Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's ROH and Smackdown.
- Kay/A. Gallows/Veda vs. Sakai/Thunderkitty/Dobson:
Mostly solid so far. I like what Thunderkitty's doing.
It's weird seeing the current Knockouts Champion working ROH.
This is going pretty well. I wouldn't mind seeing some more WOH on the weekly show.
The Code Red not being a 3 always triggers me.
I hate the Tower of Doom, too.
The Claw being used in 2016 is awesome.
That wasn't bad.
- Faye vs. ODB:
Oh this is bad. I guess if I'd seen less of ODB in TNA I might be less disappointed. There's only so much to her as a wrestler.
Not a solid match at all.
- Leon vs. Hania:
Good chain wrestling early.
I'm enjoying this. It's a change of pace.
This isn't bad at all.
Enjoyable out and out fight.
That was pretty good overall.
- Klein vs. Hendrix:
I like Klein as a heel already.
Klein playing the power game is enjoyable.
I'm a sucker for the "strong wrestler makes the flippy wrestler pay for getting too cutesy" spot. No cartwheels in a wrestling match unless you're Damien Sandow.
Hendrix is alright, but kicking out of a Tombstone in a random unimportant match is a bad spot.
That was pretty good overall. I liked Klein in particular.
I'm turning on Cesaro. He's becoming a meme wrestler at this point, just known for two signature spots.
liked the fact everyone got promos before the opening match instead of
it just happening. I hope that's more of the norm after the brand split.
- Cesaro vs. Del Rio vs. Crews vs. Sheamus:
Cesaro definitely goes all out. I'll give him that.
I like the fact LoN history hasn't been entirely ignored. That happens too often.
Sheamus got a face reaction from me for stopping the swing. Such a goofy move.
hated Apollo using the moonsault to break up the hold. What if Cesaro
tapped in the time it took to set that up? Just dropkick him or
Eeeeeehhhhhhh. Good action, and it made sense for Cesaro to win. I'm just not liking his direction.
That was an intense post-match attack.
Rusev wanting to beat an injured Cesaro was great heel work.
Oh, Cesaro. You walked right into the trap.
- Rusev vs. Cesaro:
Ugggghhhh more European uppercuts.
Both men are definitely incredible, talented athletes.
Good spot where Cesaro couldn't hit his finisher due to the damage to his ribs.
was really solid. They told a good story of competition. I would have
had issues with Cesaro pulling a Super-Cena and winning.
Rusev and Lana are great. I like Rusev being such a dick he doesn't want to defend the U.S. Title ON INDEPENDENCE DAY.
- Dana vs. Billie:
It sure is NXT in here. Good seeing Billie again.
Dana's trash talk game is strong.
Good power from Dana, and Billie did alright in her first WWE showing.
I get the feeling we're in for Charlotte as champ on one show and Sasha as champ on the other show.
Summer Rae making a Flash Funk reference made my night.
Another talk show segment.... the worst part is we could have even more in the brand split.
This MizTV segment is really forced.
I wonder if Ambrose will end up main eventing a Wrestlemania as WWE Champion like Miz.
- Rowan/Strowman vs. Hale/Duwaddy:
Nice dominant showing from the mastadons. They needed that after New Day throwing them under a bus.
Big E cracks me up.
OK Wyatts/New Day segment. It's a shame this feud has to be goofy.
- Summer vs. Sasha:
Summer messed with the wrong woman.
Summer's underrated. I hope we see more of her skills in the New Era.
This is pretty solid.
Good match.
- Miz vs. Ambrose:
A WWE Champ vs. IC Champ match should feel bigger than a goofy talk show feud.
I liked both men attempting their finishers. Win fast if you can! Especially against a tough opponent.
Good for Miz to work on the leg.
I'm liking the story of Miz trying to tap Dean out.
Good counter to the rebound clothesline. I just wish the SCF would have been more decisive. Finishers need to be protected more.
That was good overall.
More wrestling coming up.
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