Tonight, we celebrate the most electrifying birthday in WWE history as The Rock comes by. Who will be on the guest list? Also, we have the fallout to a pretty solid PPV, including new WWE Champion John Cena. What all wil go down this week on Raw? Read on for my thoughts on the show.
Nice opener.
I remember that Smackdown. It was surreal.
They got Lilian back! Awesome.
I'd be somewhat surprised if Cena vs. The Miz had a clean ending tonight.
Now that's a reaction.
What's the hand signal mean? I was thinking he was "framing" what he was looking at, but I'm not so sure now.
Big round of applause for the troops from me. I echo Rock's sentiments.
Rock's got this crowd eating out of his hands.
Oh, I guess The Rock's going to be the guy to take Cole out.
I don't even know what they're chanting here.
I wonder if we'll ever learn who the GM is.
Everyone and their mother saw that Rock Bottom coming, but that's a good thing because they loved it.
OHH. The hand signal is for the "U" (University of Miami), where Rock went.
Are we just not getting commercials tonight?
I was thinking MVP when he said "Mr. 305" but that would have been a pretty long shot.
No idea what Pitbull's singing.
I wonder how many of those Heat dancers will end up trying out for WWE.
Presumably R-Truth and JoMo will do something that means we won't get a proper conclusion until Over The Limit. They'd be crazy to give it away this early.
This is definitely a pop culture event. Cool to see the Heat cameos.
There. That's how you continue the feud without having them wrestle each other.
I especially liked the second Complete Shot. Just when you thought it was over, he does even more damage.
And that's why I don't watch Jimmy Kimmel.
I continue to wonder how long JR's doing commentary.
Kharma confirmed for not caring if you're face or heel (?)
Kelly's doing fantastic facial expressions here. I'm sure they'll be used in some kind of reaction thread soon.
Weird reaction from the crowd. Like they don't know how to react. Understandable, though.
Good segment either way.
So umm, is Riley going to work both shows now?
Samuel's a funny guy.
This is some weird stuff. I like it in a way, though.
They're pulling out all the crazy for this one. How long until we get Mae Young?
Thor needs more lightning.
That Vaseline commercial. I think The Usos every single time.
Carell's a goof. He looks like he's lost weight from when I last saw him.
Can you say big match feel?
The crowd is REALLY into this one! Nice drama.
Miz kicked out! He's not looking weak here, thank goodness. Hopefully he's going to be ok without the title.
Seriously? After one night?
I hate reversed decisions. It always sparks an argument. See, to me, Miz won the championship there, then Cena got it back, and he's an 11-time champion. You can't reverse a decision if it hasn't been decided. The match was over. The title changed hands. THEN the referee reversed it and gave Cena the title back. Now, if he restarted the match, that'd be different, because then the match isn't over. Also, what happened to the ref's decision being final?
Anyway, Miz got to look mostly good here but not walk out with the title, so I'm ok with it.
We're getting a good number of big cameos tonight. And they say wrestling only gets a certain audience.
Cool moment for Cena Sunday night.
I like that they're introducing the Smackdown draftees here.
Del Rio should be more ticked off after last night.
I didn't expect that big of a reaction for Kofi. Good for him.
Swagger and McIntyre getting one entrance isn't a good sign for their feelings for McIntyre.
I can think of other things I'd like to see during Raw, but I'm glad WWE's doing that campaign.
Another cool shout-out to Rock.
If movie Thor's like his Marvel vs. Capcom 3 counterpart, he'll be insanely slow with not much range, but plenty of health to balance it out. Some say he's the worst character in the game from a gameplay standpoint, at least on the Marvel side.
Awesome cameo.
Rock putting over Christian- cool.
I knew this was coming... for 13 years I've seen Mae Young cameos. 13 years!!!
I'm not so sure Cena should be champion for the next 11 months. It would be a very big deal if it happened, though.
Heh, I guess Kane's going to beat the other Nexus guys now.
Guess we had to have Lopez given the WWE appearances there.
I wonder if there was any truth to that internet speculation about WWE thinking of pushing Mason Ryan as Batista's brother when he first debuted.
He should come out to "I Walk Alone" being spoken in a Welsh accent...
Wow, Kane's selling huge for him.
Awesome bodyslam.
Ha, something tells me they're going to move the tag team titles from The Corre to Nexus through Kane and Show.
Actually, given this push, it wouldn't surprise me if Ryan held both on his own. Before or after sending McGillicutty and Otunga back to FCW. Again.
Seriously? They're getting some good cross-over with the mainstream with these guests.
Whoops. I think we already know who the World Champion is since we just saw him. Glad they're promoing Smackdown though.
Craig Ferguson creeps me out a bit.
This has been a pretty good show.
Hahahaha, Vince acknowledging the "what" chants.
Pretty cool speech by Vince.
Oh man! That video was awesome. Especially the "vintage" pictures.
There's only one person missing here (other than maybe Stone Cold), and he's in the other major promotion. Can't have it all I guess.
This is way too cool. I guess I could complain that they're not focusing on the aftermath of Extreme Rules and building to Over The Limit, but this is really something to see.
Pyro, pyro everywhere.
That's all for my Raw thoughts. Awesome show. I'll have a news post coming up later.
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