Today, has a new episode of Superstars featuring Tyson Kidd vs. Trent Barreta, then tonight on Impact Wrestling, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels face off with Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer and Kurt Angle takes on Rob Van Dam. Read on for my thoughts on the shows as they happen!
Nice that WWE's promoting their iTunes stuff.
Ryder signs are becoming a somewhat regular thing.
Stanford, Ryder, and Santino make an incredibly goofy combination. This definitely isn't everyone's "thing" as far as a wrestling show. I'm liking it, though.
That cobra to the legs spot was just crazy.
Hopefully this doesn't become a trend. Too much goofy can be a bad thing.
I think Savage should be in the WWE opening, but it doesn't seem like it's going to be happening.
Heck of a video package.
I thought JTG was a heel now. Come on, now, WWE. Be consistent with your characters.
I think JTG should take some time off to freshen up his character and repertoire. Maybe work the indies or Japan or somewhere for a while and learn some new tricks before we see him in WWE again.
In the interest of fairness, I think Hawkins is a little rough around the edges still. He's missing that special something that would make him stand out. I don't think he needs to change his gimmick drastically or anything, just... well, improve in everything. He's not bad; in fact I like him alright, just not enough to put him in that "rising star/guy to watch" category.
Again, glad they're making the Big Show angle important.
Estrada sounds very different. I really liked him in his first run, but the mannerisms aren't as pronounced this time. Those were great.
I'm starting to really hate these movie commercials. I'm starting to think I'd rather see TNA. At least it'd be something different.
I'd prefer if they kept Hayes by his side.
It still messes with my mind with them not referring to the referee as Nunzio or Little Guido. His presence is distracting.
"That's why everyone's watching WWE Superstars". Haha.
Not a bad match by any stretch. Neither of these guys look like future main eventers, but they're both pretty early in their careers, so you never know. I look forward to seeing how far they'll go nonetheless.
I guess Estrada turns him on next week when he loses?
On to Impact Wrestling.
Well we are starting off with a wrestling match this time.
Fun fact: All 4 competitors in this match got started in a major promotion other than TNA (Daniels had a match in WCW, and AJ had a brief run there as well).
Another fun fact: the average age of these 4 wrestlers is over 37 years. AJ's 32, Bully Ray's 39, and both Daniels and Dreamer are 40.
So-so match. At least the younger guys got the rub. This should have been treated as a bigger deal, though. Give us something to warm the crowd up and get everyone settled in, then have this be a big personal clash like it's supposed to be.
I like the new graphics for the show.
The Scorpion Sitdown? What? See, WWE can get away with some goofiness because their product's usually good (and they have a lot more time to fill), but TNA doesn't have as much lee-way. Anderson does look pretty funny in the old Sting get-up, though.
Glad I did my research: Disco Inferno is just a former TNA road agent. He doesn't work there any more apparently.
"Dick" chants in the Impact Wrestling Zone. Oh boy.
This was kind of stupid. It's a good premise, but didn't work out well.
I almost asked if we're supposed to pull for Anderson or Sting, but it's TNA so it's probably "up to the fans to decide".
Another reference to the Finger Poke of Doom? This is also kind of stupid. Is this really the only way Eric Young gets over in this company?
Wow, ODB looks way different with the blue (contacts?). I'm not really a huge fan of hers. Her act got old kind of quickly.
As if we needed another heel in the Knockouts Division.
Ah cool, I was wondering what Matt Morgan's been up to.
This is really the first time Angle and RVD have faced off one-on-one? I know they were both part of the Alliance (Invasion) storyline in 2001.
Decent backstage segment I guess.
Rather surprised that Morgan kicked out there. In a good way.
Oh, ok. Instead of going out to a crutch, he goes out to Steiner.
So much for Foley taking Hogan and Bischoff's places as talkers on the show.
We're done with the Network storyline? We went through all that just to go back to the status quo? That's just ridiculous.
Whew, false alarm.
I'm not liking the idea for Destination X, but it might surprise me and work out.
"X-rated Abyss" was a phrase I never wanted to hear.
You know your company's desperate when you're pushing these 4. I liked The Brian Kendrick, but the other 3 haven't impressed me that much.
A Mickie/Winter and Angelina feud would be nice. It would make more sense if she faced Angelina en route to Winter if that's the match they're trying to sell us on, though. Where are Madison and Tara?
I'm actually liking the story between Angelina and Winter. It's not realistic, but the storyline potential of a possessed face who has to work for a heel against her will is pretty grand.
An "Art of War" quoter. Nice.
Apparently Ultimate Fighter isn't doing so well in the ratings.
So-so match.
TNA's got a pretty big PPV coming up. I think the video packages should be focusing on building up matches for that.
I don't really care much for Christy Hemme these days. Not sure why; it just seems like they don't need her with Jeremy Borash there.
We just got a Finger Poke of Doom reference and a swerve in the same segment. We've already had a run-in and some inside references (ODB and Jay Lethal's legitimate releases as part of a storyline); I think we just need a heel turn out of nowhere now to get "Russo bingo".
RVD and Angle make wrestlers #4 and 5 wrestling tonight who are 40 or over (Jarrett was #3). The main reason to focus on this kind of thing is because for some of them, there's a question of how much longer they're going to be able to compete. Those bumps add up. I do think I focus on it a little too much, though. Some people end up being fine wrestling around this age, and some younger wrestlers don't end up sticking around as much as we'd like them to.
Not a bad match. I'd love to see these two have a big PPV-level clash.
And that's the end of the show. Surprisingly there weren't comments from people backstage to end it.
I'll be back tomorrow for Smackdown, and a news post will be up later tonight.
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