Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown and 205 Live.
-- Smackdown:
- Cena/Corbin/Bryan:
I can't say I expected "John Cena puts over former NJPW headliner clean" to be a story not just once but several times in the past few years.
I like Cena a lot more than I used to. I guess it's because he's not pushed as hard and they don't have him making as many bad jokes, etc.
I like Cena putting Shinsuke over instead of just moving right on like it didn't even matter.
Pretty good promo.
It's refreshing to have a character like Corbin not care about "five-star matches."
Glad Corbin wants to be on the big stage, too.
What the hell is a skinny fat Dumpster fire? Like, the fire doesn't work out? I'm confused.
Baron not letting John get in his head.
Dumpster Fire match at Summerslam???
How weird is it Cena didn't have a match until two weeks before Summerslam? I'm OK with it. He's a part-timer now.
- Usos vs. Dillinger/Zayn:
Glad to see Tye in action some more.
I like the teamwork from the heels.
This is pretty fun.
I'm liking what everyone's doing here.
Fun enough opening match so far.
Nice ending sequence to beat two talented guys.
- Post-match:
Nice. New Day taking this seriously. As much fun as the trash talk was, this is more intense now.
They definitely don't want any part of those chairs!
- Orton interview:
Randy better watch out for Matchka Out of Nowhere!
I like the idea of Jinder and Rusev working together on something of an informal basis. Jinder needs to be presented as a big top guy, though.
- Fashion Peaks:
I love this kind of thing. More sports entertainment, damn it!
This is something else.
I can't say I expected Arn Anderson to be involved in this!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Good to have something to break up all the serious wrestling segments.
- Lana/Tamina:
Haha Lana basically throwing shade on Tamina. Fun enough.
- Charlotte vs. Lana:
Charlotte is way out of Lana's league.
Lana is still pretty basic as a former actress now wrestling.
This is OK for Lana's experience level.
Welp, that was effective at showing Charlotte's a game competitor.
- Shane/Owens/AJ:
I like the bickering here.
Kevin realizes he's got to be on Shane's good side if he wants to be champion again.
Hahaha. As tired as Montreal Screwjob references are, that one was actually pretty clever.
I LOVE Kevin bringing up the history between AJ and Shane.
I'd watch Shane fight either (or both?) of these guys. He's still got a few big matches in him.
HAHAHA Kevin knows his WWE history!
Kevin's banter is top-notch.
God, Kevin can just blow EVERYONE out of the water. They need a collection of his best burials.
Hahahah Owens suckered AJ right into that one!
- Lana/Tamina:
Wait, did Tamina not watch the match?
I mean, hey, I can live with a Lana/Tamina feud.
Did Tamina just insinuate she's not a good wrestler? That's kind of funny.
- Carmella vs. Naomi:
Fine start.
Good work so far.
Carmella's getting better. She makes the most of what she does have.
Heck, this is better than I expected it to be.
Naomi's pretty solid.
Carmella's got some natural athleticism that's helping mask her inexperience.
James Ellsworth renting Hornswoggle's old space!
I'm just glad Carmellsworth is a thing again!
- Carmellsworth/Natalya:
I'm glad Ellsworth is around again. He adds some fun and levity to things.
Fun enough. I don't think I'm ready for Carmella to cash in, but it can be done.
- Shinsuke interview:
It's been a great journey for the King of Strong Style. I hope some more great NJPW workers make the jump at some point.
Last week was a really special moment in wrestling.
I'm excited for Nakamura's future. They're going to have to be careful in how they book Summerslam.
- Jinder vs. Orton:
Nice work to start.
I like the physicality involved. Jinder's due an ass-kicking after so many shady wins.
Randy's just about kicking his ass at this point.
These two have some really clear similarities in the ring. Jinder will be lucky to have the run Randy's had. That should be his goal, at least, minus the injuries and suspensions.
Orton would probably be OK with being DQ'd for putting him through the announce table. The title's not on the line; Randy's just going to punish him.
Good physical action here.
I'm liking this a good deal.
I like the Khallas being sold like a big deal. Ditto for the RKO.
Jinder winning with the rollup there would have been GENIUS.
That was a NICE ending. I think this was a way of Randy "getting his heat back" after all the losses to Mahal. It was presented as a surprise win, so I don't think it really hurts Jinder if he rebounds after this.
- Post-match:
I bet Jinder wishes Rusev would have done that a little earlier to save him from losing! Also, RUSEV OUTTA NOWHERE!!
-- 205 Live:
- Nese vs. Cedric:
Fine basic action to start.
Ha. I love the dueling poses.
Fine athleticism.
That was a cool spot on the ropes into the gutbuster.
I like Nese's personality on display in his action.
Good back-and-forth here.
I'm liking this work!
This is really solid.
NICE countering.
That was a lot of fun. Two great athletes showing what they can do.
- Nese promo:
Haha Nese throwing shade and Cedric all at once!!
- Kendrick/Gallagher:
Brian is so self-serving. I love it.
Jack getting more serious adds something new to his feud.
Haha Brian cares more about winning than Jack getting brutal with him.
This one's not over!
- Dar promo:
I like this side of Noam.
Pretty funny. Noam's solid.
- Noam vs. M. Thomas:
Mark not taking too kindly to Noam's remarks!!
I'm liking the physicality!
Nice enough.
- Graves/Tozawa/Neville:
Poor Akira barely gets to talk!
Neville's reign is starting to run a little long for my tastes. He needs a new direction.
They could at least play off Neville and Graves as tag team partners in NXT.
Yeah, I'm ready for a new champion.
Glad Akira's getting fired up here.
That wasn't bad overall, but Tozawa's only so good of a speaker and this didn't really improve things. Very bland if anything.
- Swann vs. TJP:
Good feeling out to start.
This is heating up well.
Pretty solid work so far.
I like this not JUST being cool flips. Both men can do more.
Nice counter to the bow-and-arrow.
This is going pretty well!
I like how athletic Swann is. He's got a lot going for him.
Pretty good flying around.
I'm loving how well they have each other scouted.
That finishing sequence was AMAZING.
- Post-match:
I can see TJP's attitude being grating.
We'll see how "friendly" things will be going forward.
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