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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Raw Reax - 10/14/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

I loved the opening segment. Very hot way to start the show. There's history between Orton and HBK from the Legend Killer days, so it's cool to see them meet up again in 2013. Thankfully, they didn't take too much focus off of the actual competitors in the HIAC match.

I was a little surprised to see the Wyatts involved in the end of this one. Either way, good match. I like that they protected Miz for once.

I don't know what it is about Bray Wyatt I like so much, but he's one of my favorite characters in quite a while (Sandow's up there, too). It's refreshing to hear a character who's not just concerned with winning matches and championships.

It wouldn't shock me if Fandango sticks around for a while as a babyface like Santino and Goldust before him. Will he ever be a top champion? Maybe not. But I can see him doing pretty well for himself as far as longevity goes.

Nothing says desperation like adding gimmicks to matches. See: WCW's dying days.

Oh, snap! It looks like we might be seeing Xavier Woods on TV soon. I'm willing to give him a shot after not being overly impressed with his work before now.

Another good little tag match. When's El Torito going to step in the ring?

Enjoyable HHH/Steph/Bryan/Del Rio segment. Now people can shut up that WWE "forgot the walkout angle". Plus, Del Rio's getting pushed!

So, is Punk going to squash Axel? Or are they going to do some kind of screwjob? Stay tuned. Not a bad match with Truth and Ryback.

Pure heeling by Steph. I like it.

Ahh, good ol' Zeb. Why he doesn't have a weekly address about the state of the government is beyond me/

I really enjoy the Real Americans. If they were better talkers, they could really go places. Thankfully they're young.

Enjoyable post-match. I'm starting to buy the theory of Cesaro going face. His strength is incredible.

I enjoyed Tamina vs. Brie. Since Tamina's a heel, she doesn't need to do a bunch of impressive moves. Just be big and imposing and cut off the babyface.

Brie just got #REKT by Tamina and AJ. Ouch.

I can't be the only one who found it hilarious that they promoted the Goldberg DVD by showing HHH wrestling him. Pic related:

Otherwise, good segment.

I enjoy the Beat the Clock stipulation. I don't think every match needs a time limit, but it's nice as a gimmick from time to time.

Not shocked that Punk went over. Axel could use some rebuilding.

Punk vs. Ryback and Heyman in HIAC should be fun.

I liked Bryan vs. Del Rio. The ending was well done to protect both men.

Not a bad Bryan/Orton segment. HIAC could be quite the match.

Not a bad Shield segment, either.

I really liked that main event until it became more about Show and HHH than the younger guys. I'm willing to see where they go from here, as Rhodes and The Shield definitely have futures, but it seems like it always goes back to the same couple of guys on top. As for The Shield losing the titles, it's definitely not the end of things for them. They had a good, long reign.

More wrestling coming up.

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