Read on for my thoughts on last night's ROH iPPV.
- Page vs. King:
This is a good place to start. I hope both men are destined for good things.
I like how this one's starting.
Page goes back and forth between serious ass-kicker to another flippy guy, which is a real shame, because the Hangman gimmick is great.
The eye poke was pretty funny, though.
Spitting is just gross. Other people have to use that ring!!
King's solid. It's cliche to hope someone ends up in NXT at some point, but I wouldn't complain!
This is going well.
Not bad to continue to establish Kenny. I still hope Page has something going for him.
- Ultimo/Bucanero vs. Mistico/Titan:
I think this is the first time ROH has done a match exclusively of CMLL names facing off.
Ultimo catching Titan was cool.
This is pretty fun. It's a nice change of pace.
That Bronco buster spot was unreal! I'm really liking Ultimo.
I'm liking this! It's a lot of flying, but it feels fresh compared to what ROH usually has.
That was pretty good! I'm all for Ultimo.
- Lethal vs. Bodom:
Oh God we're already at the diving part of the match.
Uuggghhhh both guys are doing flippy moves. We needed something different after the lucha bout.
Both men are talented. I've just had my fill of the typical Jay Lethal match.
These two can definitely go.
Just.... dives and flashy moves everywhere.
This is definitely a good story of a lot of action.
NICE Figure Four spot.
Ha. Silas has had about enough of this.
Nice fake endings off Silas' distraction.
Good ending.
- Lethal/Silas/Bodom:
Well at least Silas waited for the match to be over!
Ha. Lethal getting sonned by The Last Real Man in Wrestling.
That was pretty good overall.
- Bully/Briscoes vs. EVIL/BUSHI/Naito:
I like LOS.
This is fun already.
HAHAHA Bully doesn't play!!
Wow. Bully's motivated here.
This is a lot of fun.
OH GOD I'm always squeamish when it comes to eyes.
Good story so far.
I'm liking the teamwork from both sides.
Based LOS.
I love the heelish antics.
This is solid. Bully is a good addition to things.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA stealing the signature Dudleys spot.
Mist is always fun.
That was really good! I would have gone crazy if we got another highspot match in that spot on the card.
- Silas vs. Haskins:
This is nice early on.
I really want to see Bully vs. Silas at some point.
OUCH. That was a sick punt.
I'm liking Haskins already!!
REALLY good apron powerbomb spot.
Silas' style is a breath of fresh air in ROH.
Haskins is good.
Wow. Impressive wristlock spot.
I'm loving the submission work.
That's not very sportsmanlike, Lethal!!
Mostly good. Haskins is solid, so I'm not too upset at Silas losing.
- More Lethal/Silas:
I hope we're headed to a Fight Without Honor here.
- KUSHIDA vs. Castle vs. Scurll vs. Hiromu:
Well this is weird as hell.
WHY HIROMU WHHHYYYYY???? You heartless bastard!!
Pretty impressive work going on so far.
I'd actually like a little more comedy in wrestling. This is fun.
I'm liking how everyone's doing their thing here.
I'm glad the Boys were there to save Dalton!!
This is picking up really well!!!
KUSHIDA vs. Scurll is REALLY good. I could watch more between them.
Nice stereo Germans.
Damn you, Hangman Page!!!
Kind of a clunky ending sequence. I normally like a lot of shenanigans, but sometimes less is more.
- Bucks vs. Addiction:
Let's get right to the spots!!
I mean, this is all impressive, but I think it cuts the seriousness of the feud.
Lots of big action here.
Good Sharpshooter spot.
This is wild! A lot of things going on.
Nice double Sharpshooter.
I'm liking the fight breaking out.
These guys obviously work together a lot, so they do each other's moves and such. I like it.
INSANE double popup powerbomb spot. Jesus.
Pretty fun.
- Cody vs. SANADA:
Haha. I like Cody sticking it to the fans.
Nice feeling out here.
NICE counter to the Disaster Kick.
I love the old school heel antics.
Ha. Even a member of LOS is fed up with Cody here.
I'm loving the runaround. Such a cowardly heel.
Nice use of Riccaboni.
This is great. I'm loving Cody in ROH.
Cody can be a mean dude. I like it.
Is it "bump Ian Riccaboni day" in the UK or something??
Glad this is heating up now. Stalling eventually gets old.
This is going well. Both men are good.
I'm liking both men here.
OH MAN. Cody spit on the wrong guy.
Uh-oh. He's going to regret doing that to the ref.
Poor ref! Almost as bad as Ian getting clobbered.
GENIUS spot for the fake pinfall.
And even more genius to use Bryan's finisher after Bryan's Twitter remark.
I hope we do see Cody vs. Bryan IF Bryan isn't putting himself in serious jeopardy health-wise.
This is really good!
Solid ending sequence.
- Post-match:
Interesting to jump right to Cody vs. Castle. I'm looking forward to that, though. It's time for Dalton to get a shot at that level.
Hahaha Cody's having a blast. WWE's loss, definitely.
Pretty good ending to the show.
More wrestling coming up.
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