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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Vince plays Pokémon Go, WWE hiring Network directors, second screen experience during Draft, Rock hits major milestone in Hollywood, more Raws on Network, WWE press, TNA audience, George Steele health update, WM33 celebrity match teased, possible World Title feud for Summerslam, Cody-ROH update, more on Moose's TNA deal, TNA moving biggest show of the year?, Survivor Series official, Metalik-WWE update, and Questions on Bray copying Final Deletion or LU, judging TNA by Final Deletion, heels cheating, WWE nicknames, and how Brock's UFC win affects him in WWE

Vince McMahon is taking part in the Pokémon Go trend. I assume that was just done by an intern or something, but, nonetheless, hilarious and relevant. Vince would sign Machamp in a heartbeat.

WWE is looking to fill two key roles related to the WWE Network, an acquisition marketer and a retention marketer. WWE wants the Network to be a key part of things for years to come.

WWE will have a lot of Network content on draft night. Hopefully they draft JBL to Swerved or something. I'm curious to see how they'll handle NXT names being part of the mix. What's to stop the commissioners/GMs from signing all the top talent from that brand?

The Rock posted on Instagram after being named the highest paid actor in Hollywood. It should be noted Taz was featured in a movie long before Rock was, 1991's Soul of the Demon. His character was even named Rock! Dwayne Johnson's subsequent career is gimmick infringement of the highest order, hacking Taz's success. 

WWE Network is adding Raw episodes from 2005 and 2006. So, no Thunder yet. They'll get to uploading those at some point, though.

Kevin Owens spoke ahead of an upcoming meet and greet. No kayfabe banter, though, unfortunately. He's been a very entertaining addition to the WWE roster.

Heath Slater has started a crowdfunding endeavor to assist with the effects of floods in West Virginia.
Impact Wrestling on Fight Network is moving to Thursdays, as well. That's going to take some getting used to, but there's nothing more constant than change.

Destination X drew 358,000 viewers for TNA, so the live show retained some of the curious fans from Final Deletion. Hopefully the move to Thursday is a big plus for Impact.

George "The Animal" Steele returned home from the hospital after a long stay due to his kidney issues. It was the doctors who let him go home, but it's good to hear he's healthy enough to move on with his life.

WWE teased Big Show vs. Shaq after both men were at the ESPYs. That'd be a good mainstream attraction for WM33. There are certainly worse uses for Show at the major show.

At one point the plan for the second brand's World Title feud at Summerslam was John Cena vs. AJ Styles. That sounds great, especially if AJ wins to give us something new and fresh.

There have been discussions regarding Cody Rhodes joining ROH. I think he could be a valuable player there, especially if they let him showcase his personality and charisma. 

Moose's TNA contract allows the company to book him on regular indie appearances, while he can continue to take some outside bookings. I expect him to be an important part of TNA's plans going forward, as he should be.

TNA is expected to move BFG's date, as it was initially set for September 11. That's now the night of WWE Backlash.

WWE Survivor Series is set for November 20 in Canada. I really hope that doesn't mean they're going to play off the Screwjob a 8739th time.

Gran Metalik/Mascara Dorada has said he has not yet been offered a contract by WWE. He's at least going to the second round of the CWC and there's speculation of him being signed afterward. I was definitely impressed with his debut, and he'd be great to appeal to the Latin market.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. The timing's too perfect for it to be a coincidence. Bray's "in the know" enough to have seen Final Deletion and incorporate it into his angle. There's a pretty good chance we see more along these lines, especially in TNA, but I don't see either company going full-on "LU." I also wouldn't assume the Hardys just copied LU; WCW had campy movie-like vignettes decades ago. And let's not forget "Black Cloud" Matt Hardy, grapes-eating Matthew and all his YouTube videos, and "Cold Blood" Matt Hardy. I can definitely see this being something he'd come up with without LU existing.

2. Not at all, since it was such a break from what TNA normally does. It'd be like judging Star Wars by the Christmas special.

3. I think it varies by situation. Lesnar shouldn't need to cheat to beat Dean Ambrose given the size difference and Brock's incredible skills. But Rollins needing an edge to beat the franchise of WWE (Cena) is believable. And some heels cheat just because they're evil (HHH). 

4. The Dude is playing off The Guy. Names don't need to be complicated to be effective, although I agree those took pretty minimal effort.

5. In some ways the UFC fight actually works against WWE's portrayal of Brock since he didn't take Hunt to Suplex City and KO him with an F5 (which would have been amazing). I'd be more than OK with Orton pointing out their match won't have rounds or end with a judge's decision. 

More wrestling tomorrow.

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