Angelina Love has now been confirmed to work AAA's TripleMania, along with Mickie James and Velvet Sky. had new questions up Saturday. For #1, I see your point. He should have used carrier pigeons to spread his message. Seriously, what else would he use to get that word out? I don't really see the issue here, other than the irony. And as far him taking issue with the Internet for the story about Helms' DUI, like they said, TMZ used the official police report for the story. No need to shoot the messenger. If there's some factual error there, it's the fault of the police.
#2 is apparently psychic, because without reading that post beforehand, I mentioned that same scenario in a recent post. Hopefully they'll tell me some lottery numbers soon. Nothing to add to their answer that I didn't say in the other post.
Nothing to add to #3 either, other than I've never seen "DOA".
More answers and news after the break, starting with more talk of Goldberg.
About all there is to add to the subject is that not too long ago he negotiated with WWE for a Legends Deal that could have seen him back in the ring (though possibly just for a match or two). Nothing came of it, though. Part of his motivation was for there to be a new Goldberg action figure for his kids. As time passes, a return seems less and less likely, but not impossible. He's currently 44; I don't know how much that factors into things.
As for Team 3D Academy students on Impact, Jesse Neal and Rob Terry came through there as well. Other than them, I haven't read any plans to use anyone from there.
WWE's recent house show in Mexico City is being considered a huge success, with almost 20,000 in attendance. That's a big market for them.
Melina has posted an update on John Morrison post-surgery. Get well soon, John.
More quotes from Brock Lesnar's upcoming book have been posted. I'm personally waiting until I get the book to read it.
TNA has released some videos promoting the new "Impact Wrestling" name. I get the feeling that people are going to call it "Impact" still. I'll try to call it the new name, though it's not as quick off the tongue as the original. A slogan attached is "Wrestling Matters Again". It continues to look like they're just playing off WWE. That could work, but they'll need to have a distinct product from them for it not to seem like a publicity stunt.
Speculation continues about the Tweet D'Angelo Dinero mentioned in the previous news post. A theory that it was about his graduation seems to have been shot down. He's still on TNA's website as of this writing, so it doesn't seem like he's been released. More on the story as it develops.
In what is believed to be part of a storyline, Karen Jarrett is saying on Twitter that she might not be able to compete at Sacrifice. TNA's website picked that up. I'm personally a fan of using social media to continue storylines.
Finally, TNA superstar Abyss has been confirmed to be working at AAA's TripleMania as well. More names are expected in the days and weeks to come. The company's doing a good job building intrigue by spacing the announcements out.
That's all for Saturday's news. More to come tomorrow, along with coverage of Sacrifice.
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