Read on for my segment-by-segment thoughts on the 6/13 NXT.
I liked the opening contest. Percy Watson could end up being something special when he gains more experience, and Bateman had good energy.
Pretty cool ad for the new season of NXT, if a season is what it can be called.
Pretty good Divas' match. Kaitlyn's on her way to becoming one of, if not the single, best Divas in WWE. Natalya always puts on good performances and this was no exception.
For the uninitiated, Bo Dallas is the brother of Husky Harris. A 3rd generation superstar and former FCW Champion, he's got a lot to live up to.
The main event tag match was solid. I really liked the work on the leg by the heels. It was a good match to end a season of NXT that (eventually) was known for strong ring-work and matches for the sake of matches.
Rookie Evaluation: 5 is ready for the main roster, 4 is almost there, 3 is in the middle, 2 is almost someone who should head back to FCW, and 1 should be sent back to FCW or released.
Derrick Bateman - 5 (Last time: 5). On the last week of Season 5, I've got a decision to make: is Bateman ready to get a shot at the main roster or not? With the roster as thin as it is right now, WWE needs some fresh blood. Bateman's got personality and is improving with his "fire". If the options are putting him back in FCW or testing him out on the main roster, I say they should see what he's got in a few dark matches or live events. He's already "kind of" part of the main roster, so they should roll with it. Maybe put him in a tag team or try him out on Superstars if he can't stick around for the new NXT. I think some training on the main roster in live events would be good for him.
The 6/14 Superstars and Impact Wrestling will also be up today. A news post is up next.
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