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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 6/14/12

Read on for my segment-by-segment thoughts on the 6/14 Superstars and Impact.

Strong opening contest. I'm glad to see that Ryder still gets a good deal of fan support. McGillicutty is improving, having moved from someone I didn't care much for to someone who can be counted on to be good in the ring.

Usos vs. Young and Titus was fine. The Prime Time Players look motivated. Titus' ringwork has notably gotten better and Darren's fitting into his new role well. I didn't like him trying to be a home-run hitter, but he's making a pretty good pinch-hitter.

Gabriel vs. Hunico was pretty incredible. Both men have a lot of skill and should be on TV more.

Impact Wrestling:
Interesting to start the show with Ultimate X. I guess that's one way to get the crowd's attention early. The match was fine as car wrecks go.

I like the push for Aries. THIS is how Hogan should be used: putting over the future and not hogging the spotlight. That segment was mostly about Aries, as it should be.

The Park/Bully Ray segment was fine.

I liked Devon vs. Hernandez for what it was, but wonder if they didn't have the gas to go longer.

I wish they gave more time for Ultimate X and ended the Styles/Dixie angle.

The Gauntlet match was pretty awesome with some really good workers involved.

Good promo by Storm as always. Looking forward to him hopefully winning the title at BFG (if everyone's not bored by Roode's title reign by then).

I like the pairing of Styles and Angle. I'm not really sure why, but it fits.

Fine Knockouts match. Glad to see a new direction in the division.

I hope they don't put the title back on Gail any time soon. There's only so much you can do with one person holding the title for so long.

The main event was Anderson's best singles match performance in a while. Interesting to see Roode win clean.

Interesting end to the show. Hopefully there's a good follow-up.

The 6/15 Smackdown will also be up tonight. Up next, a news post.

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