Read on for my segment-by-segment thoughts on the 6/7 Superstars and Impact.
Hunico vs. Tatsu was quite solid. I hope we get more from them.
Fine little match with Mahal and Riley, but I'd have liked to have seen more.
I enjoyed the main event. Both guys worked hard.
Impact Wrestling:
I'll be glad when the Daniels/Styles angle is over. Is this really the best use for everyone involved at this stage of their careers?
I like the possibility of a Joe/Aries feud, since it's two guys who can really go.
Crimson vs. Aries was fine for what it was, a way to move forward the angles of Aries, Joe, and Crimson.
Good promo by Crimson.
I don't care much about the Knockouts as a whole, with or without Brooke Hogan.
Roode vs. old authority figures is running long in the tooth. I don't think there's enough gas in the tank to keep Roode as champion all the way to Bound For Glory.
Good Knockouts match. Everyone worked hard.
Here's one thing that I dislike about TNA: one week, they're pulling back the curtain for Gut Check. The next week, they're doing ridiculous drama like Dixie cheating on her husband.
Strong segment with Joseph Park and Bully Ray. They've effectively built two characters I want to see face off.
I guess if they have to use Garett Bischoff, the veteran Devon is a good choice to pair him with.
Please tell me that there's more coming between Joey Ryan and Taz or Al Snow. He could crash the next Gut Check or start showing up in the crowd or something.
Devon vs. Robbie E has its good spots, but the booking was kind of ridiculous. I don't care what Madison's doing, and I don't care much about Garett Bischoff.
Here's another thing I think TNA does backward: putting #1 Contenders' matches on PPV and title matches on TV. Also, what ever happened to the King of the Mountain match? Roode vs. 4 challengers makes sense.
Not a bad main event to set the stage for Slammiversary.
The 6/8 Smackdown will also be up tonight. Up next, the 6/7 news.
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