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Monday, July 4, 2016

Lucha name passes, WWE live event notes, Interviews with Hall/RVD/Cody, and Questions on Russo vs. Cornette, WWE making Booty-O's, WWE working with other promotions, making Darren great again, and Demolition in the Hall

CMLL wrestler Thunder has passed away at 34. See remembrances/bios here and here. That's not old at all. It's a sad day for lucha fans.

Darren Young, with Bob Backlund, unsuccessfully challenged for the Intercontinental Championship at live events this weekend. It looks like that pairing will get to appear together live on TV soon. I expect those two and the Shining Stars will get more room to grow after the brand split.

Big Show and Kane worked together against Strowman and Rowan this weekend. I imagine they'll be back more regularly post-draft, too.

Scott Hall and RVD remembered "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig:
- Glad to hear Hennig was a positive influence and good teacher for Hall.

- Some of those ribs are more cruel than funny.

- Part of me wants to see Curtis Axel team with Cody Hall.

- Hennig had the right attitude about losing. The business means people who can give back in the ring. Not everyone can go over.

- Interesting stories about WWE TV rules.

Cody Rhodes discussed leaving WWE and more. He made the most he could out of Stardust, despite it not being his ideal role. That's admirable, but I can see how it wasn't easy for him.

UK talent Johnny Moss was a guest coach at the WWEPC recently. I really like the guest coach idea.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. The real world is usually a lot less clear about faces and heels, and this is no exception. Arguments can be made for either man being in the right or in the wrong here. I don't think Cornette cares about coming across as a heel where Russo is concerned. He legitimately hates Vinny Ru. As for some specifics:

a. The "Russo got TNA kicked off Spike" story has been refuted by a Spike executive. It's possible that executive was "kayfabing" for some reason, but it's more likely there were some anti-Russo sources who fed the wrestling press that story. Sadly, workers using the wrestling media to parrot their views/spread rumors probably happens fairly frequently.

b. I doubt Russo offered his services JUST to help out his friends, but I wouldn't be surprised if he believes he's the answer to saving TNA and his friends.

c. I don't see how Russo's words cost anyone and jobs. Like with Spike, Destination America was going to drop TNA regardless of Russo's actions. Pop has a bigger reach than DA, so it's not really a bad thing they switched channels.

d. I definitely think due diligence needs to be done with more stories. That applies to every story and every reporter and reader (including myself).

e. I think Russo can be viewed sympathetically, even when disagreeing with him, due to Cornette's level of hatred and threatening nature. There's disliking someone, but saying you'd kill them if you could get away with it is crossing a serious line.

2. If New Day ever splits up or cools off or whatever, they might have to cut their losses on Booty-O's. I don't know if ice cream bars would have been a hit, but I'm sure there was internal talk of whether it would be worth a shot to make them. It's a long process to make something like that. They'd have to work out a deal with someone to make the ice cream bars and all that.

3. In the near future? No. Vince wants to promote WWE superstars. Having a few people from other promotions working in NXT is a different level than having them regularly be on Raw or Smackdown. Vince would rather sign any names that could be used and make them WWE names. It's something of a control thing. As for years from now, theoretically pretty much anything is possible. Maybe once we get Wrestlemania (WWEMania?) on the moon, we'll see people from other promotions and other planets competing.

4. It's a chance to get Young over as a face due to working with the wacky veteran. He's kind of lost in the shuffle with the pending brand extension, but maybe this is all leading to something more once there's time to focus on him on one show or the other.

5. Hopefully it's not too much longer before Ax and Smash are in the Hall. They certainly belong.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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