Read on for my segment by segment thoughts on the 5/23 NXT!
Good opening contest with Mahal and Bateman. Mahal wrestles like a veteran and is a good hand to have. There's nothing wrong with what Bateman brings to the table either. I like the future for both men if they continue to grow as performers.
Nothing wrong with Watson vs. Slater either. They filled out their time nicely.
Maxine continued to make me wonder where that Maxine was in Season 3. She's quickly becoming one of my favorite Divas to watch.
Drew McIntyre is very polished in the ring and deserves a push. Johnny Curtis continued to improve. Both of them worked quite well in the tag match and it's a shame that it was all a build-up to them being fed to Khali.
Rookie Evaluation: 5 is ready for the main roster, 4 is more ready for WWE than FCW, 3 is in the middle, 2 is leaning towards being prime to go back to FCW and 1 should be cut sooner rather than later.
Derrick Bateman - 5 (Last time: 5). Bateman didn't look out of place in his match. He's got enough experience under his belt to not feel like a "rookie". So, by those definitions he's ready for the main roster. I'd like to see more pizazz and personality in the ring from him before I'm ready to consider him someone to watch for in the company, however. That's what separates fine wrestlers from true superstars.
The 5/24 Superstars and Impact Wrestling will be up soon. But first, the 5/23 news!
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