For those of you who haven't looked at the many spoilers posted all over the internet, it's a fresh episode of Smackdown! Read on for my thoughts on the first episode of Smackdown with the new World Heavyweight Champion Christian!
I never thought I'd see Christian get the chance to hold that Championship. Glad he finally gets to.
I wish he would have gotten longer to speak for his first (WWE) World Title reign.
I liked the "chocolate" joke. People compare that title to a wrapped piece of chocolate fairly often online.
Mark Henry and The Great Khali are main eventers on Smackdown. Depending on your perspective, they're either getting more out of them here, or that makes Smackdown a bad show.
For anyone playing the Smackdown drinking game, you just scored for Theodore Long interrupting people in the ring talking to start the show.
You'd think he'd make a tag match or something, or a triple threat #1 Contendership match. They've got a show to sell in 3 weeks, after all. The idea would be to build up to a World Title match there.
I'm thinking Khali and Mark Henry get involved in that match and we end up with a 4-way at Over The Limit. If WWE plays their cards right, they could elevate everyone as main-event worthy. With no Edge, Rey, Big Show, or Del Rio, that's something that would be beneficial.
Not really sure what to make of the Jinder Mahal stuff so far.
Same feud, different night. It makes sense, though.
I don't think Bryan has proved himself to be on Sheamus' level yet. I know the Internet loves the guy from his ROH days, but that doesn't mean much of anything here. Sheamus has been in competitive matches with Triple H, John Cena, and Randy Orton. Daniel Bryan beat Miz and it was treated somewhat as an upset.
I hope Christian doesn't get Zigglered tonight.
Rhodes' entrance is awesome.
I think it's pretty much time to move on from this feud. Maybe one last match at Over The Limit.
Not bad. I'm just ready for something new with this feud.
Very interesting what they're doing with Kharma and the Divas. Thanks, TNA!
Everyone's just in shocked silence over her.
I hope we don't end up with Kane, Big Show, and Zeke against The Corre.
Sin Cara vs. Tyson Kidd? I'm down with that.
I'm not feeling the lighting.
I liked the "educated feet" quip- it's what JR used to say about RVD.
I'd like this better if Chavo was mad about the new guy instead of being unimpressed. Unless it leads to Sin Cara showing more from his repertoire to beat him and prove him wrong.
Seems rather weird to go with this match tonight, unless it's interrupted of course.
I think Christian's missing that little something to make it as a main event mainstay, but I say that about pretty much everyone in their first World Title reign. Hopefully they don't pull the rug out from under him too soon.
They're really giving this match time. Maybe to see what Christian can do in this kind of environment (being the World Champion against a top guy)?
I think he's doing pretty well with it.
Can't compete with Orton as top babyface though it seems. Though maybe a run as World Champion would help that?
Wow. Damn. That was a quick ending Title reign. Not crazy about that idea.
So, the WWE and World Titles have changes hands, what, 4 times this week? That's insane. Orton didn't need this at all. Why not give Christian time as champion? He works 17 years to win it, and it's gone in less than a week. Disappointing to say the least.
Where do they go from here? Hopefully Christian gets to stay in the main event scene and win it back down the line. Maybe he turns heel and/or becomes more aggressive and that's what pushes him through the glass ceiling? Follow-up is very important for this.
Disclosure time: I actually knew coming into the show that Orton would win the title. It was more or less spoiled on Twitter by Joey Styles earlier in the week when he addressed all the comments he had gotten over it, specifically mentioning Christian, Orton, and the title. WWE needs to pay more attention to stuff like that getting out. I don't know if it was a slip-up or him just going for the "look how controversial I can be" card again, but it's ridiculous either way and it needs to stop as long as he's associated with
So, I've had a bit of time to react to the news, and after seeing the show, it could have been a lot worse for Christian, so I'm not really that upset over it. Would I have done it differently? Probably, but there's always the chance that there's a good reason they did this (like when Sheamus got steamrolled since his contract was coming up and they didn't know if he'd re-sign), so I'm waiting to see on this one.
Anyway, that's all for tonight. I'll have a news post up sometime after midnight.
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