Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.
Nothing wrong with Hawkins vs. Van Dam. I wonder what Hawkins' future looks like. I picture him remaining employed for a while, but not really going anywhere.
Fine Sandow promo. I'm really ready for his character to do something fresh. Feud with someone or SOMETHING.
Not a bad "main event" at all. At least Sandow can win on a show hardly anyone watches (compared to Raw or Smackdown).
Impact Wrestling:
Bully Ray's character's getting really stale. I hope once BFG season is through (they can justify him getting a rematch in November), he takes a break from TV. Other than that, I'm still intrigued by the World Title match.
I think a "Summer of Punk" kind of story with AJ could be interesting, where he wins the title and holds it hostage for a while. Pretty much anything would be better than Bully's reign continuing. That horse is just about ready to be made into glue.
Not a bad tag match. They went 100 mph as always.
TNA's all like "@&$*!!! It's three weeks until our biggest PPV of the year and we only have two matches set. How can we throw together a big gimmick match?" Cable spotfest it is. I love how the X-Division Champion is the least important part of the feud. I get this weird feeling we're in for a Hardy title win to put him in the "RVD position".
>Sting and Hogan still in muh TNA in 2013. I really hope this is a lame-duck session kind of thing.
I think I would actually pop for Magnus going over Sting.
I really liked the Gauntlet match. There was actual storytelling beyond "let's do a bunch of cool-looking moves." They're doing a good job getting sympy for Magnus as a babyface. I'm sure they'll turn him gritty and edgy soon to screw that up. But yeah, great work by everyone involved.
Sting vs. Magnus could actually be pretty good from a story standpoint. Sting passing the torch before bowing out is ideal in my eyes. He'd go out on a high note.
I really liked the Aries/Hogan segment. Not as much as I'd like Aries shooting on Hogan and saying he's glad Hogan might be leaving, but obviously that's not happening. CREATIVE CONTROL, BROTHER.
It's definitely been historic for Hogan to be a part of the TNA product. Unfortunately, I think it really stifled growth in some areas for him and his buddies to get so much air time.
Sabin's totally going to nail a ring rat while Velvet's wrestling.
Not a bad Ego segment. I don't think it really advanced much of anything, but I liked it. Maybe we'll get Roode vs. Angle at BFG to play off the Hall of Fame thing?
Ouch. It doesn't look like Tapa's ready for TV. It's obvious TNA is desperate to shake up the Knockouts division and want to recreate the success of Awesome Kong, but... wow.
I liked the Storm/Gunner promo well enough. I wish it would have focused more on them having a match at BFG, though.
Not a bad Ethan promo. I feel like he could be more comfortable in the role.
Joe vs. Bully Ray wasn't bad. A little convoluted, but not bad.
Cool post-match.
That Hogan/Dixie segment was something all right. Wow. I really hope that's the last we see of this part of the angle. I was thinking the wrestling PPV should be built around the actual wrestlers?
More wrestling coming up.
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