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Friday, February 28, 2014

More WWE Network notes, Cornette talks Kane, Interviews with Hogan/Batista/Miz/HHH, Apter talks Jake Roberts, Roberts' inductor, the latest on the Double J promotion and Questions on Morales, Warrior's titles, Big E, Layla and ROH

WWE has continued to work on issues with the Network. It's going to take time to iron out all the kinks.

Jim Cornette talked about the origins of the Kane character. I definitely see Michael Myers in the character. I'd love to see a reality show with Cornette and Russo talking wrestling. I think both men have off-the-wall ideas and both men have strengths as creative forces.

Hulk Hogan's "Today" appearance is up. Glad WWE's getting buzz from his return!

The legendary Bill Apter provided an update on Jake "The Snake" Roberts. I'm very proud of his progress.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Impact Wrestling Reax - 2/27/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

Superstars and NXT ArRRIVAL Reax - 2/27/14

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and the NXT Arrival special.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Main Event Reax - 2/27/14, Smackdown dark match, various WWE Network notes, big things set for next week's Raw, HoFer not on Raw pre-show, #shotsfired on Batista's Twitter, what's next for Henry?, Roberts update, Interviews with Dixie/JR/HHH/Kane, footage of TNA title switch, new TNA signing getting name change, another WWE nod from LeBron, Punk replacement and Questions on the WWE Network affecting TNA, Double J challenging TNA, Brock holding MITB and Angle going to WWE

Main Event:
I was amused by the ending of the opening 10-man tag. All in all it was a pretty solid encounter.

I'm glad there was a post-match interview, even if it didn't really advance much.

Fine Divas match. I've seen worse, for sure! Alicia's something of an unsung hero I think. I don't see much reason to push her, but she does good work.

I liked Barrett's promo well enough, if for no other reason than being ready for my own spring break!

I liked them pushing the NXT event. Good work!

I wasn't too crazy about Darren vs. Titus 2. It felt like it was missing just a little something. It seems like they'll both be spinning tires for a while, since neither's currently being positioned as too big of a deal. Could this not have waited until after WrestleMania?

I'm really liking the new Sin Cara. Pretty good match with Sandow, who is unfortunately pretty much back to where he was before winning MITB. WWE has so many young talents they could push into big roles, but they keep going back to the same names.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sin Cara update, Raw notes, WWE HoFer off NXT show, ex-TNA name on Raw, more WWE Network stuff, Cena injury note, Interview with Stan Hansen, Hogan challenged, Raw audience, updated Lockdown card and Questions on TNA going out of business, Molly Holly, Bryan's push, Mysterio in WCW and le Network

The original Sin Cara says WWE is threatening legal action if he uses that character in the AAA. That would make sense, since they're using Hunico in his old role. The original insists he'll be able to sort things out before this summer.

Here are some crowd notes from Raw. I do find it weird how some people railing against old part-timers are excited for Hogan and Taker being back.

Shawn Michaels will no longer be appearing at NXT Arrival. No word on why. I'm looking forward to that show.

The former Rudy Charles in TNA was refereeing on Raw. And they say WWE doesn't care about TNA performers...

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Report from Elimination Chamber, JR addresses Bryan situation, good Roberts news, Hogan update, WWE risk factors, Smackdown audience, indie promotion going national?, Cena hurt?, latest from Jarrett, Batista note and Questions on the WWE Network (of course), the Wellness policy, Hogan/Sting as GMs and Hogan returning

Here's an in-person report of Elimination Chamber. I'm not sure 100% what to make of this "fans just showing up and chanting whatever" phenomenon. I am starting to agree with the mentality of giving fans to some degree what they're asking for so they won't take over everything. I also think this discontent has been building for years with WWE keeping the same acts in top positions and part-timers and celebrities being really important.

Jim Ross answered a number of Daniel Bryan-related questions, recapped here.

Jake Roberts issued a statement on his health. He's quickly becoming an inspiration. Talk about your comebacks.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

WWE Network Day 1 report

Read on for all the news related to yesterday's WWE Network launch.

Raw Reax - 2/24/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Punk appearance gets press, sad Roberts note, Stephanie talks Angle-WWE, Elimination Chamber note, Interviews with R-Truth/Cesaro, more on Hogan return and the WWE Network, TNA title change and Questions on pushing McIntyre, Sting winning the Chamber match, Hogan and Batista

C.M. Punk appearing front row at a recent UFC PPV was picked up by TMZ. I'd be a little surprised if he quit WWE to do MMA.

Update: Stone Cold was also in attendance. He's DEFINITELY not going to do MMA.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts has been diagnosed with cancer following the removal of a tumor. Just when he had everything going for him. I'm glad he's taking such a positive perspective on the whole thing. I wish him the best from here on out.

Stephanie McMahon talked about the possibility of Kurt Angle returning to WWE in a piece on the WWE Network. Honestly, that's pretty much the standard answer and I wouldn't really read anything into it. Angle might very well be back in WWE once his TNA deal's up, but this interview didn't really tease that. What's she supposed to say?

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

WWE Elimination Chamber Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Elimination Chamber PPV.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

WWE Network getting ready for launch, dark match notes, Interview with Coachman, more on Hogan return, Y2J tease, WWE wedding on TMZ, Elimination Chamber note and Questions on older Hall of Famers, the Spirit Squad, Ricardo, CHIKARA and the FTW title

There are a number of devices with the WWE Network available for access, though there of course won't be content shown until Monday. It wouldn't be a bad idea to go ahead and start getting it set up, though.

Batista and Kane are being advertised for dark matches for what that's worth. So they're actually wrestling and not just making appearances.

Jonathan Coachman talked about his favorite Hulk Hogan moment. I'd have to say the nWo angle in WWE with The Rock was my favorite.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Elimination Chamber preview

Read on for how I'd book tonight's PPV.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Interviews with Magnus/MVP/Manik/Sheamus/WWE docs/Sandow, Dish trolling WWE fans?, HHH note, Big Chamber appearance to set up Mania match?, Hogan's WWE return role revealed, Impact audience and Questions on Oprah in WWE, out-of-print books, the ICP, injuries and Bad News Barrett

Magnus was interviewed. Of note, Jeff Hardy leaving TNA was just a storyline to cover for him missing the UK tour.

MVP was also interviewed. I also like the freshening up of TNA's roster and hope it continues to some degree. He's right about competition being really important in wrestling. It's great to see MVP put over his new coworkers. For a while it was almost commonplace for that not be the case on air or off it.

Former X-Division Champion Manik talked. He hasn't appeared for TNA in more than three months.

Sheamus was interviewed on Elimination Chamber, the WWE Network and more. I think he came across quite well there in hyping things.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Smackdown Reax - 2/21/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.

Friday, February 21, 2014

RVD talks WWE return and Interview with Henry and WWE releases Q4 2013 and overall 2013 results

Rob Van Dam tweeted about his WWE status. Maybe WWE wants to save him for after WM30? I really expected him to pop up by now or be on his way to doing so.

Mark Henry was interviewed. I'm very glad he found weightlifting and didn't end up in a bad way. I also feel the retirement angle was amazing. As best as I can tell, Henry does intend to truly hang it up in 2016. I'm very glad he wants to keep giving to the business after he hangs up the boots. That's great of him.

WWE reported a whole bunch of financial data for 2013. Read on for my thoughts on it.

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 2/20/14

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Main Event Reax - 2/19/14, Interviews with Edge/Stone Cold/Ion/Blanchard, Dish drops WWE PPVs, #YesMovement looked at, more on WWE TV/PPVs situation, Shieky gives advice, new match for NXT event, Raw audience, WWE looks at Sting, Young to make appearance, Maria wants to bury hatchet and Questions on setting up Punk vs. Bryan, airing Raw live on both coasts, giving away PPV-level matches on free TV, Cena's interview with Austin, covering indies, the WWE Network and Michael Tarver.

Main Event:
Very good opening contest! I wasn't expecting it to go that long. Everyone did really well there and I can't wait for The Shield vs. the Wyatts.

Aksana vs. Cameron was fine enough. Aksana did some nice heel mannerisms and they played off her injury to Naomi well.

That Barrett segment was better than what I've seen from him recently. It could have just been the material, though.

I enjoyed the HHH segment recap. He's a guilty pleasure of mine (like Dixie Carter).

Kofi vs. Axel went well enough. The interplay with Henry and Ryback was a nice addition.

Fine post-match. I just wish this whole segment did something to set up Ryback and Axel vs. The Brotherhood.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Remembering Nelson Frazier, Jr. (Viscera)

The former Viscera/Big Daddy V/Mabel passed away at the age of 43. has an excellent recap of his career.

WWE issued a statement on his passing. I figured most people knew him as Viscera, but his Big Daddy V persona is getting top billing.

WWE also posted an interview with him from 2008. Enjoyable read with some good insight to his career.

Read on for my thoughts on the man's career.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Stone Cold interviews Cena, Interviews with Pete Gas/Titus, shooting down Vince rumor, what happened after Raw, WWE TV updates, Cesaro praised, Henry goes back to where it all began, Smackdown audience, ROH head apologizes and Questions on Bryan winning at Mania, trolling Punk fans, buying TNA, Shane in WWE and pushing Bryan

John Cena sat down for more than an hour to talk to Stone Cold Steve Austin. Here are some highlights. Cena makes good points about his feuds with Rock and Bryan. I'd like to see WWE build up more stars for people to get behind. Very interesting to hear why WWE's moving away from promos. I definitely think character development is REALLY important for a product getting over. I don't see how having fewer personalities to latch onto works to get ANY kind of story over. As for fans taking over, there are certainly moments where their involvement is very important. I just don't see how "JBL" chants during unrelated matches helps WWE's bottom line.

Pete Gas of the Mean Street Posse was interviewed, with highlights here. He came across like he really knew what he was talking about. Can we get the Posse vs. 3MB at the next Old School Raw please?

Titus O'Neil was interviewed in Miami. That's one heck of a story. I think there's a chance WWE gets behind him, but he could just as easily be lost in the shuffle. Losing to Darren could really hurt his momentum. Not because Darren isn't talented, but because the focus has seemed to be more on Titus (with him getting more interviews).

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Latest WWE Network info, PPVs getting dropped, chair shots edited, NXT spotlighted, Interviews with Corino/Tom Prichard/Miz/Heyman, more on Punk, where AJ Lee's been and Questions on NXT Arrival, Punk walking out and the WWE Network

There's been controversy about Dish Network potentially dropping WWE PPVs starting with Elimination Chamber as a result of WWE launching their Network. It's unknown at this point if those subscribers will be able to order the event. I think companies might be shooting themselves in the foot here if they're not careful. It seems like dropping PPVs would drive more people to the Network!

WWE has notably edited a video featuring chair shots to the head (they start at about 9:30). I can't say I blame them knowing what they know now about concussions and CTE. I definitely understand why people want the old footage to remain intact. I wonder what the logistics are of putting up an unedited version with a warning AND an edited version. Would it take up too much space?

ESPN's E:60 will be doing a piece on WWE's Performance Center and developmental program, likely around the time of WrestleMania. I'd like to see it. They did a fantastic job on Scott Hall.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 2/17/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Batista back on live events, Taker surgery mentioned, Interview with Scotty Riggs, WWE and TNA live event notes, Naomi update and Questions on Vince's sense of humor, going PG, Network censorship, pushing Bryan and Taker vs. Brock

Batista commented on his return to live events. He should get credit for doing those. Not all part-timers will do that.

The Undertaker was mentioned in an article about hip surgeries. Taker's not going to last forever.

Here are some highlights from a recent Scotty Riggs interview. I think it's fair to see Bischoff as more of a businessman than a booker. That's not necessarily a bad thing if the right people are booking the angles and the businessman sticks to the business side of things. I agree with Russo on things needing to be about more than wrestlers having matches, but he went WAY too far in the other direction with "breaking script", crazy gimmick matches, etc. I would say Bischoff had long-term ideas for nWo vs. Sting and for Goldberg's streak. Unsurprisingly, those fresh takes on performers and fresh performer in Goldberg's case helped spark WCW's boom period.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Interview with Madusa, potential Hall of Fame inductions, match cut from Smackdown and Questions on Willow, saving TNA, the 40-man Rumble, the Ruthless Aggression era and AJ Styles in WWE

The former Madusa talked about wrestling a bit in a piece centered on her monster truck career. I'm glad she took the hazing in stride, but that's BS to put someone through. By all means make her earn her place as a real competitor, but the ribs aren't necessary.

It's expected Paul Bearer and Scott Hall will be announced for this year's WWE Hall of Fame. I find it a little odd Hall would go in before Nash, but I'm guessing Nash will be a bigger part of a future class since Vince and HHH are so enamored with him. No word on inductors, but I wouldn't assume Taker puts Bearer in. I can imagine WWE tying Bearer's induction into Brock vs. Taker, which would be interesting. Heyman could proclaim to be a better manager than Bearer ever was, etc.

Eva Marie vs. Alicia Fox was cut from this week's Smackdown. The match was apparently pretty bad. I can't say I'm upset it was left out.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Goldust vs. Cody update, Where are they now?, WWE signs new toy deal, Interview with Mikey, WWE TV update, TNA audience, shoot fight featuring ECW alum?, WWE star opening wrestling school and Questions on Russo and Madusa in the WWE Hall, MITB at Mania and more on a current HoF induction

There are apparently no plans for Goldust vs. Cody Rhodes, at WrestleMania or otherwise. I'm surprised given how hard Goldust has pushed for it these past few years. It's got to end up happening before he hangs it up, right?

The former Little Boogeyman is on anti-bullying mission.  That's great for him to do!

WWE has signed a new deal with Mattel setting up that relationship through to January 2019. Impressive! I bet stockholders are happy at that one.

Mike Mondo, formerly the Spirit Squad's Mikey, was interviewed. I'm not shocked at all Vince was a big fan of it. I'm glad Mikey knows the importance of getting heat. Sometimes that's lost on people. I found the "OVW" thing pretty funny personally, but I wonder how many people got the reference. I wonder what the potential is for a team with Ziggler in 2014? It's not like they're doing anything else with Ziggler. I definitely don't think it should be "the new Spirit Squad" or anything, but they could acknowledge how they have a big past.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Smackdown Reax - 2/14/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Interviews with Storm/D'Lo/Stone Cold/Cena, Jarrett promotion update, big training camp, the importance of wrestling, Big Show spreads WWE name, NXT PPV update, 3MB meets a real rock band, Goldust-WM30 update and Questions on WWE Network censoring, Jack Tunney, criticizing WWE vs. TNA, NBCU picking up TNA or ROH and announcers going after Punk

James Storm talked ahead of an upcoming live event. He's always fun to hear from. He's a great part of the TNA roster.

D'Lo Brown talked about life after TNA. Highlights here. I do think people (sometimes myself included) focus too much on the physical age of a wrestler and how many years they've performed instead of what they bring to the table now. I try to look at it more from a standpoint of fresh vs. stale and who can still "go". Age isn't just a number, but it's not the only factor to pay attention to.

Stone Cold gave a "State of WWE" evaluation on a recent podcast, recapped a bit here. Vince having too much on his plate is a common criticism. I admire his ambition, but I think he needs to let go of the reigns a little more. As for Rey being #30, I'm guessing that was the plan before the Bryan takeover with WWE thinking the crowd would pop for a babyface potentially winning and for more action between Batista and Rey given their history. Putting Barrett there would have been pretty epic, though. I'd love for Stone Cold to be something of a roster advocate backstage in WWE for those afraid to ruffle feathers, but they have to stand on their own two feet at a certain point.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 2/13/14

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Main Event Reax - 2/12/14, Smackdown dark match, Hardy's TNA return announced, Interviews with JR/D-Von, NBA mascot delivers powerbomb, big Lockdown change, Raw main event, star busted open, Cena hits big milestone and Questions on Rollins as a Wyatt, Raw main event, Network censoring, breaking up tag teams, HBK no longer a heel and what will and won't be on the Network

Main Event:
I liked the opening six-man tag to continue establishing the Wyatts. I really like Sin Cara, but this was the Wyatts' match to win.

I liked Natalya vs. Aksana as well. Natalya continues to be very technically sound and to bring out the best in the people she's working with. Those are very valuable traits to have.

Big E vs. McIntyre was pretty solid. Drew looks like he's trying to get Management's attention with how hard he's working. I hope he's got a bright future post-3MB.

Jinder's pretty brave! I don't see this one going his way.

Nice squash to continue to elevate Big E. I like Jinder and all, but I think it made more sense to build the IC Champion than protect him.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Post-Raw dark match, new TNA PPV, Raw guests, Punk chants addressed, Lita talks HoF, UK student in trouble for TNA haircut, WWE appearances in L.A., Interviews with Show/Goldust/HBK/Big E/Booker/Mickie, JR writes on Ladd, Funk talks Punk, Christian hurt, NXT star clashes with actor, R-Truth rapping, Raw audience, WWE name changes, NXT Diva officially added to roster, Bryan grades NFL beards and Questions on International WCW PPVs on the Network, WWE looking at ROH and other Network stuff

After Raw, the team of John Cena, Daniel Bryan and Batista beat the Wyatt Family by DQ when the Wyatts interrupted a Batista Bomb. I'm glad Bryan got to share the spotlight there. They could have easily had Cena and Batista win clean 3 on 2.

TNA will run their Sacrifice PPV on 4/27. It will be interesting to see who's TNA Champion by that time.

UFC names Stephan Bonnar, Shayna Baszler and Jessamyn Duk attended Raw but were purposely not shown on camera. You'd think if WWE didn't consider UFC competition, it'd be fine to show them.

Lucha star Cassandro El Exotico and former NJPW president Simon Inoki were also at Raw. WWE's a popular event!

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Notes on TNA cameos, Joe makes amends, more TNA/Wrestle-1 connections, WrestleMania charity raffle, Interviews with AJ Lee/Darren Young/Henry/Credible/Foley, NXT Diva gets new name, Naomi updates, WWE changing logo, Cena hurt, WWE Hall of Famers returning, more Punk fallout, Bullock remembered, Austin at Raw, Smackdown's audience, latest on RVD, Summerslam location announced, matches set for Smackdown and Questions on Arn in the Hall of Fame, Tony Schiavone, Mark Henry and Smackdown going live

There will be a number of cameos on upcoming episodes of Impact Wrestling, namely Alpha Female and "Bad Bones" John Klinger. As of now, it's not believed either performer has signed a TNA contract. I believe Alpha Female already has commitments through the summer in Japan. I hope both do really well and shake up the TNA landscape.

Samoa Joe has settled his issues with former TNA booker Vince Russo. Presumably he's referring to the crazy "ninja" kidnapping angle that people are still scratching their heads on.

The Great Muta and Seiya Sanada are expected to be wrestling at TNA Lockdown. Sanada notably faced AJ Styles when Styles was the rogue TNA Champion. Lockdown could be quite the show.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 2/10/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Band set for WrestleMania, Bryan appearance, most bought Manias, WWE live event notes, more on Punk, WWE producer passes away and Questions on Punk getting paid, Eric Young as World Champ, Sting in WWE, creative having nothing for you and Punk vs. Bryan

Mark Crozer and The Rels will be performing the Wyatt Family theme song live at WrestleMania. That could really be awesome. They have a big opportunity to make Wyatt a star in New Orleans. I hope they don't blow it.

Daniel Bryan will be on the NFL Network to discuss the Seattle Seahawks, who capitalized on his "Yes!" catchphrase with their Super Bowl win. That's pretty cool. Hopefully Vince and HHH are stoked that they have a star getting that much mainstream attention. Maybe he should make HHH tap at Mania, since HHH's time as a top star are pretty much in the past? Just a suggestion. has an article on the most bought editions of WrestleMania. I wonder what the excuse is for WM29 being so high-grossing despite featuring the "gassed", aging Rock and the "shoved down our throats" John Cena.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

WWE explains Owen Hart decision, Naomi update, Mania season return, WWE moving? and Questions on Layla, SuperBryan at Mania, Raw and Nitro on the WWE Newtork, punishing AJ and Punk the part-timer

WWE clarified their thinking behind including Over The Edge 1999 on the WWE Network. I think they reached a pretty fair conclusion regarding Hart and Benoit. They're not ignoring either existing, but they also aren't going out of their way to promote either man.

Naomi has been pulled from live events following her injury on Raw. WWE adding this into the storyline in a notable way would be a clever way to make the most of the situation.

The Undertaker will return to WWE at the 2/24 Raw to set up his feud for WrestleMania. Honestly, I've had my fill of Taker matches over the years. I think Taker vs. Brock could be something to watch, but I'm ready for a new era of performers. I imagine Taker is still a draw, so WWE will keep using him as long as he's able to perform.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Interviews with Striker/MVP, DGUSA responds to WWE piece, Impact audience and Questions on DGUSA/ROH on the WWE Network, WWE's ROH piece, Shield vs. Wyatts and Road Dogg

Matt Striker talked about his time in WWE, independents and more. I like the way he thinks. I can definitely see the teaching experience in what he says.

DGUSA commented on being included in the piece on the WWE website. I wouldn't be TOO shocked to see WWE reach out to indies more in the coming years as the HHH regime takes over more. We'll see.

MVP talked about joining TNA and more. My body is ready for MVP vs. Samoa Joe. I do love MVP's theme song and am glad TNA let him do it.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Smackdown Reax - 2/7/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Interviews with Mickie James/Rockin Robin/Rampage Jackson, RVD update, Cena return set and Questions on Punk in ROH, AJ Styles, WWE Network, Sting and midcarders

Mickie James had an interview recently to talk about leaving TNA and more. Her heel run at the end of her time in TNA was her best stuff in the company I think. Moving from Orlando was good in theory but obviously didn't work out. I'd be down for AJ vs. Mickie down the line.

Old school female wrestler Rockin' Robin had a shoot interview. That got into some really dark stuff. I hope she's been taken care of psychologically.

Rob Van Dam hopes to be back in WWE for WrestleMania season. I can definitely see them calling him up. He'd likely work a few months full-time, then take another hiatus. Honestly, he's kind of earned that right given his years of hard work.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 2/6/14

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Main Event Reax - 2/5/14, referee autobiography, Extreme Rules location, Diva gets props, former WWE Tag Champion retiring?, Bourne update, WWE looks at ROH, Interviews with Edge/JR, a look at WWE's situation, a look at WCW's '93 and Questions on Punk leaving, a Carter family feud, kicking the dog with JR, Sting correction and HBK turning heel

Main Event:
I liked Miz vs. Fandango pretty well. I think Miz CAN be a good face. They just have to go about it a different way since he is such a natural heel.

I wonder why more NXT performers don't just show up in the crowd with signs in hopes of getting to be on TV. Apparently it's that easy.

Enjoyable exhibition to show what Del Rio can do. Obviously there's a big difference between doing that to Ryder and doing it to Batisita, though.

I think both Big E and Axel are getting more comfortable in the ring.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What happened after Raw, Punk rumor debunked, Roman hurt, WWE press, WWE return, KENTA update, WCW vs. Marvel, more Punk fallout, Smackdown main event, WWE roster upset, Wolves/TNA update, Naomi injured, Interview with Watts, Raw audience, update on Owen's death on the WWE Network, Angle disputes injury, Network testing, Cena update and Questions on commentary, working "smarks", WWE's sets, Punk going to TNA and who to push

After Raw, Kane and Randy Orton continued to beat on Daniel Bryan until John Cena made the save. No dark match, though, due to Cena's injury. I was more than happy to get a break from Cena on Monday.

There's no truth to the rumors of fans being ejected from Raw for chanting for C.M. Punk. I think that would have only encouraged those discontent with WWE's current direction.

Roman Reigns got six stitches after Raw. He will likely be tested for a concussion. I hope he's able to go at Elimination Chamber.

Here's a piece on Betty White being part of Raw. I hope she gets WWE the buzz and eyeballs they want.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Jarrett posts teaser, Cena update, Titus heel turn update, even more Punk fallout, Angle hits his breaking point with TNA Creative, live event note, more WWE swag, Interview with Sandow/ex-Creative member, Smackdown audience, Questions on Sting going back to the future, a wrestling encyclopedia, how to end Mania, why WWE keeps Punk and bringing back HBK

Jeff Jarrett posted the world's vaguest promo, speculated to be about his upcoming wrestling promotion. Or maybe it's about Taco Tuesday. Who knows, since it doesn't give any indication of being about wrestling (or anything for that matter).

John Cena was willing to work despite his eye injury, but WWE pulled him. WWE's in a scary situation with a lack of young, full-time guys considered top stars. It's time to readdress the strategy of part-timers and older names being the centerpieces of the product. I hope WWE's making a lot of money from performers like HHH, Taker, Brock, Batista, Kane, Rey and Big Show because a lot of people are ready for some new names thrown into the mix. With all due respect to those names, it's time for a new era. If TNA can move on from Sting and Hogan, I think WWE can weigh the pros and cons of keeping the same names in the top spots so much.

WWE has apparently been planning the Titus O'Neil heel turn for some time. Hopefully that means they know what they're doing from here on out with him and Darren.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 2/3/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Punk's replacement, live event notes, Lesnar rumorkiller, Roberts sends a message, Cena hurt, WWE meets the Super Bowl and Questions on unifying the titles too soon, Batista's Mania opponent, not pushing HHH and the Punk situation

Sheamus replaced C.M. Punk on live events. While that likely appealed to casuals, the die-hard Punk fans generally aren't fans of Sheamus. That said, that was probably their best option outside of a Y2J or RVD.

Alexander Rusev beat Zack Ryder on a recent live event. I can see Rusev wrecking some fools once he makes his non-Rumble debut.

Brock Lesnar is not set to return to UFC anytime in the near future. Maybe one day, but he's set with WWE for the time being.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lockdown poster, MVP note, more NXT guest notes, Ziggler promo makes waves, Interviews with Ambrose/Bryan, Questions on Punk as a part-timer, Bryan's booking, Young coming out, old stars returning and restricting performers

Here's the poster for TNA Lockdown:
Umm, isn't the whole point that he's locked inside the cage, unable to break out? Either way, I look forward to the show. It's nice to see it won't be headlined by Sting, Bully Ray, Jeff Hardy or Kurt Angle. I've had my fill of those guys in the main event for the time being.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Smackdown dark match, even more Punk and Bryan fallout, state of TNA, set for next week's Impact, more on NXT special, Interview with Davey Richards, TNA title defenses in Wrestle-1, update on KENTA, more WWEPC buzz, WWE stars up for Cartoon Network award, Orton pose inspires comic, Impact audience, new international office for WWE, DDP seeking capital, WWE live event notes and Questions on the Mania lineup, Angle in the TNA Hall, PPV entrances and the Rumble

Alexander Rusev defeated Tyson Kidd ahead of Smackdown. No word on when he'll make his second main roster appearance. I'm fine with them building him up more before he steps in the ring.

Stone Cold Steve Austin talked about C.M. Punk's walkout and more. Punk beats to the tune of his own drum for sure. His individuality and determination are some of his strongest qualities, but they can also play against him. I can't say I blame Punk in the least for leaving. He did sign a contract to work through July, though, and that's a professional commitment.

Road Dogg put out two tweets on the Punk situation as well. If WWE wants Punk back, Vince's ass better CALL SOMEBODY.

TNA morale is up following the large, responsive crowd in Scotland. Hopefully that continues when they come back to the States.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Smackdown Reax - 1/31/14

Read on for my take on last night's Smackdown.