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Monday, October 21, 2013

TNA Bound For Glory Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Bound For Glory.
Is it crazy that I didn't even think of linking EC3 and Dixie? This could be crazy fun.

Nothing else to really comment on before the match took place.

Not really excited about the BroMans going for the Tag Team Titles. I hope we're not in for a squash from Gunner and Storm on the biggest show TNA has all year.

We'll see where things go with EY/Park. I'm intrigued now at least.

Blah blah blah Bully's a heel Aces and Eights blah.

Hahahaha! That's pretty much exactly how I wanted that match to end. I expected more BIG BUMPZ~! to pop the marks who assign star ratings, but the match wasn't "bad" by any stretch. Generally an Ultimate X match makes more use of the cables, because otherwise it pretty much is a ladder match.

I loved the history of AJ package. Tonight's his night (unless TNA's really idiotic).

I liked that segment. Is this the end of Joseph Park? I enjoy the character, but I can't blame TNA for getting back behind Abyss.

Not a bad Gunner/Storm promo. Looks like this match is really happening. Maybe they needed to make the most of having Mr. Olympia here.

I mostly enjoyed that tag match. I'm willing to see where they go with the new champs.

Interesting stuff with Sting and Angle. This could lead to something interesting (hopefully not Angle vs. Sting).

Funny Carters segment. I enjoy EC3 so far.

They worked hard in the Knockouts' Title match, but the ending was really clunky.

I guess Tapa as a bodyguard works better than throwing her in the ring so soon. She could definitely use more experience.

My body is ready for Roode making Angle tap. Great promo.

I really liked Roode vs. Angle. It wasn't quite what I hoped for in terms of putting Roode over, but with the right follow-up, it could mean good things for him.

I can hear the IWC now... GOTTA KEEP SUPERANGLE STRONG LOL. Let's see where this goes.

I really don't want to see another incarnation of Team 3D. It's time to put that one to bed.

I enjoyed Carter's debut other than him taking a 2-count from someone portrayed as a scrub. Carter could be going places if they do things right. He has a lot of charisma and stage presence.

My body is also ready for Magnus going over Sting. It's not 1999 anymore. Put the new guy over.

YES!!! Magnus looked pretty good here with an unfortunately limited opponent. It's time to contemplate Sting's TNA exit, I think. He's earned the right to ride out into the sunset. I'm also glad that Magnus wasn't turned heel.

I liked the post-match. Push Magnus for the love of God.

Bully's shtick's getting pretty old. Time for another refreshening.

BAH GAWD HE DID IT. AJ STYLES BEAT BULLY RAY. Awesome story told there with all the intereferences and stuff. I'm a sucker for a big story-telling match. I wouldn't mind a rematch, but once that's over, the Aces and Eights gimmick needs to be placed in a casket under six feet of dirt.

More wrestling coming up.

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