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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Night of Champions poster, Questions on de-pushes, a Punk faction, Superstars, Orton, and TNA, Jericho's last WWE date, No Surrender poster, Interview with Kenny King, who was with Daniel Bryan on Raw and Kelly Kelly returning

Here's the poster for Night of Champions. Start those rumors up!

For my take on's questions:
1. I'm sure they realize that they're doing something that can hurt them. They probably just think they're "safe" enough business-wise that they can do that kind of thing and still stay relatively strong PPV and ratings wise. They're definitely hypocritical when wondering where the young talent that needs to step up is, though. Miz and Drew McIntyre were stepping up before politics got in the way.

2. I like it! It could be something of a revolution with the guys with his mold who have been held back. It's just a matter of how those guys get over when the angle's over.

3. I don't know that they couldn't just switch Superstars with Main Event (like they did with ECW and NXT). Either way, international markets are paying them to show matches. I don't see why they'd give that up given where their business is.

Everything else is after the break.

4. I believe Orton's kind of turned things around, but he did have a reputation of being less than friendly years back.

5. That's... actually a good rebuttal. I was going to just chalk it up to TNA being TNA (and therefore unpredictable).

Chris Jericho's final date in WWE will be 8/14. He will then do work with Fozzy. A comeback is always possible once his tours end.

Here's the poster for TNA No Surrender.

Kenny King talked ROH and TNA.

Daniel Bryan's escorts on Raw were FCW's Chad Baxter and Colin Cassady along with OVW's Jamin Olivencia and Jason Wayne. Interesting that they used OVW talents given TNA's relationship with them.

Kelly Kelly will be back with WWE full-time come 8/9, so it looks like they've worked something out.

More news tomorrow after Superstars and Impact!

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