Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
The Hardys angle is starting to get stale again. It's been fun, but at some point they need to be kept apart and work with other wrestlers.
Crazy opening segment so far. It's kind of hard for a more realistic character like EC3 to interact with the madness of the Final Deletion.
I have no idea what's happening anymore. EC3 and Matt are feuding about cats?
- EC3 vs. M. Hardy:
Nice story of working the leg.
This is wild.
I can't say I've ever seen someone try to bite someone else's foot in a wrestling match.
That was quite the ending. TNA definitely throws everything they have into things.
It's hard for me to root for anyone in the Knockouts division because every character is angry all the time.
While Madison's "only" been in TNA for seven years, I'm much more burned out on her because there are only so many Knockouts in the company.
Is Matt going to kill Nero's wife? They might as well involve her at this point, leading to a mixed tag with Matt and Reby vs. Nero and Beth.
- Kim vs. Rayne:
Fine action, but I've seen the same people face each other in TNA for years now and there's only so much they can do to be exciting now.
Both of them are definitely going hard.
That was good enough.
It's a Mike Bennett promo.... at least Moose is around to balance him out.
Goth Soap Opera time!
Well that was pretty dark.
The best part about this Bram/Rosemary thing is some people out there will see it as the most romantic thing ever.
Ummm. I'm worried what we're going to find out about the barn.
- Moose vs. Starr:
Moose killin' this fool. Dude's incredible.
Based Moose. I'm good with him destroying people.
Lashley vs. Moose is going to be HUGE.
I think every episode of Impact has to have someone call an opponent a bitch. It's a cheap way to make things seem more "adult."
Lashley as KOTM Champion being next works for me. Just destroy everyone.
DJ Z has a deathwish!
Well, that was one way to lead to a surprise gimmick match. could be pretty fun.
- Lashley vs. Z:
I loved Lashley's response to the ladder being thrown in.
DJ Z's definitely trying his damnedest against the hoss champion.
Lashley destroying this dude.
Lashley's just unbelievable. One of the best acts in wrestling right now.
That was one hell of a bump to end things. All hail the mastadon.
EC3 vs. Galloway again should be good.
WHAT THE FUCK AM I WATCHING. BramXRosemary is one of the craziest, Goth-est things I've ever seen.
I get the feeling the Decay's going to kill Bram when he goes in the barn.
I'm getting further and further behind Eli Drake. He's pretty entertaining.
Storm's flatlining as a character. He's just "guy who drinks beer."
Storm burying water was unexpected but funny.
I have no idea what Thunder From Down Under is, but I don't think I want to look it up.
Weird trash talk from Storm.
Mostly enjoyable segment overall.
Weird segment with Tyrus/Grado/Shera. I guess they needed something to do to move their angle along.
Monster's Ball used to mean the competitors were locked up with no food, water, or light for 24 hours beforehand, which was a pretty cool work to make it sound like they'd be crazy enough to kill each other. Now it's just another thrown together gimmick match.
- Steve/Abyss vs. Bro-Mans:
Wow, they're getting right to the weapons spots. That's the future of wrestling. No entrances or promos; just get in and do spots because we all know it's a work.
The Bro-Mans are adapting to this well. I like the occasional "non-hardcore wrestlers have to work a hardcore match" match, like Lashley in a ladder match earlier.
Steve in the thumbtacks was gruesome.
I actually forgot about Raquel for a minute there.
That was pretty fun overall.
Damn. Moose already onto his next victim.
- Drew vs. Bennett:
Bennett can be good when put in the right situation (carried).
Galloway goes HARD.
OUCH. That catapult spot.
Drew's just at a whole different level from Bennett.
Keeping Galloway STRONG.
I love a match with a lot of interference and near falls... SOMETIMES.
Looking forward to where things go from here.
More wrestling coming up.
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