Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
The sooner I don't have to see as much of the McMahons, the better.
How many years until Shane is back on Raw in some position of authority? McMahon power angles are cyclical.
Stephanie "buy my memoir this October fam" McMahon.
WHOA. WHOA. Just casually making a cruiserweight division like that after all this time. It's way too early to call the CWC a success, but it's a bold new direction for the company. I can't say it's a huge surprise, though, given the size of a lot of WWE recruits these days. The question is, will it actually draw the people complaining about a lack of cruiserweights to watching WWE and supporting the brand? I'm skeptical given how every other concession to the vocal minority goes. MAYBE it will appeal to the larger audience. I do think WWE's taking it seriously if they're looking at people like Gran Metalik, Cedric Alexander, Kota Ibushi, Zack Sabre, Jr., TJ Perkins, etc.
Oh, God, really? I got bored with Foley as GM in the TNA days. I guess the idea is to appeal to older fans and the people drawn in by Foley's criticisms of WWE. Maybe it's like getting Bernie to endorse Hillary?
Foley's cheap pops are always fun.
"Remember how cool wrestling was 20 years ago? We do."
I do think Bryan as Smackdown GM is a good move to give that show a fresh identity. They're going to need to be really dedicated to a new era for both shows to succeed, though. I hope Raw doesn't get too focused on nostalgia with Foley in charge.
Bryan's saying the right things. We'll see if they mean something.
Oh, man. Someone actually beat Foley's pandering.
Stephanie already burying Smackdown. Not good.
I'm all for Zayn vs. Owens wrapping up at Battleground for now. They're both talented, but it's time for new things from them.
- Zayn/Cesaro vs. Y2J/Owens:
I feel like I've seen all these people face off a million times. That's the problem with having the same matches on Raw and Smackdown. They're talented, but at some point there's nothing new to bring to the table.
I'm worried we're in for a push for Cesaro after the draft. He's become way too dependent on two signature spots.
These men are all good athletes. I want to see feuds that are based on more than that, though.
If I see one more giant swing....
Good match as far as action goes.
Wow. Chucky was relevant in the dying days of WCW. They should have gone with Annabelle from The Conjuring.
- Del Rio vs. D. Young:
This will be interesting. Can they do more than have a good match?
Darren is certainly a good athlete. He works hard.
Too quick to mean much, but I liked Young doing something new. I'm all for pushing him, but Del Rio's really fallen down the ladder. Hopefully ADR's in the World Title picture after the draft.
I have a feeling Big Show's going to be important again after the draft. Ugggghhhh....
I like Cena being used to showcase new talents. His promos are better when they're short.
Oh my God Enzo is Basic Thuganomics Cena.
That was a good use of Cena to share the stage with Enzo and Cass.
I like The Club's counter to the face promo.
This is a pretty fun multi-team segment as a whole.
Fun stuff. Cena was more of an assist than the centerpiece. That's the right move.
- Enzo/Cass/Cena/New Day vs. Club/Wyatts:
This is starting off well.
I like the combination of sizes and styles here.
Good to see Cena actually feeding to his opponents.
This is really solid!
Very enjoyable stuff.
Nice ending. The focus wasn't all on Cena.
I'm glad Seth doesn't have to hold back on Roman. Not protecting Roman during this suspension is step one in turning some of his detractors around (although most of them will boo any top face anyway).
Good Rollins promo.
Given Foley's legendary feud with HHH, I'm surprised he's working with Stephanie. But if anyone knows how to sell out, it's Mick.
- Corbin vs. Cara:
Cara seeing how many flips he can pull off in a squash match.
Hopefully Baron and Apollo do something worth investing in after the draft.
Ha. The Lucha Dragons might as well split if this is how powerless they are as a team.
- Sasha/Becky vs. Dana/Charlotte:
Dana's fitting right in on the main roster.
Becky's got fire.
Well that didn't last long.
That would have been a good time to have Sasha's partner make the save.
Really weird seeing Bryan, Shane, and Kane together given all their history.
I liked that Ambrose promo. He didn't need any silly jokes. He was just a badass. They should push him more like that than goofy comedy babyface.
- Sheamus/Rusev vs. Ziggler/Ryder:
Nice action so far.
Thanks for coming, Ziggler! Now even Zack Ryder is getting a bigger push than he is.
Foley's like "who are you guys again? I don't watch Superstars or Main Event." At least The Ascension are actually on Raw for once.
I'd rather Bryan and Foley focus on their brands and superstars than each other.
- Ambrose vs. Rollins:
This is a good start from a wrestling perspective, but not really fitting for heated rivals.
Things are heating up well now.
I'm liking the action between these two.
Both men really going hard.
This is becoming pretty wild. Roman might just have to pick up the scraps Sunday.
WHOA. A Superplex actually ended a match!!! That's the real surprise here.
I expect Rollins is going to Raw to destroy Foley on the mic while Ambrose is Smackdown-bound.
After Raw on the Network:
Fun ending to things to sell Battleground. It's really weird not having THE BIG DOGGGGG in the mix.
More wrestling coming up.
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