It's Thursday, so time for 3 hours of new wrestling. This week on Superstars, Evan Bourne takes on Drew McIntyre. Will either man move closer to the U.S. Title? Then, on the brand new Impact Wrestling, Mr. Anderson has something special in store for Sting. Also, see what changes Mick Foley and the network have in store for the show going forward. Read on for my thoughts on the shows as they happen!
I thought we weren't getting a Hayes promo for a while there.
Man can work a crowd for sure.
Nice start to the match.
And they said managing was dead.
This is working out pretty well.
Hayes is getting plenty of TV time here.
Surely that doesn't mean Hayes is done with Kidd? I was/am liking the association and this match was pretty good so I hope this is just a new chapter.
I figured we'd get another singles match before the Major Edgeheads officially reunited in the ring.
A goofy Santino/Ryder team could be pretty funny.
I liked the Major Brothers references. That's the name they debuted under in WWE ECW.
Not a bad match.
Mathews continues to make me wonder why people think he's a good fit for Raw.
McIntyre's impressive. I wonder what's keeping him from going further in WWE?
That was a pretty awesome shot of the move in the corner. How had they not done that one before?
Nice win.
Time for Impact Wrestling.
That intro has energy for sure.
Oh wow... blue, blue everywhere.
No TV Title with Gunner. That makes it look unimportant. Edit: Oh duh, Eric Young took it.
Thankfully Hogan and Foley aren't facing off in the ring. That'd be awful to watch.
These guys are like Fortune B-team.
That could definitely kill the X-Division. Or at least put it on a stretcher for a while. Then again, it could give a nice boost to them if they all have good showings.
To me, the point of Foley being The Network rep was so the heels couldn't make a bunch of things in their favor. Ideally, there'd be a more unified opposition to Immortal.
They didn't waste any time teaming Mickie and Tara.
It's amazing how much the TNA name/logo have been replaced here.
I just figured out that they're using the highly-rated (TV wise) Knockouts after the start of the show to try to keep the momentum going.
Conspiracy theory: They have matches featuring "unimportant" guys like Red, the Bucks, and Kendrick tonight to prove that the X-Division/in-ring action doesn't draw.
I'm guessing that Abyss got some false teeth in his dental surgery, but doesn't wear them in the ring?
Wow, Kazarian's doing pretty well here. I guess when it's not both guys doing a bunch of flashy stuff and the match isn't just spots, it looks a lot better.
I wonder how many new wrestling fans thought Abyss was ripping off Jack Swagger with that splash.
That was a heck of a match until the finish. We'll see where that part leads, though. Kazarian getting revenge and winning the title back could be big for him.
Oh snap, Internet reference!
Cool Sun Tzu reference; he has a point.
Plenty of Velvet Sky there... some TNA stuff too.
Joe's streak was awesome. Then he tapped out to Angle in their first match to end it. It was a heck of a run, though.
Red just got Joe'd. I don't care too much; it was nice for Joe and the feud with Crimson. They could have done a little more with Red, but I see why they didn't. Maybe they're just going to have him be Sangriento full time soon? He wasn't too high up on the card anyway.
At least Dreamer looks kind of heelish now.
Yes, this is similar to Rhino's storyline a few months back. I don't really care.
AJ would have done the same thing? Not very face-like at all.
Dreamer's heel turn works a lot better since he's not being forced to do it. No ambiguity there: he sold out, he does what he wants to do, and he doesn't care if he hurts an injured man. I'm starting to like Dreamer as a character again. Starting to. It's something fresh with him thank goodness.
I like where this feud's going. Could be a great boost for AJ and Daniels when they get their revenge.
Haha, Chyna getting a good reaction from the TNA faithful. Didn't see that one coming. Then again, they've given good reactions to Scott Hall and Jim Neidhart for comebacks, too.
A big feud ender for Slammiversary is what's needed here. #1 Contendership is an added bonus.
I wonder if Jarrett will go back off-screen after this angle (assuming he loses). I'm really enjoying his work; it's just that he's had such a hiatus before.
I guess I'm ok with that stipulation.
Hahaha, awesome entrance for Karen.
Velvet's getting a hell of a push in this angle. If she beats Karen 1-on-1, she'll be the top Knockout for sure.
At least they're finally addressing the Bucks having heat.
If Hogan's able to bring the Network over to his side, the whole angle with Mick will be pointless.
This is the first time I've heard "midget" be censored (Well, second, since they did it earlier in the show). For those who aren't familiar with the term, a "vanilla midget" is a derogatory term for a generic, boring small guy. It dates back at least to the WCW days, where some (allegedly including that company's higher-ups) applied it to the Cruiserweights.
Karate Bischoff has potential to be amusing here.
Matt Hardy looked a lot smaller in the ring with WWE opponents. That's not a knock on him; it's a note on the size difference of the average wrestler of the two companies.
Do the Bucks have their Twitter names on their tights? That's hilarious.
Yeah, they should have been able to beat Matt by now I think.
Wow, seriously? Gen Me should have surprised Bischoff for the win. It wouldn't surprise me if they did cut the X-Division after that. Hopefully this is building to these people getting big revenge on Immortal. Otherwise, what's the point in putting over the older/more established guys?
That fan interview was weird.
I'd love to know what the heck Winter and Angelina's storyline's heading to. Probably something much more "fantasy novel" than "pro wrestling". I don't see how they could satisfyingly bring it to a "realistic" conclusion.
Angle vs. RVD should be pretty good next week. That's one of few TNA matches I'd be willing to pay for on PPV, which should tell you what I think of the people they have employed.
Ray/Dreamer vs. AJ/Daniels should save a good amount for Slammiversary.
Wasn't Angelina darn near invincible a few weeks ago? What happened? Power levels change as the plot demands I guess.
That was an interesting way for ODB to come back. Is she with Winter too? Maybe they ARE referring to all of them being in WWE developmental.
Proving Ground? G4, I am dissapoint.
I crack up every time I see that Desmond Wolfe action figure. I forget the guy exists at times.
Miss Tessmacher's body is absolutely ridiculous.
Wrestling matters! Eric Young in his underwear, people! Gunner should be cheered for ending this stupid segment. Except that Young got right back up to talk.
Weird that he's going by "Bobby" Roode again.
Roode's one of few "TNA Originals" I see who could make it through the glass ceiling. Nice promo.
Roode could get a nice boost if he does something big against Flair in a pushed singles match-up at Sacrifice. Flair's been beaten so many times in so many so-so matches that it might not work, but there's a possibility this time could be different.
If this is to set up a big Roode comeback and victory in the weeks to come, it did well.
Something tells me it's Anderson in that Sting coat.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if people have nightmares about those Pep Boys bobbleheads.
I'm liking this Sting promo.
Anderson playing mind games with Sting has some good potential.
Blade Runners flashback! Anderson looks hilarious in that get-up.
And that's a wrap. I'll be back for Smackdown tomorrow and a news post will be up at some point after midnight.
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