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Monday, May 16, 2011

Indentity of Superstars' ring announcer, Questions on TNA changing the Impact Zone, heels getting heat in WWE, Daniel Bryan, Big Show's KO punch, Kharma, and the Fall of TNA, More Impact Wrestling hype, Dinero update, WWE on Food Network, Tough Enough-FCW updates, and an ex-NXT star works a Smackdown house show

Since people have been searching for it/asking about it, I haven't seen anything concrete about remodeling the Impact Zone. It would make sense to have a new look for the show for Impact Wrestling, but there's been no word on it. Personally, I think that if they're going to push the change a lot, they should go with the new logo on a blue and white ring apron, and blue ropes. Lighting would also need to be changed from the red/black to blue/white. Am I the only one who thinks the new logo and colors make the whole show seem more "subdued" or "tame" than the original?

Oh, and if anyone's wondering, the announcer for Superstars is FCW's Brandi Reed.

Not much in the way of news for Sunday. has some questions as always:

1. I think to some extent the heat for Cole and Vickie comes from the fact that some people legitimately don't like the two of them (Cole for replacing JR and not being as good of an announcer, and Vickie for "only having a job because Eddie died" or "taking up time from non-wrestlers"). Kind of an "oh, great, here comes _____ again" reaction. Miz has it to a degree as well, since he "isn't ready" to be a main eventer. A number of heels are "cool heels" to a degree that a good number of fans appreciate so they don't get booed as much.

To me, an effective heel doesn't give the crowd what they want (see the "anti-hardcore" Mick Foley in the original ECW or Right To Censor for instance). They cross lines of taste (Jericho punching Michaels' wife, Punk interrupting the birthday party). And if they are "cool" to a degree, they shouldn't revel in it. I think of The Rock as Corporate Champion not wanting the fans to "sing along" with his catchphrases. They don't care about having a good match, or the fans seeing a good match, or honor or.. you get the idea.

2. I had a pretty similar experience for a while. I think you're better off not listening to "how great" so and so is that you haven't seen yet, and letting their actions do the talking when you actually do get to see them. I thought Bryan was insanely overrated, and "couldn't work the WWE style". But eventually he won me over to a degree. I like his work somewhat now. I don't want him to be a main eventer (or make one tap out, like he did to The Miz and Sheamus), but he's earned that U.S. Title spot to me. When you hear how great someone is so many times, it's almost impossible to live up to the hype at times. I'm at a similar place with Desmond Wolfe.

More answers and news after the break, starting with one on Big Show's KO punch.

3. For the record, their answer sucks for this one. It's not much unlike boxing. It's not just the punch, but when and how you hit it. If Boxer A hears that Boxer B has a mean right hook, he's going to be extra careful to avoid it, so Boxer B has to wear him down enough to get him where he wants him to get it. It's the same reason Triple H doesn't just go for the Pedigree 2 seconds in. It's much more devastating when the opponent is already damaged from his other offense. I'd say a different rule to follow for Sports Entertainment is "Sometimes the answers aren't readily apparent, but you can stretch things a bit to get to them". Like the Cobra being a finisher. Matt Striker "explained" it once; something to do with it being a shot right to the jugular.

4. Another mediocre answer at best. She looked more intimidating in TNA because the other people on the show aren't as big as the ones in WWE. And the point is that they're "paralyzed with fear" from seeing her. I agree that it's a stretch in this case. Maybe the first or second time you see her, but then you should at least be familiar with her enough to know she's going to destroy you if you don't escape. Not much unlike a horror movie.

5. I don't know how much of that dead horse there is left to beat, since everyone seems to have gotten some shots in at this point. I think to a degree the IWC has such a tendency to accentuate the negative, that any stray from what they'd like a company to be is "WCW 2000 all over again" or "PG kiddie crap" or what have you. I think TNA needs some serious positive changes, but I don't think it's at THAT level yet. WCW was losing millions of dollars per month. Dixie does understand that, while ratings aren't stellar, they're not dropping like a stone, and business is allegedly growing internationally. As for them going out of business being a good thing, I'd much rather see it be taken over by new owners/Creative if things got bad business-wise.

Far from "limping out of the gate", TNA has released a nice amount of videos promoting the change to Impact Wrestling. As you might expect, they bring up the latter word a lot.

Speaking of D'Angelo Dinero, he's supposed to address his current situation on Monday night.

On Food Network's "Challenge" Sunday night, the theme was to make a cake based on a WWE character. Nice press and audience crossover.

Tough Enough contestant Ariane Andrews (of "Melina vs. Alicia Fox" fame/infamy) deleted the tweet about signing a developmental contract with WWE. Not sure what to make of that just yet. I haven't seen anything to suggest she has been at FCW.

A "special" taping of Tough Enough at the FCW Arena with Booker T and Trish Stratus will take place on Thursday. It's unclear as to how many of the show's past/current participants will be a part of it.

Finally, in news I'm personally pretty excited about, NXT's AJ Lee teamed with Natalya at Saturday's Smackdown house show. It's not all that uncommon for an FCW wrestler to be on a branded house show, but it's a good sign nonetheless that WWE's thinking of bringing her up to the main roster at some point. I'm crossing my fingers on that one, which is making it hard to type...

That's all for Sunday's news. More to come tomorrow.

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