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Friday, June 15, 2012

Z! TLIS# 68, Questions on Laurinaitis main eventing, TNA suing WWE, Chyna, Knockouts Law, and Cena's opponent selection, Interview with Russo

Here's episode #68 of Z! True Long Island Story.

For my take on the 5/27 questions:
1. Some in WWE with the power to make it happen do (or they're just amusing themselves). He gets reactions and they go off of that. But as was pointed out, there are some kinds of heat that don't draw money. And of course those in charge would blame someone else.

2. "lolTNA", because TNA always does goofy and/or masochistic things. WWE's lawyers don't play around.

3. Yes. She could have passed out four days in a row. But seriously, I'm concerned about her. Love her or hate her, that's some scary stuff. People use her to get publicity. Heck, Scott Hall still gets bookings so I don't see why it's a surprise that she does.

I hit everything else from 5/27 after the break.

4. They probably did it to play off of their name value. It's TNA. Name value trumps everything.

5. It's weird that they called Show ancient when he's only 6 years younger than Laurinaitis. Anyway, Tensai and Show at least make sense size-wise after Cena hung with the more mainstream stars. But the answerer has a very good point about Cena's feuds. The last PPV opponent he's faced who debuted in the past 10 years was The Miz, way back in November (and that match was a backdrop to a feud with Rock).

Here are highlights from a Vince Russo interview. Interesting as always from him.

That's all for the 5/27 news. 5/28 and more will be up tomorrow. Up next, the 5/28 Raw.

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