Read on for my take on last night's Raw.
I liked the beginning of the show. Strong Punk promo and they spotlighted some fresh characters. You'd be forgiven for forgetting the McMahons, Big Show and Vickie Guerrero still being major players.
I can't complain TOO much about Punk going over Big E. Langston got some offense in. I still have high hopes for Big E. He's still young and has already shown more from an athletic standpoint than Big Zeke and Titus have.
That was a quick match. Obviously everyone can't be "doing something" and we need some matches here and there that aren't huge storyline deals to space things out.
I still love the Wyatt Family gimmick, even if they're not really doing anything right now.
Great heeling by Orton. I guess the Bellas are faces now.
I still love Heyman's promos.
I'm really not crazy about this gimmick, but I suppose it's better than Primo and Epico doing nothing. Maybe it gets over and they become successful with it.
Not a bad debut, match-wise. Being off TV for so long seems to have motivated them.
Pretty awesome Rhodes Family/Shield segment. I love how this is more than a wrestling angle about winning a match. There's a personal feud involved.
Not a bad match between Truth and Axel. Hopefully Axel gets some wins soon if he's going to remain a credible champion. I won't get my hopes up.
Not a terrible match between Brie and Alicia. There are definitely better workhorses in the division.
Ummmm.... not really sure what to make of this stuff with Heyman and Ryback.
Big Show vs. HHH at HIAC would be good. I know both guys are more than 40, but with enough plunder I think they can tell a good story. I think they know better than to just do a bunch of weapons spots with little breathing room like so many matches feel like these days,
Nice continuity with Truth wanting to win the IC Title. Too often, someone pins the champion and it's no big deal.
Not a huge shock that Del Rio won. At least he can beat Ryder clean.
The first part of the Heyman et al. segment was really off-the-wall. I'm not really sure what to make of it. But Punk's attack was cool.
I liked the 6-man with The Shield, though the Usos aren't really my favorites. I felt the match could have benefited from some more experienced stars being involved, but I'm glad they're using the younger faces.
I really like the build-up to HHH vs. Show. I smell a swerve, though.
I'm ready for Del Rio vs. RVD. This might be when they write off Van Dam for a while.
Is there any place in America Zeb Colter actually likes?
Wow. They're really wasting potential with the Real Americans, though I suppose there's only so far they can go with The Shield as champs.
The "goatface" "troll" stuff is getting a little silly, but other than that the ending was awesome. Will we see another reversed Bryan win?
More wrestling coming up.
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