Another Zack Ryder sign! Talk about your cult followings.
And people dressed as referees, too. This crowd has potential.
Nice change of pace to start the show. The video package was well done, too.
The reason it's a good idea to have Miz and Riley get more promo time here is because they need the credibility more than Cena. One guy's tapped out numerous times to a midcarder; the other's been in WWE for a good while now and hasn't given up to any of the top names he's faced in that time.
I wonder if Apple paid WWE to plug the iPad. I think they'd want them to specifically mention the iPad 2 or something.
Ah, the old "enemy chooses your match and opponent" card. I like that one.
I wonder how many people would legitimately quit watching WWE if Cole went in the Hall of Fame.
Good for Kofi.
I hope things work out between Punk and WWE. He's a keeper, especially once the Attitude Era guys are gone.
This match makes me miss WWE's ECW.
Punk got a clean win! Things are looking up! Solid match, too.
For anyone who watched Al Snow's Guest Booker DVD (which I really recommend), I think that match was good for the reason of the action being solid, AND (more importantly in his view and to business), it got over what it needed to get over. At the end of the day, that's what matters more to WWE.
Good mission statement from Punk. If he can help those guys move their careers along in a positive way (and improve in the process), that'd be great. They could use it.
Time for some Diva killing.
Ok, Kelly now has zero reason to not expect Kharma to run-in at some point.
If Twin Magic is what does in Kharma, the Internet will collectively rage.
Decent match. Divas matches are pretty much loading screens setting up Kharma coming out.
If they have discussed what to do about Kharma, they haven't gotten to "what if we all attack her at once?" yet. They united against Michelle a few weeks back after all.
Fridge Brilliance: Her name is Khama because she avenges those who attack Kelly Kelly. Doesn't really explain the other people she's attacked, though. I guess you could argue that Laycool had issues with her, but Eve's hard to fit into the theory.
ShoMiz reunion? That's how you do a paparazzi shot, TNA. It looked somewhat candid, but didn't distract with its shakes and zooms.
Dear WWE heels, please destroy the cast of "That's What I Am". Wait... that might get them over as faces.
Actually, it did have something to do with Rey Mysterio. He was in the match and Truth wasn't.
I bet this segment's going pretty well in Latin markets.
I wonder where these guys go after this feud. I think it's time for a good break after Over The Limit. A feud can be run into the ground and not come back. Cena vs. Orton and Cena vs. Edge for instance.
I say they make this a Triple Threat with R-Truth for the #1 Contendership on Sunday. Truth wins. Maybe we end up with a 6-Pack Challenge at Summerslam with Cena, Truth, Miz, Del Rio, Rey, and Morrison? Just tossing ideas around.
It's a shame Big Boss Man isn't around to arrest Rey for R-Truth. I wish someone would do an updated version of that gimmick as Boss Man's "son" or "nephew" or something.
Fine match; I'm just ready for something new with these guys.
This would be a great time for a "the Hall of Fame ring is very important" speech from Lawler.
King needs a new lawyer for his contracts. I don't think they needed to add the foot-kissing stipulation. A spot in the Hall of Fame should be big enough. It's pretty much the biggest honor a WWE performer can get and should be pushed as such.
Glad that they brought up King's other Kiss My Foot match.
WWE needs to do a feature on Cole's tattoos.
Swagger face turn on Sunday? I'd be ok with that. Either way, it's time to put the kibosh on this one. Cole and Lawler need to be
Oh, for those wondering why King isn't in trouble for choking Cole with his tie, I'm thinking part of it was the specific way Bryan was choking Roberts possibly being similar to the Benoit incident. That's a guess though. It was definitely more dangerous looking that the choking done to Cole.
Cole should be in a WWE Films project.
That match will mean a lot for Punk's and especially Ryan's careers.
I guess McGillitunga is New Nexus' equivalent of Slabriel.
The Corre has 3 members of the original Nexus, but New Nexus only has 1.
UPSET!!! And a boost for Nexus' credibility. For now anyway.
If you would have told me in 2001 that a contestant from the Real World and K-Kwik were going to earn main event spots in ten years, I would have laughed it off (clearly Billy Gunn and Test were going to be headlining then).
Not a bad card on Sunday. Nice mix of established and somewhat new names.
Zack Ryder confirmed for Ascended Meme?
I wonder what kind of crazy swerve we'll get for this match.
My prediction is that Swagger isn't actually the opponent, he's just thrown in there because it's No Holds Barred. Miz will keep naming heel opponents until they eventually beat Cena.
Or not. I guess this reaffirms that Swagger's a heel.
Oh no, part of the audience is booing Cena! That must mean that WWE needs to turn him heel!
Wait, why does the GM use a computer if he can just contact Cole on the iPad?
What's that? Cena's selling offense? Another instance the "smarks" will ignore.
Glad Swagger was also selling the Swagger Splash to the chair on Cena.
BOO! Cena's doing a series of moves to end the match like he always does! I hate when people who aren't HBK or The Rock do a repetitive series of moves!
I am kind of disappointed that Swagger went down fairly easily to the STF, though, since he was dominating the match.
There's such a great finish they can use on Sunday to have Miz go over Cena on Sunday. It's been done at least once before, though, and (some) fans would cry out that they're just copying something from years ago.
Hmm, kind of wanted Miz and Riley to have Cena laid out to sell that Miz has a decent chance of winning on Sunday. But, it could be that they're having Cena look strong tonight but he loses on Sunday. That'd be a bit surprising, though, since he pretty much just won the title back.
That's all for Raw thoughts. I'll be back for NXT tomorrow, where we finally get an elimination and I'll have better analysis of who I think is close and not so close to being "ready" for WWE. A news post will be up later tonight as well.
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