Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Miztourage/Angle:
Wow, Angle taking charge already.
Man, Miz isn't going to slip anything by Angle!
I like this back-and-forth. It's a shame we probably won't get Angle vs. Miz. That would be fun.
Nice segment to set up an important title match.
- Battle royal:
There's consecutive loss number 111 for Hawkins! He's on a roll!
I'm getting flashbacks to ShoMiz. Show's the guy to beat.
I like the idea of Bo and Curtis helping their boy out. If they win, they can just lay down and help Miz retain.
Nice work so far.
Ha. Elias is almost as unpopular as Hawkins.
OH SHIT That Club tease.
Wow, Jordan. The Hardys were your tag partners at Summerslam!
I'm liking Bo and Curtis doing Miz's dirty work.
They've done some good stories here.
These matches are almost always fun.
So much for Goldust getting gold again.
Wow. Elias is going far.
I like the chicanery from the Club.
Miz clearly doesn't want to face Finn or Jeff.
I'm loving a good long battle royal.
Lots of action here.
Jeff vs. Balor should be a lot of fun when it happens in longer form. I see clear similarities there.
I was wondering when Bray would show up! Why didn't Angle put him in the match to begin with???
Bray's so petty. I love it.
Jordan's doing pretty well here.
That was cool. No shame in Jeff going as far as he did.
- Alexa interview:
I love Bliss' arrogance.
Alexa going all out on Sasha here.
That was good. Bliss has IT.
- Enzo promo:
Enzo has no sympy for his injured former partner.
I hope this gets more people to watch 205 Live. It REALLY needed something new happening. I wish Enzo would have worked his way up to the title picture (with Tozawa not getting such a short reign), but WWE clearly wants to go for broke.
- Enzo vs. Dar:
Nice back and forth so far.
Noam's a lot better in longer matches.
Fun for an intro to Enzo in the division. I hope they have a longer match on 205 Live soon.
- Neville interview:
I'm starting to wish Neville would get Brock's schedule. He's hit rock bottom with his gimmick and keeps... on.... digging.
- Brock/Heyman:
I'd pop for Heyman joining Brock's antics entering the ring.
I LOVE Heyman putting Braun over. Strowman needs to be protected as a beast.
I'm REALLY excited for this clash.
Again, great to hear Braun put over like this instead of corny jokes and catchphrases.
Brock vs. Braun is Godzilla vs. King Kong levels of epic.
I'm so hype I'm OK with them continuing to run Suplex City into the ground.
- Rollins vs. Cesaro:I DIED at Cesaro teasing The Shield gesture. I'm coming around on his personality.
Rollins fired up as always.
A lot of action going on already.
I like the tag partners' involvement here. It's not just about how impressive the action between the wrestlers is. They're in the ring to tell a story.
Good work here.
I'm liking seeing what Cesaro can do.
Cesaro's impressive!
Wow. This is really solid.
All kinds of action here!
OH SHIT I didn't think we'd see the buckle bomb again. They're going all out!
That was a lot of fun.
- Post-match:
Sheamus and Dean are going to have a tough time topping that one.
- Sheamus vs. Ambrose:
I think Sheamus has been underutilized in the past few years in the turnover to the NXT Era.
Nice stretch muffler spot.
WOW. We're getting to see a lot from Sheamus we don't usually get to see.
Nice back-and-forth.
Dean's style works for him. It's fun in small doses.
I'm really enjoying this!!
I even liked the rebound clothesline.
Fun action at ringside.
Oh, Man. I was hoping Sheamus would get the win. Good work, though.
- Emma/Mickie:
I'm glad Emma is getting TV time, even if it means she's losing a lot. I imagine some of the "credit" has to go to Bayley's injury.
This awkward dancing around Paige's part in Emma starting the revolution.
Fun enough with all the buzzwords.
- Mickie vs. Emma:
Nice stuff early. I'm glad Mickie's back; I wish we saw her more.
It's a shame this one was so quick. Both women are talented.
- Post-match:
I'm guessing it's now kayfabe that Emma started the revolution by herself. Kind of like how Wrestlemania XX doesn't have a world title match.
- Angle/Cena/Roman/Club:
This could be a really big milestone for WWE as we continue to progress into the NXT Era. Yes, I'm going to keep using that term until it sticks.
I like Cena just deciding he's coming to Raw to face Roman because he's important enough to do that that kind of thing.
I really like Roman not letting Cena steal his thunder by cutting a promo uninterrupted.
What happens if Cena decides Roman doesn't have "it" like allegedly happened with Corbin? They've invested a lot into THE BIG DOG.
I'm all in for cocky Roman. It's MUCH better than Tater Tots Roman.
OOOOOHHHHHHH that putdown of not needing to fight Cena.
Oh you know a segment's a "shoot" when someone says "heel turn." I hate when they throw references like that in there just to make things seem "real."
OH MAN Big Banter John is KILLING this. Remember this next time someone says John "couldn't hang with Rock on the mic." He was handcuffed then. Not so much now; WWE knows he could leave for Hollywood tomorrow if he wanted to.
OUCH. That burial of Taker. Damn. I'd be OK with Taker coming back to face Cena. That's the only reason it should happen. I don't even think I'd sign off on Taker having a last match with Kane.
This is good.
GOD, profanity is so cheap. This was going well until "fake bitch."
OK, they got me back with the "Today Show" jab. This is money.
Oh.... then they lost me with the "bury" reference. Using "smark" terms is almost always trying too hard. I would have popped if he referenced Corbin, though.
These guys are throwing GRENADES. The line about being the first Roman was good.
I'm excited for this.
Cena has absolutely taken a big step back to let others shine.
OUCH. OUCH. Cena hit him with the equivalent of "you're only WWE champion because Triple H doesn't want to work Tuesdays."
I'm DEAD. This is one of the best segments either man has ever been in.
This took a nosedive with the Club coming out. They're not in the league of Cena and Roman. At least Bo and Curtis would have been funny.
That segment deflated. I would have been more OK with Kurt putting them in a match and then the Club coming out.
- Cena/Reigns vs. Club:
Hey, at least Karl and Luke can say they're working with Cena and Reigns!
I do like the tension between John and Roman.
Ha. Cena knows he can beat these two by himself!!
The Club are making the most of this.
I hope you like clotheslines!!
Anderson getting the pin there would have been big.
OK, that was a pretty cool ending sequence.
- Elias/Lawler:
Memphis will ALWAYS be a place to get cheap heat.
I have a feeling Jerry was going to be on this show regardless.
OH MY GOD it's the SRW legend!!!!!
This is funny.
I would have watched Elias vs. Lawler, but I can see why WWE wouldn't want to take a chance with Jerry.
- Miz interview:
I'm guessing The Club will prevent Jeff from winning another IC Title.
- Sasha interview:
Umm, Sasha you wouldn't be a four-time champion if you didn't lose three times.
That was cool.
- Sasha vs. Alexa:
Really glad to see the women headlining. This is a big day for women in WWE.
I would have cracked up at Alexa winning that soon, but I'm glad we're having a longer match.
Good action already.
Is Sasha going to pull a Sexy Star with that armbar??
NICE Meteora spot.
OK, I'd pop if they referenced the Sexy Star incident with Alexa winning via armbar.
Sick backbreaker using the hair. Ouch.
Alexa has really improved. I'm impressed.
Sasha's always really good.
I'm loving this one so far.
OH SHIT! I didn't expect a Code Red from Alexa.
I'm liking how both ladies can pull out strikes and submissions. We've come a long way from Kelly Kelly and Candice Michelle (both of whom ended it improving, it's worth noting).
Nice superplex spot.
I loved the Banks Statement surprise. That would have been a good ending.
Ouch. Alexa's mean!
Solid match to give The Goddess her crown again.
- Post-match:
The new Total Divas castmates closing Raw. I'm fine with it; both of them are definitely better than "just" being TV stars.
Nia adding insult to the title loss.
OUCH. Looks like Nia's ready to establish her own dominance.
Good ending. Congrats to Alexa, Sasha, and Nia for getting to close out Raw instead of Braun, Cena, Roman, Brock, Finn, Bray, etc. That's big.
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