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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Superstars and Smackdown Reax - 10/18/13

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Smackdown.

Looks like they're committed to keeping Sandow heel with that promo. The point's been made that he's gotten as far as he can as a heel and has lost so much momentum that a face turn (possibly under a different character) could be just what he needs. It would all depend on execution.

Sandow vs. Kofi was nice. Both guys are making strides. I just wonder what it takes for these good-to-great wrestlers to break out to that next level. Obviously Creative putting them in the right scenarios is important, but I feel like there's something else.

Ziggler vs. Big E wasn't bad at all. I would have liked a longer match, but it was fine for the time it had.

I enjoyed the opening segment, other than the focus on Big Show. Ideally, when this angle's over, Bryan and Rhodes will be at a major new level. All eyes will be on the booking from here on out.

Pretty good opening tag. I enjoy everyone in this match (though I'm not a massive Miz fan). I wonder how over Miz would be with the IWC if he didn't come from the Real World. He's been wrestling for ten years now.

Pretty cool post-match. Glad Bray can still do something.

Nice little Divas match to set up Brie challenging for the title. I'm enjoying the AJ/Tamina pairing.

I think they could have better explained how Show can get into the ring despite not being a WWE employee - it sends the message that theoretically any fan can just do that if they have a ticket. Other than that, I'm liking this angle.

That was a heck of a match between Langston and the hurting Punk. I wouldn't have faulted Punk for holding back some given the pain he's in, but he went all-out.

Awesome post-match since presumably Big E's going to prove people wrong about what Heyman's said about him. I'd love to see if he can get the FIVE thing over on the main roster. I've definitely seen more limited big men than Langston.

Seems kind of desperate to throw in the Mexico card to Del Rio vs. Cena. I did like Del Rio making Mathews tap, though.

Fine tag match to get over the new feud with the Real Americans. It does seem heelish for Los Matadores to get involved, but other than that, this was good.

I can't wait to hear what Zeb's going to say after that post-match.

I enjoyed the Orton promo. I think he fits this role well, though of course those two Wellness strikes are always something to keep an eye on.

I really enjoyed the main event. WWE must have made a mistake putting that match last, since according to the dirtsheets, they're not pushing any new stars.

More wrestling coming up.

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