her be important.
Hahha why would Carmella help the champ out? If Natalya gets destroyed, the Princess of Staten Island can cash in!
Poor Natalya at a disadvantage here.
That was pretty fun. I wouldn't have blamed Carmella for completely bailing, though.
- Ziggler interview:
OK, this is actually pretty funny.
Making Dolph actually interesting as a person would be cool. I hope he does all those things at once. Hell, make him an astronaut or something. Pretty much anything is better than his current (non-)character.
- Lana/Tamina:
I bet Rusev wishes Lana was still helping him out after that Summerslam loss.
This is actually pretty good.
I'm for this angle.
- AJ/Corbin:
I like AJ's confidence.
- Owens vs. AJ:
Classic Kevin Owens taking his time.
I love how these two work together. I am ready for them to move on, though.
Good spot to send them into break.
Pretty fun so far!!
I like Owens wearing the flashier man down.
I'm liking AJ's momentum.
These two keep raising the bar with the counters to key moves.
Hahaha Corbin could have used some lessons before becoming a ref.
Haha I love Kevin framing AJ for shoving Corbin. Genius heel move.
Fun stuff here.
Oh come on Shane! Let the ref do his job!!
HAHAHAHAHA Owens taking advantage of the ref arguing.
Shane is hardly impartial here!
Wow, Shane. I thought Kevin could pick his own ref??
Good match to continue to build to Kevin vs. Shane.
-- 205 Live:
- Gulak/Nese promo:
I like this combination.
HAHAHAHA Nese is great. He's like a PG Big Poppa Pump.
- Cedric/Metalik vs. Nese/Gulak:
Nese is pretty fun.
Good action early.
Solid work here. I like how each side works together.
Metalik is pure energy. I like it.
I like the story of Gran using his speed and athleticism against his larger opponents.
I love Gran's flying.
Heck, everyone here's pretty good.
Lots of fun action.
Lots of crazy dives here!
Pretty fun overall. I'm more lenient of some spot matches in WWE because they have a higher ratio of matches that aren't this style.
- Titus/Tozawa:
Titus turning on Akira for disobeying him would be an interesting direction if they want to take it.
- Gentleman's Duel:
I like Jack's gimmick. It's a shame a lot of babyfaces play this kind of thing straight.
I like Gallagher being fired up. He's definitely not just a gimmick.
2017 Kendrick would hate 2002 Kendrick or GFW-era Kendrick.
Imagine finally getting a break to be on a WWE show and you're playing a nameless clown. That's better than not getting a chance at all, though!
Jack's not pleased with this turn of events.
Wow. How many weapons is he going to not use?
Brian suckered Jack pretty well there!!
That was fun.
Hopefully next week wraps this one up. Feuds have a tendency to go forever here.
- TJP/Swann:
Imagine playing video games when you could be watching for flaws in your future opponents during their matches.
TJP plays the smug guy well.
Fun enough segment.
Good enough to continue the feud.
- Neville vs. Tozawa:
I like this one early. Each man has beaten the other, so they're playing a different game than if this was any old match.
Nice start.
Good action between these two.
I love Tozawa's chops and strikes.
Neville taking advantage of the ref getting involved was great.
Both men are good.
I love the work on the arm.
I think Neville's grown as a competitor since he was "guy who does the Red Arrow" on Raw.
Neville more than happy to take the countout win.
Man. Tozawa just can't get the suicide dive here.
Oh... spoke too soon!
Solid action from both men.
I like each man getting a crotching spot.
NICE counter to the superplex. That would be been a good ending.
Neville's really bringing it.
They're telling quite the story here.
I'm loving all the fast pinning combinations. It's either man's match.
Ahhhh that senton would have done it, I think.
Great match!! I guess that's all we're getting of this feud.
- Post-match:
Same as it ever was here on 205 Live!!
OH THANK GOD. This show really needs a boost in personality.
As much as I love Enzo on Raw, he can do more here than he can as a singles star there.
This should be a fun feud. Enzo will eat him up on the mic.
More wrestling coming up.
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