Read on for my segment-by-segment thoughts on the 6/18 Raw.
Mick Foley making an appearance is a nice surprise, though WWE keeps going back to what worked years ago instead of trying new things. That's a big problem.
The opening tag match was pretty good. I don't know what they're planning with AJ, but it's pretty awesome.
If Ziggler vs. Swagger leads to bigger things for both men, I'll be down with it.
I hope we're done with Laurinaitis after tonight. It's definitely time.
Ziggler vs. Swagger was disappointingly short, but that might be by design since they're both heels. I hope Swagger gets a fresh chance as a face and we get longer matches with them.
HHH/Heyman was awesome stuff. I wish more promos felt that big.
Del Rio's match was fine for re-establishing him as a main eventer.
The Legends segment was kind of weird, since Piper is usually more... well, Rowdy and villainous.
Good little tag match while it lasted. Glad to see Darren and Titus finding their groove. Maybe WWE can find something fresh to do with the talented Primo and Epico as well?
Laurinaitis' promo makes me glad that this could be the last time we hear from him. Time for someone new to be the authority figure.
Weird promo by Show. I hope he's still heel.
I wasn't really impressed by Otunga in the main event. If he's going to be sustainable for the company, he's going to need to be able to go for longer matches and not over-rely on posing. I also hope he's still heel and tries to work off the new GMs. I hope Laurinaitis takes a good vacation from TV, but I don't think he will.
The 6/21 Superstars and Impact Wrestling should be up tomorrow. Up next, a news post.
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