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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Main Event Reax - 10/30/13, former Knockout retiring, Styles' AAA opponent, new reality show with former Diva/Knockout?, Interviews with Kaitlyn/Rhodes Brothers/Nikki/JR/Swagger/Stephanie, Bischoff ally update, TNA schedule update, who was and wasn't at WWE TV this week, WWE event profiled, Little Boogeyman pops up, Heel Dixie strikes again and Questions on making TNA old school, why viewers tune out, Taker vs. Bryan, Divas in the Cell and HHH vs. Y2J

Main Event:
I really liked Ryback vs. Kofi. Ryback's a pretty solid power competitor. I've definitely seen more limited big guys pushed.

Not really in the mood for Santino vs. Slater shenanigans at the moment. Not a bad contest, but not my cup of tea.

For those who keep score, HHH and Show first faced off in 1999 (in a Handicap match also involving The Rock). So they've got some history. This part of the story feels fresh, so I can't complain too much.

Well, at least Fandango went over. I'm really not a Hornswoggle/Khali fan.

I hope the people who hate "sports entertainment" are upset at the combination of flashy colored flippy guys and a little person in a bull suit. That was really something.

More wrestling coming up.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What happened after Raw, WWE tryouts, HBK update, Interviews with Spike/Daniels, Punk hurt on Raw, former Divas' Champ at Performance Center, Goldust-indies update, Kofi hits NXT, ex-TNA Knockout at Raw, update on Hogan-TNA, Styles angle continues, TNA star lays down Bellator challenge, Raw audience, Dixie addresses latest TNA rumor and Questions on TNA invading, Magnus, Steph wrestling, changing WWE and Raw vs. Nitro

After Raw, HHH heeled the crowd in attendance for chanting "Yes!" He then "hired" the audience for the sole purpose of firing them before actually firing them. I wonder what investors feel about a company hiring thousands of employees before firing them outright that same day...

There were a number of students from Team 3D's wrestling academy receiving tryouts or being used as extras during the Raw taping. I wonder how TNA feels about that.

There are discussions to use HBK more on TV. If it gets Bryan further over, I'm all for it.

Here's a big interview with the former Spike Dudley covering a lot of topics. I always liked him.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

HIAC injuries, Interview with Dreamer, NXT stars scanned for action figures, HBK responds to fan backlash, Cena makes WHC vow, Ryback heels IWC, Cabana tryout?, Smackdown audience and Questions on indies vs. WWE, burying Ziggler, TNA's ring, the cost of going on the road and working the SEC

Big E Langston and Dean Ambrose both required medical attention after their match. Langston received stitches. Neither will miss ring time. Tough business.

Tommy Dreamer had an interview recently. Here are some highlights. Maybe I'm just giddy, but the porn story struck me as amusing. As for WWE and TNA "screwing over the audience", it'd be different if they didn't deliver the matches they promised. They do. They just do endings designed to set up rematches. It's the whole "unfinished business" thing. The idea of House of Hardcore being a major promotion is intriguing. It could be a long way away, but any change in the current national landscape would be something to spice things up. As for Rosita, I enjoyed what little I saw of her in TNA. I certainly wouldn't be against WWE giving her a tryout. She's young and shows both fire and commitment.

Mattel scanned a solid number of NXT talents for potential future action figures if/when those talents make it to the main roster. I wonder how an NXT line would sell? Either way, that's very smart on Mattel's part. There are certainly some talents there who would be cool to see in action figure form. Paige, Bayley, Scott Dawson, Enzo Amore...

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 10/28/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, October 28, 2013

New Henry look + update, Styles defending TNA Title outside of TNA, Interview with Bryan, Punk on documentary, Identity of Smackdown wrestler, Ricardo update, McCool goes to ER, More on Cena's injury, Del Rio appearance, Why Axel missed HIAC, Show update, TNA to tape PPVs in the UK, where's Mysterio? and Questions on THE HULKSTER IN TNA, JACK, why the WWE Title isn't as important as it used to be, Bischoff fact check, Cena's recovery and The Rogue AJ Styles

Mark Henry has stated that he's close to returning, and is sporting a new look. The Authority better watch itself when he comes back.

AJ Styles has teased that he'll defend the TNA World Title outside of TNA. The speculation is that that could mean Wrestle-1 in Japan or AAA in Mexico, both of which I believe TNA has good relationships with. I think that's a great idea to continue the angle. If he doesn't come back in 2014, this is a great sendoff.

Here's an interview with Daniel Bryan before Hell in a Cell. Four straight WWE PPV main events? Man, he is SO being buried. He might as well quit and go to TNA. It should be noted that PWInsider is one of the chief proponents of complaining about Bryan being "buried". I don't think "Final Countdown" would be as over with the audience at large compared to the die-hard IWC fans. Most viewers won't get the reference, or care.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

WWE Hell in a Cell Reax - 10/27/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Hell in a Cell PPV.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hell in a Cell preview

Read on for how I'd book tonight's Hell in a Cell PPV.

Interview with Ariel/Brian Blair, Bischoff update, Taker-Mania rumor, WWE awards and Questions on Facebook implementation, Tito Santana, lolTNA, why refs do what they do and watching shows out of context

The former Ariel (Shelly Martinez) talked about her WWE exit. Here are some highlights. That escalated quickly... The Batista stuff was said to be really middle/high school-type behavior. Sometimes high-stress, loose work environments can bring out the worst in people.

There continues to be speculation over Eric Bischoff's long-term status in TNA after it was said he'd be "working from home". I don't think I'd mind him coming back to WWE in a limited role. Maybe to feud/work with Brad Maddox, whom a lot of people compare him to? I don't see it happening, and authority figures need to be kept to a minimum, but I'd personally like to see how it'd play out. Bischoff can be a pretty entertaining on-air character. Natural heel.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Interviews with Joey Styles/Big Show/Woods, TNA show updates, EC3 opponent, Otunga appears, ex-NFL star training for WWE, Santino's training academy, another Gut Check, TNA-MMA star injured and Questions on no Monday Night Wars, jobbers in the Hall, Bully vs. AJ, the hardcore style, Show working despite being fired and David Otunga

Joey Styles talked about a number of wrestling topics. Very smart guy.

There will be a number of Impact Wrestling tapings on the road in the future, but it won't be a regular occurrence. It will be nice to get out of Orlando from time to time.

TNA's going to be doing more live events once they return to Orlando for tapings. That's good, as the calendar right now looks really bare.

The 12/27 TNA event in Philadelphia has officially been canceled. There could be live events in the markets of canceled Impacts. Whatever gets their momentum going again in the post-Hogan (and Bischoff?) era.

TNA morale is said to be much higher after the recent talent meeting. With Hogan and Bischoff absent, I can't say I'm massively surprised.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Smackdown Reax - 10/25/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.

Friday, October 25, 2013

TNA tapings update, new TNA direction, TNA extends TV deal, more WWE-Komen work, Interview with Sheamus, new WWE DVD survey, TNA stars seek outside dates, Bischoff absent, Hall update, what's set for next week's Impact, competition for Impact and Questions on Ziggler heat, Cena failing Wellness tests, BFG vs. Raw, Goldust and Samoa Joe

TNA talents will be working Impact tapings near the end of November at Universal Studios. They're seeking to do some tapings there in December as well. The space used will be a different stage from the former Impact Zone.

Update: TNA put out a press release about the new direction for the company. I can't say that some of those ideas aren't good ideas. They need to do something to freshen things up and reprioritize. I really like the idea about new characters and training new talents. Obviously that's going to draw comparisons to WWE's new direction, but that's hardly a bad thing as WWE's really doing well in those regards.

Update: Morale is said to be up after today's talent meeting in TNA.

Here's another press release about their TV deal in France. It's great that TNA is achieving successes around the world.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 10/24/13

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Main Event Reax - 10/23/13, new match for HIAC, Interviews with Magnus/Luger, Foley talks Angle, WWE hangout, where's Shamrock now?, Bellas on Kimmel and Questions on Rock vs. Austin, endings to PPVs, Show buying stock and Steph getting her comeuppance

Main Event:
I enjoyed the opening match. I'm glad it had more story than "check out all these cool moves and big bumps we can do". Goldust understands ring psychology for sure.

Nice match from PTP and the Real Americans. Cesaro and Swagger make a great tandem and PTP continue to find their niche. I think everyone here could do bigger things in the future.

Not a terrible Divas' match, but not something I really wanted to see.

Sandow vs. Ziggler wasn't bad at all, other than the "neither guy is as big of a star as they could/should be" factor. Both men have a lot of potential. More experience would definitely help them both, but right now they're certainly showing they have what it takes to be impressive members of the roster.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Post-Raw dark match, Y2J and Edge respond to HHH, Wyatt update, praise for new star, manager to become wrestler?, original plan for Raw main event, possible Raw injuries, praise for NXT star, Interview with Mickie/potential WWE signee, Raw audience, WWE honored and Questions on Orton, Jim Johnston, Sandow's briefcase, DVRs and WWE does Dallas

Daniel Bryan beat Randy Orton after Raw. Pretty weird booking for a guy they're "trying to bury" and "not putting over".

Chris Jericho took a shot at Triple H after the Raw segment where HHH insulted Y2J's status in the company. I think it can be argued that HHH was the top name in the company for a while post-Attitude Era when he was working with the former WCW/ECW main eventers and leading Evolution. Even when Jericho was the top champion, he was presented as undeserving and clearly below the likes of Rock, Austin and HHH.

Update: Edge responded, too. Marks confirmed for being worked by the Cerebral Assassin.

Bray Wyatt was walking without crutches at Raw, so he could be cleared to return to the ring soon. Talk about dodging a bullet.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Better BFG crowd estimate, backstage BFG notes, NXT star note, Interviews with Credible/Rhino/Ambrose/Steve Cox, new combined wrestling fed, wrestler passes away, RVD update, Smackdown audience, Sunny health update, BFG injuries, Main Event match, Smackdown segment, NXT stars at Raw and Questions on Hogan's fame, the next generation of main eventers, Cena returning, Brawl For All and Renee Young

In a correction to a previous story, Bound For Glory is believed to have drawn between 3,500 and 4,000 fans. That's really not bad. They've done better, but that's not bad.

There was no talk backstage at BFG about Hulk Hogan returning, though it's not off the table. I have nothing new to say here: time to move on from the Hogan/Sting era.

Jeff Jarrett worked as an agent at Bound For Glory. I wonder if he'll be a bigger part of things behind the scenes now.

Justin Gabriel beat Tyler Breeze again on the 10/20 WWE live event. Breeze had a promo before the match. I like the character at least.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 10/21/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, October 21, 2013

NXT star/live event note, TNA Hall of Fame note, more on WWE Network, BFG attendance, BFG guest, potential future Knockouts, cable issues mar BFG, new face in TNA, Carter's opponent and Questions on journalism, WWE voting, TNA's ills, the HHH angle and Taker as a full-time guy

Tyler Breeze lost to Justin Gabriel on this weekend's WWE live event.

Samoa Joe, Sting and Magnus all gave speeches for Kurt Angle ahead of him going into the TNA Hall of Fame. Doesn't sound nearly as interesting as if EGO had interrupted.

WWE sent out an update about the status of the WWE Network. They remain tentative about it. They pretty much have to announce something at the Conference Call, right?

TNA sold at least 3,000 tickets before Bound For Glory. Not bad at all given some of the showings they've had.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

TNA Bound For Glory Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Bound For Glory.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bound For Glory preview

Read on for how I'd book tonight's Bound For Glory PPV.

Smackdown dark match, more on TNA taping changes, what's set for Raw, Interviews with Bully Ray/Zigger, 2014 WWE PPV schedule, Show angle update, more on NXT star, FIVE now a face, NXT Divas signing, big Foley anniversary, WWE Network update, another guest trainer at NXT, NXT angle update, BFG weekend notes and Questions on Hogan at Mania, the WCW comic and Sable in the HoF

The dark match for the most recent Smackdown taping saw the Prime Time Players defeat Los Locales (Ricardo Rodriguez and Tyson Kidd in masks). It makes me wonder if Los Locales will become something of a regular thing. I think both stars are talented, so I wouldn't have any problems with it.

TNA has officially canceled the 11/21 Impact taping in Baltimore. They're expected to tape shows at the Impact Zone that week instead. At least, I hope they are given the number of tapings they've dropped. The 10/24 and 11/7 "on-the-road" tapings are still set. Hopefully going back to the Impact Zone is a step in the right direction financially.

Set for Raw:
-A contract signing between Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan
-Shawn Michaels will be in attendance
-HHH's response to Big Show and the Rhodes brothers

That all sounds good to me.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Stipulation added to Bully vs. AJ, Impact taping updates, Interviews with AJ Styles/Rosita, Mysterio returns, Brock and Bryan sightings, another NXT tryout, more on TNA/WRESTLE-1, live event notes, Impact audience and Questions on Heel Dixie, TNA in Russia, Hogan-TNA, BFG and Sabin/Velvet

Bully Ray vs. AJ Styles at Bound For Glory is now a no-DQ match, the idea being that Dixie is putting the screws to AJ. I'm not nearly as excited about AJ winning as I am about TNA having to do something new after the PPV.

Here are some updates on upcoming Impact Wrestling tapings:
11/21 in Baltimore: Tickets have been taken off sale while the company determines whether to go through with it.

12/5 in Chattanooga will be moved to another market. No word on why it was canceled.

12/19 had yet to be announced. Its status/location is still in the air.

Tapings are still set for 10/24, 11/7 and 12/27. It will be very interesting to see what TNA pulls together for the other shows.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Superstars and Smackdown Reax - 10/18/13

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Smackdown.

Friday, October 18, 2013

WWE returns, Hogan-TNA update, latest TNA malaise, top trainer at WWEPC, Mero speaks, Kane update, Interviews with Chavo/Angle, controversial new TNA shirt, TNA cancels at least one Impact taping and Questions on Steamboat Jr., 2nd-generation stars, title changes, Cena not being PG and piledrivers

Wade Barrett returned to the ring at a recent WWE event in Mexico. He defeated Zack Ryder with the Bull Hammer. Glad he's back. WWE could use some more names in the mix right about now.

Rey Mysterio made the save when Alberto Del Rio refused to release an armbar on Sin Cara following their match. Mysterio hasn't made his "in-ring" return yet, but is hoping to by the end of the year.

Hulk Hogan has been removed from all advertising for Bound For Glory. I'd much rather see Ethan Carter III anyway.

TNA canceled their 11/1 live event in Battle Creek, Mich. and no longer plans on holding an event near New York City next month. 2014's going to be an important year for the company financial-wise.

Impact Wrestling Reax - 10/18/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Main Event Reax - 10/16/13, big ex-WWE names meet, top indie name to WWE?, lucha star passes away, Interviews with Barrett/Mysterio/Angle, DX member at NXT show, 2K14 contest, sad Joey Styles note, Borash sighting, learn from Goldust and Questions on Cena's return, The Shield and an absurd HIAC

Main Event:
I enjoyed Ambrose vs. Ziggler. Both guys work hard and will hopefully be top stars in the future.

I've definitely seen worse "filler" six-man tags. It's good for the undercard guys to get some ring time to show what they can do and gain experience. Not everyone needs to be groomed to be a future main eventer.

I enjoyed Truth vs. Sandow well enough. Glad Sandow's finally getting some momentum (for now).

Yikes. I guess they were trying to reach a certain demographic with Fandango vs. Khali. It certainly didn't do anything for me. If it leads to Summer Rae becoming a wrestler, I might be fine with them feuding. But I would personally much rather have seen more from Truth and Sandow.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wyatt update, Interviews with Bryan/Credible/"Jersey Shore"'s Angelina/Aries, what happened after Raw, AJ Lee update, Raw re-writes, why HIAC match was made, possible Survivor Series match, Raw audience, when you'll see Cena and Questions on baiting + switching, [know-it-all fans] and no-compete clauses

Bray Wyatt is walking around on crutches. He's been pulled from physical activity until further notice. I think they might mostly be able to dodge this bullet.

Former 2-time WWE Champion Daniel Bryan talked ahead of Raw. It's really funny to see him with the big beard dressed formally. That guy's entrance was kind of funny. Bryan's heel work was great.

Here's the latest Pro Wrestling 101 video with Justin Credible. He makes some really good points.

After Raw, Daniel Bryan beat Randy Orton with his flying knee finisher. After the match, he asked if the fans wanted to see an RKO. They, of course, chanted "YES!". So, he hit an RKO on the referee. Pretty funny.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

MMA challenge to C.M. Punk, WWE Comics details, Interview with Roman + Dusty/Jannetty/Bryan/Y2J, Wyatt update, Show to NXT, WWE seeks new hire, more on NYCC, country star hypes WWE, Taker sighting, Smackdown audience, Bryan signing, Main Event match and Questions on WWE-Twitter, Sandow as a face, Steiner on the mic, Zeus in the HoF and Bryan vs. HHH

Jason David Frank, who played the Green Ranger on the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers series and is now an MMA enthusiast, has challenged C.M. Punk to an MMA bout. I would watch the hell out of that. I also want to see a WWE/Power Rangers crossover. Someone get that going.

Here are details on the upcoming WWE Comics. My money. Shut up and take it.

Here's an article about wrestling in Tampa, featuring comments from Roman Reigns and Dusty Rhodes.

Marty Jannetty talked about his outside-the-ring problems. It's crazy how different things have turned out for himself and HBK. This guy sounds like he needs some kind of help.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 10/14/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, October 14, 2013

WWE live event notes, potential injury, TNA champion seeking reality show and Questions on TNA losing money, PPV refunds, HHH, WWE names outside of WWE and the build to BFG

Eva Marie worked the (stateside) 10/12 WWE live event, so it looks like we're going to be seeing her wrestle on a regular basis.

Bray Wyatt is said to have hurt his leg at a recent live event. He was helped to the back after a bump into the rail. It's pretty worrying how many WWE wrestlers aren't active for one reason or another. I think they need to evaluate some things.

Update: Wyatt stayed in his rocking chair on the 10/13 event, using Harper and Rowan as support as he walked to the back. Hopefully this doesn't derail him too badly.

James Storm wants a reality show. I'd probably watch it. He's quite the character.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

NXT talent/live events update, Vince rumorkiller, Knockout pregnant and Questions on WWE's training, Vince vs. HHH/Steph, Cena returning, Lei'D Tapa and Chris Benoit

The 10/11 WWE live event in Abu Dhabi (not Dubai!) featured Santino Marella beating Bo Dallas and Sami Zayn beating Brad Maddox. It looks like they're not too sure whether to make Bo a face or a heel. Maybe his character's so complex that he defies classification.

There were reports recently about this picture "giving away" Vince McMahon's phone number. That was just the number to contact him within the building. I can just imagine Vince inadvertently taking calls from "smarks" all night. "WHAT? PUSH DANIEL BRYAN? WHO IS THIS? I'M VINCE MCMAHON, DAMMIT!"

Here's another piece about WWE being in Abu Dhabi, featuring NXT's Sami Zayn! Far too many journalists get pissy about covering wrestling stories.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Styles autiobiography update, set for next week's Impact Wrestling, BFG line-up, Interviews with DDP/Cena/Hogan, HIAC note, UAE pictures, Impact audience and Questions on Cena vs. Bryan, unifying the top titles at Mania, worst PPV main event ever, Mickie-TNA and lolWCW

AJ Styles' autobiography has been pushed back as the publisher wants to include his current storyline, more copyright approvals and more interviews. That's probably for the best. This is probably the most interesting angle of his career.

On next week's Impact:
- The contract signing for the World Heavyweight Championship match between Bully Ray and AJ Styles.
- Bully Ray vs. Magnus.
- Samoa Joe vs. Chris Sabin
- Gunner vs. Knux
- Robbie E vs. Hernandez vs. Eric Young vs. Daniels

I can't wait for BFG to be done with. Bully Ray as top heel has gotten really stale.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Superstars Smackdown Reax - 10/11/13

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Smackdown.

Friday, October 11, 2013

NXT appearances, NXT name change, Bruno video, former WWE/World Champ at NYCC, Hayes in hot water?, Updates on Goldust/RVD, WWE Comics cover, Interviews with Ziggler/Miz, NXT talent on live events and Questions on AJ, WWE killing PPVs, Khali and Midnight Riders

Alberto Del Rio and Christian appeared at the most recent NXT taping. Cool. They do a good job of featuring guests without making the show exclusively about them.

The former Gavin/Shawn Spears, who briefly wrestled on WWE's ECW brand, is now known as Ty Dillinger.

Here's video of Bruno Sammartino appearing during the Raw taping. HHH getting him in the Hall is amazing.

Sheamus will be at NYCC. I imagine he'll get a lot of Lobsterhead/Too Many Limes jokes.

Impact Wrestling Reax - 10/10/13

Read on for my take on last night's Impact Wrestling.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Main Event Reax - 10/9/13, Smackdown taping notes, new HIAC match, Interview with Bryan/Hemme, more WWE charity, WWE injury updates, more on HHH-Show BFG signing additions and Questions on Bryan's headbutt, Fandango, Brawl For All, no-compete clauses and XPW

Main Event:
Pretty good opening match. Everyone seemed motivated to impress despite being low on the card.

Tamina vs. Aksana wasn't bad, though it definitely wasn't AJ vs. Kaitlyn. I will say that Aksana has progressed from her early days and both performers seem like they're willing to put in work to get better.

Big E vs. Ryder wasn't bad at all. While I wouldn't recommend Big E to be a big singles star yet, I think he's doing well. Especially being only 27. I hope experience will do him well.

More wrestling coming up.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Cena doing media, BFG signings update, Raw audience, WWE roster split, Interview with Maryse, Smackdown dark match and Questions on facepaint, Dixie turning face, Shane O'Mac, HHH and Orlando Jordan

John Cena's doing a lot of media appearances in conjunction with WWE's work with the Susan G. Komen Foundation. WWE takes its charity work very seriously.

Update: Here's an appearance by Cena on "Good Morning America". Fighting cancer is a worthy cause.

Here's the updated line-up for TNA signings ahead of Bound For Glory. Still no Sting, Kurt Angle or AJ Styles. All three are scheduled for the BFG show itself, so it's a little odd that none of them will be signing.

Raw's audience was back up to 3.71 million this week. That's better than the previous week, but WWE would definitely like for the audience to be higher.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Query on Fandango's original dancer, Battleground notes, RVD update, WWE gets big award, Interviews with Thatcher/Aries/Mickie/Hogan, why Divas were paired, WWE GM going back to college, Smackdown audience, WWE champion injured, what happened after Raw, match made for Smackdown and Questions on Bryan vs. Lesnar, WWE not being as dumb as the IWC thinks, Raw dropping and Hogan vs. Austin vs. Cena

First up, a query:
1. I believe WWE replaced Fandango's original dancer because they wanted someone who was trained to take bumps and such. Enter Summer Rae. Here's a story on his previous dancer's whereabouts.

Bob Backlund was at the locale for Battleground for a paid photo op. He's quite the character.

There were a lot of "bullsh*t" chants in the arena for Battleground after the main event. WWE's job was to get people talking about the ending and tuning in to see what happens next. It looks like they succeeded on the first count at least.

Rob Van Dam is expected to take time off shortly. He has a very unique deal that allows him to work 90-day intervals before getting time off as needed. No word on when we might see him back. I wonder if this bit of news is partially why we're seeing Cena return so soon?

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 10/7/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Stacy Keibler update, BFG airing in India, Angle in OVW?, Interviews with Victoria (Tara)/JR/Miz, PPV problems and Questions on buying Battleground, WWE's camerawork, the American Dream and legal stuff

In a story that shouldn't really surprise anyone, Stacy Keibler shot down the idea of a WWE return. I wonder what she'd think of "Total Divas".

TNA Bound For Glory will be aired live in India for free. I'm not sure what the market is for a PPV airing at 5:30 a.m., but it's cool that it's airing there. Hopefully that gets TNA some business.

Jamin Olivencia, the current OVW Heavyweight Champion, has made a challenge to Kurt Angle. That would definitely be big for TNA's sort-of official developmental territory. Olivencia recently lost to Ryback under the name Nick Nardone.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

WWE Battleground Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Battleground PPV.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

WWE Battleground Preview

Read on for what I'd suggest be done for tonight's Battleground PPV.

Interviews with Shamrock/WWE historian/Reigns, TNA does good deed for federal employees, NXT star on live events, no Khali on big screen, tag team star getting singles push?, Cena update and Questions on AJ Styles, Goldust, the Bellas and Taker

Ken Shamrock gave an interview about a number of wrestling topics. Looks like bringing him back won't be best for business. Vince is still in charge of Creative. If he doesn't want HHH out there, he can keep him back behind the scenes. As for a comeback, is there really that big of a demand for a 49-year-old retired MMA star who hasn't appeared in WWE in 14 years? He doesn't even have 6,000 Twitter followers. I don't even think TNA would take him at this point.

TNA is offering free tickets to an upcoming Impact taping for federal employees. That's actually pretty clever. They probably need help filling the venue anyway.

NXT Champion Bo Dallas worked this weekend's WWE live events, defeating Curt Hawkins. I bet a BOatload of people will be complaining that he's on that loop ahead of other NXT stars.

Update: Apparently Bo said it was great to be in Rochester, NY before his match. It was in Syracuse. This got Hawkins cheered. I think he'll be a great heat magnet. He's very punchable.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Identity of TNA's Ethan, Heel Dixie tweet, Interviews with Ryback/Reigns/Bryan, Impact audience and Questions on Aces and Eights, Punk, WWE PPVs, the HHH/Bryan story, and WWE post-Vince

New TNA character Ethan is former NXT performer Derrick Bateman. I already like him more than Lei'D Tapa. Yikes. Bateman definitely showed potential during his time in WWE. I think it was more of a case of WWE having too few spots than him not being talented. I'm not crazy about the Ethan character so far, but if anyone can make it work, it's Bateman.

TNA is on the lookout for more talent to bring in as well. I hope in the next year they make some steps in the right direction in that regard. While there are definitely some talented people in TNA who should be kept around, there are also definitely people I'd like to be replaced.

Dixie Carter put out a heel tweet. By default, she's more entertaining than a lot of TNA characters. I wonder if she enjoys the role and if she writes her own material.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Smackdown Reax - 10/4/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.

Friday, October 4, 2013

More on new WWE figures, former ECW star to talk, WWE at the Olympics, Interviews with Darren Young/WWE Encyclopedia co-author, Cena appearance, new WWE signings, JR update, WWE seeks new VPs and Questions on Battleground, 2nd-generation chumps, Bryan vs. Lesnar, rehashing old angles and Cena saving the day

Here's the official press release on WWE working with McFarlane Toys. I look forward to seeing what other statues they'll have. C.M. Punk please?

Former WWE executive/ECW star Lou D'Angeli will be part of the Life is Beautiful Festival to discuss his time in the original ECW. Should be interesting.

WWE has filmed pro-U.S. promos for the upcoming winter Olympic Games. That's a big event to advertise on, so it makes sense to showcase the WWE name there.

Darren Young spoke to People magazine about his decision to come out. That's big press for WWE. I'm glad they've supported him in a positive way.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 10/3/13

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Main Event Reax - 10/2/13, new BFG match, Interviews with Aries/Miz/Stevie Richards/Brie, Cena profiled and Questions on Santino, Hardy, Bryan vs. Taker, the TNA Hall and breaking the ring

Main Event:
I enjoyed the Sandow promo, but that's generally the case. It's really time for his character to be doing something of note.

Really not crazy about Santino vs. Sandow. Santino's good in small doses, but Sandow should be doing something more important and looking like a potential World Champion. What if Del Rio gets hurt and RVD goes on hiatus? Sandow doesn't look like he's ready to take the reigns as a Champion with how they're booking him.

Interesting stuff from HHH. I see Show KOing Bryan for Orton to keep the Title on Sunday.

Fine showcase for the Wyatts. I feel like they need a purpose. They're not really doing anything storyline-wise since getting rid of Kane.

The Wyatts play their roles well. I liked Husky Harris, but I never expected this level of performance from him. I hope he keeps getting better.

Fine match for Axel. Remember when this guy was facing off with HHH and Cena? He's definitely fallen down the card since then.

Axel vs. Truth should be good.

No promo from Zeb!? Come on now.

Not a bad main event at all. I'm really impressed by the Real Americans and Tons of Funk are better than they have to be with their gimmick.
Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What happened after Raw, new WWE products and marketing, Wyatt's character profiled, Survivor Series poster, Raw audience, Taker figure, another Wrestling Legends Night, Smackdown dark match and Questions on Jim Cornette, RVD, Sandow, Miz retiring and Vince knowing about dirtsheets

After Raw, C.M. Punk saved Daniel Bryan from another attack from Randy Orton. Ryback and Curtis Axel then came for Punk. Ziggler and the Usos then made the save. Punk hit the GTS on Axel, then everyone helped Bryan up before going backstage individually. I like the fact that some of those stars are getting the chance to be bigger parts of the show.

WWE put out a press release on some new merch they have. I picture some kid out there who's bankrupting his parents because he has to have EVERY. SINGLE. PIECE. of Cena merchandise.

Update: And here's a press release about a new marketing sponsorship. I think it's great they're getting these kinds of things. (!?) talked about the Bray Wyatt character. Quite the interesting read.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Interview with Sandow/Severn, another NXT injury, Anderson update, WWE charity, Cena special appearance, ROH in TNA territory, more on Los Matadores, a change in Evolution, Kaitlyn, Mickie James and Velvet Sky

Damien Sandow talked ahead of Raw. I can't believe he was once seen as being on the road to the World Title. They've really dropped the ball on him post-MITB.

NXT's Scott Dawson says he's working with a knee injury. I've seen a little bit of his work. His character invites comparisons to Jamie Noble (in a positive way). I still look fondly on some of Noble's matches/segments.

Former WWF (and UFC) star Dan Severn talked in a brief piece. I don't remember him as well as I do Shamrock and Blackman.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 9/30/13

Read on for my take on last night's Raw.