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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Interview with Ariel/Brian Blair, Bischoff update, Taker-Mania rumor, WWE awards and Questions on Facebook implementation, Tito Santana, lolTNA, why refs do what they do and watching shows out of context

The former Ariel (Shelly Martinez) talked about her WWE exit. Here are some highlights. That escalated quickly... The Batista stuff was said to be really middle/high school-type behavior. Sometimes high-stress, loose work environments can bring out the worst in people.

There continues to be speculation over Eric Bischoff's long-term status in TNA after it was said he'd be "working from home". I don't think I'd mind him coming back to WWE in a limited role. Maybe to feud/work with Brad Maddox, whom a lot of people compare him to? I don't see it happening, and authority figures need to be kept to a minimum, but I'd personally like to see how it'd play out. Bischoff can be a pretty entertaining on-air character. Natural heel.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

The current talk is that WrestleMania 30 will feature The Undertaker facing BBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK.
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Lesnar would totally cripple Taker. There's a natural angle there given their history in front of and behind the camera. Not to mention Heyman's past with Taker. I'd be down for it, even though it means Taker would go over. Honestly I'm pretty much ready for Taker to hang up the boots. The gimmick's cool and all, but I feel it's really ran its course. looked at the "midseason" awards for WWE since we're halfway to WrestleMania. I popped for the Freebird Rules reference.

B. Brian Blair was interviewed. I wonder how many people know who he is in 2013. If it wasn't for The Iron Sheik shooting on him, I think it'd be quite a low number.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I can't say I blame them. I can only imagine some of the comments they'd get given some of the questions that come in.

2. It's been a while since Santana's appeared on TV, and El Matador was quite a while ago, so I don't know if it'd get that great of a reaction. I wouldn't mind a cameo, but I like the act as it is now.

3. TNA's business definitely isn't great, but some photos/news out there is/are misleading. It is possible that ONE DAY they reach a higher level, but it's not happening any time soon. Right now they don't need to be thinking of reaching WWE's (or WCW's) level. Just keep making money and growing. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

4. There you go. I loved the No Prize reference.

5. It should be noted that you were watching the show out of context. The show was meant to be the last hurrah for Hogan before the nWo finally got theirs from Sting at the PPV. The nWo and Hogan were a hot commodity at the time.

More wrestling coming up.

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