Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.
-- NXT:
- SAnitY/Authors:
Cross says more with screams than some workers do in a whole promo!
SAnitY might just be crazy and vicious enough to dethrone the champions.
I'm liking this attack.
Man, SAnitY is just downright sadistic.
Hell, they probably NEED to decimate one guy to stand a chance.
Rezar's not going to let that zip tie stop him! This dude's a badass.
I'm liking this a lot.
That was good to give SAnitY a fighting chance at Takeover. Should be a WAR.
- Profits video:
I think these guys will do well in Full Sail.
- Billie/Peyton/Ruby:
Are Billie and Peyton trying to be the next Bellas?
Yeah, I'm ready for the Aussies to do something new.
- Metros vs. Profits:
Dawkins is technically sound.
This isn't bad so far.
The Profits show some good teamwork. They've got potential in the ring, and obviously have the personality to make a more complete act.
- Regal/McIntyre/Roode:
Countdown until Strong appears.
I like Roode's arrogance.
Bobby absolutely looks like a star here.
Good contrast here with Drew the rebel fighting for the fans against the arrogant corporate shill.
Nice line about the Chosen One vs. The One.
Drew's one hell of a worker, too. This should be special.
Man. Roddy's not backing down!!
I'm curious how Strong will fit into all of this.
I love Roode putting his opponent in that situation.
Weird to set things up like that. I'd rather see Roddy have a squash in Brooklyn and challenge the winner of the main event.
Good segment, but pretty clunky setup. The focus should be on Drew and Roode.
- Gargano promo:
NXT has a lot of talented people who aren't doing anything at Takeover. I guess it's a good problem to have that deep of a roster.
- Oney vs. Burch:
I like some straight-up grappling.
This is nice in the earlygoing.
Impressive work!
This is a good story so far.
I'd be more than OK with Oney going to 205 Live to shake things up a bit there.
I'm glad Burch is back in NXT after his previous run didn't work out.
Nice nod to the Tower of London.
Pretty good match.
Tower of London should probably be a finisher. It's that impactful.
Both men have pretty solid bases.
This is a big fight. I'm enjoying it.
I'm liking the holds being used here.
Nice ending to surprise Lorcan.
- Post-match:
I guess we're in for Oney turning heel.
Fine enough to continue whatever they're building.
- Almas vs. Jose:
I like Andrade's mind games.
Jose's pretty fun, although he's kind of stalled in NXT.
Almas is pretty fun, too, in a different way.
Haha Vega's not someone to take lightly!!
Good action so far.
Jose's pretty solid.
Both men are pretty good.
Impressive finisher. Almas going back to what he used as Sombra there.
- Post-match:
I like Zelina as a manager.
That was good! Vega really adds to Almas' act. He was already a pretty solid worker, but having a mouthpiece well help him stand out for more than his in-ring work.
-- ROH:
- Opening video:
They've definitely set the stage for a big match on this show.
This is a big show for Daniels. Where does he go from here? Have we seen the last of him as a title contender.
I like Cody acknowledging his big matches elsewhere.
I hope Cody has been good for PPV business. He adds something ROH has really needed.
YES! ROH is absolutely holding ROH back. They're content to be a "boutique" promotion that's a showcase for NJPW and CMLL.
- Addiction promo:
Well this is kind of out of nowhere.
I do find it funny ROH fans booed two of the most prominent ROH names left.
Hey, the ROH fans make me sick, too, Kaz!
Yeah, it's been a weird few months with Cody entering the title picture.
I don't blame Addiction for being pissed at the ROH fans. For all they bitch and moan about WWE, they showed they'd rather see a sports entertainer than two guys who only made a handful of WWE appearances in their careers.
Are we seeing Daniels' final two years as a wrestler? I could see him getting a HHH role of mostly working backstage but coming back for big matches.
That was pretty good.
- Silas/Bruiser/Lethal:
This has been a good old school angle.
It's been a nice break to not have Lethal on the show. I'm not even mad.
I like Lethal's aggression here.
Oh, this is personal.
Is he going to be fined for attacking security? You can't do that in most jobs!
How long until the fans turn on Lethal, too??
- Cody vs. Daniels:
-- Fall One:
I like this one early. It feels like a really big match.
Daniels is an absolutely invaluable presence with his years of experience.
I like Daniels trying to wear Cody down. This is a long match, and Cody's got the youth advantage.
I'm enjoying daniels in charge here.
I like the homages to other family members.
I don't think Okada's a Rhodes, but that was a good homage to the G1 feud.
I'd be fine with this having 25,000 run-ins now that the ref's down.
HAHAHAHAH I love both men hitting low blows.
The ref's done.
Yes! Interference!!
This is pretty good.
Ahhh... the ref got Daniels there.
Nice ending.
-- Fall Two:
Kind of a stretch to not immediately go to the second fall, but I liked it.
I'm glad this is getting a lot of time.
Daniels has a long road ahead of him if he's going to get the title back here.
Man. Daniels is struggling to even things up.
Good work here.
WHOA! I haven't seen a sweep like that in a long time outside of the Grand Championship.
More wrestling coming up.
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