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Friday, May 31, 2013

Edge "update", JR does good deed, profiles of Hart/Liberace/Col. Robley, Cena appearance, Holly book mentioned, big things coming for TNA?, Love DVD, Interviews with Park/DGUSA Champ, a name WWE won't be signing, BFG location, and Questions on promoting Rock, Velvet, tag teams, Park, and Ryder

This is really a "non-news story" because nothing has changed, but since it was reported elsewhere, I thought I'd mention it: Edge still isn't planning on returning to the ring. I'm not sure which part of "career ending injury" people don't understand, but there are online dictionaries out there now to define such things.

Good Ol' JR was a part of a hunger drive in Utah. I wonder if before he came, they realized that business was about to pick up. Seriously, though, that's very cool. And yes, I noticed that they used "you're" instead of "your".

Bret Hart's influence on the world's perception of Calgary was profiled.

Liberace's appearance at WrestleMania I was profiled. I wonder if they'll ever put him in the Hall of Fame?

Former NWA World Champion (and WWE Hall of Famer) Dory Funk, Jr. remembered Col. Buck Robley. Someone who did what's best for business and the promotion? Truly he's part of a bygone era.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Impact Wrestling Reax - 5/30/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Main Event Reax - 5/29/13, news on NXT call-ups, Interviews with Angle/Kim/Bully Ray, Kofi out, WWE signing update, Raw joke gets press, AJ profiled, Former TNA Champion returning, Raw audience, and Questions on Borash, Double J, calling spots, dominant heels, Extreme Rules, Steamboat, Lesnar, Punk vs. HBK, and ROH

Main Event:
Sheamus vs. Barrett was pretty darn good. I know I say this about just about everyone, but I hope they have bright futures. I wish both would get more time to speak as characters (Sheamus already gets a good deal, but shows seem to be dominated by the same couple of people). Barrett's a diamond in the rough. He's not an amazing talker, but I think he can continue to grow and maybe be someone they can bet on in the future.

I like that they acknowledged the Wyatt Family vignette, making it important.

Cesaro vs. Gabriel was another pretty good match, as short as it was. Here's the thing, though: we had no reason to care about it. It was just thrown out there as another match with no build-up. If this was my first time watching WWE, I'd know that both guys were talented, but not much else. Why are they facing off? What are their motivations? Why should I cheer Gabriel and boo Cesaro?

I liked the post-match as a pure heel move.

The argument can be made that the show needed some levity after two "serious wrestling matches" and the recaps, and that some fans want to see more "popcorn" acts instead of straight-up brawling or technical wrestling. Personally I would have liked to have seen video packages and/or promos for those other two matches instead of that brief match.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Query on Alex Riley, what happened during the Raw main event, guest at Raw, Hart profiled, le TNA, King Mo update, Ziggler back?, Piper appearance, Mid-South performer passes away, update on new WWE signing, ROH rumorkiller, Eaton hospitalized, honoring Bruno, Orton makes a wish, Interviews with Foley/Bully Ray, Young surgery, and Smackdown's audience

First up, a query:
1. I haven't seen anything about WWE repackaging Alex Riley. I wish they would. I think he's pretty talented. He just needs a role and gimmick for fans to sink their teeth into. A number of talents fall into this trap.

During Cena vs. Axel on Raw, there was some sort of commotion in the crowd involving a drunken fan that security had to remove forcibly. He was probably getting started drinking in case CENAWONLOL. I know; I'm terrible. It's a shame that people can't control themselves at a family show.

Lance Storm was visiting at Raw due to the Bret Hart festivities.

Speaking of which, the Calgary Herald covered the special edition of Raw. Nice read.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reigns profiled, looks back at Garza, Interviews with Hendrix/Rock/Gabriel, more from Hogan, and Questions on WWE booking The Shield, WWE Creative, Alex Shelley, and building new stars in TNA

Roman Reigns was profiled. He came across well. He's got some impressive size and a good look. He's not much different from other "power guys" but he plays his role well and that's all he needs to do for now. looked back at the life of Hector Garza, looking at comments from Dixie Carter and Konnan. has a more in-depth look. I really only saw him for his brief TNA stint, so I can't say much. A "tecnico" is a babyface while a "rudo" is a heel. If you think current wrestling is bad, look at the story about WCW. All in all, this was a really good read by someone who clearly knows his stuff.

Here's a little bit of an interview with TNA's Taeler Hendrix. Anytime I've seen her on the main roster, I didn't think she was ready, brother. More time in OVW would do her well. She's only 23. There's plenty of time for her to grow before they get behind her.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 5/27/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Hogan in hospital, WWE signs DGUSA star, WWE business notes, ex-WCW/TNA star passes away, King Mo shoots at indie show?, and Questions on a physical Hall of Fame, Prime Time Wrestling, Taker vs. Brock, Barrett's boxing, and Heyman on Creative

Hulk Hogan went to the hospital after a radiator on his boat exploded and burned his hand. Gruesome pictures have been posted on his Twitter account. What's sad is that TNA probably cares more about this than what happened with Zema Ion. Can you tell I'm in a bitter mood?

WWE has signed DGUSA's Samuray del Sol. Cagematch has your hookup. Some nice stats on him. I hope we see good things from him in the years to come.

Here's a look at some WWE business news like demographics and such. VERY interesting demographics notes. I would have thought that the little Jimmys were their biggest crowd.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Hart celebration update, NXT star works live events, Waltman talks Shield, and Questions on Montreal

Bret Hart Appreciation Night will air live after Raw goes off the air on The Score in Canada. They should swerve him at the last minute and make it HBK Appreciation Night. Then he could go to TNA and get involved in the finish of Sting vs. Bully Ray.

Bray Wyatt defeated Zack Ryder on a recent live event. That's right. Ryder even loses to people the audience doesn't know. From the sounds of things, Wyatt really has potential, so maybe it's ok.

Sean Waltman speculated on the contract status of The Shield, based on his time in DX.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Interviews with Anderson/Sandow/Titus, Show hurt, WWE taping shows in advance, more from Ryder, new NXT backstage signing, Impact audience, Hart update, where Gut Check star was on Thursday, released NXT stars make videos, and Questions on Cena, missing news, DVDs, WWE + TNA, and ECW

Mr. Anderson was profiled. TNA wasn't specifically mentioned.

Big Show has been hurt the last few weeks, due to a suspected torn labrum. Yeah, I'm clearly not a health major because I have no clue what that is off the top of my head. Hopefully they take it easy with him if need be.

WWE will tape the 7/26 Smackdown, 7/29 Raw, and 8/2 Smackdown in advance due to a tour of Australia and South Africa in the time when the shows would normally be taped. I'll be interested to see how those tours do.

Zack Ryder teased a new YouTube show. I think. I'd be entertained by a show giving "screen time" to various underused WWE personalities to show their promo skills, etc.. Clearly WWE's not going to get behind him unless he does something to get attention on his own.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Smackdown Reax - 5/24/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Interviews with Hogan/Lawler, a look at the NFL-WWE relationship, new WWE signings?, Bret remembers Owen, and the identity of Suicide

Hulk Hogan was interviewed in the Tampa Bay area. Who else would pay to see a shoot fight between Hogan and Bubba The Love Sponge? As long as both men come out bloody and injured, society as a whole wins. Does anyone really believe that Hogan doesn't remember slamming Andre? He mentions it in pretty much interview.

Fox News has more on the proposed business association between the NFL and WWE. Imagine if WWE cut 40 wrestlers every year like each NFL team does. I'm also starting to feel that if Creative can't come up with something for a wrestler, it might be Creative who needs replacing. Percy Watson was a solid athlete with charisma. I think he could have been a partner to an Alex Riley or Ted DiBiase. Maybe even JTG or Curt Hawkins. He had skills is the point.

Jerry Lawler talked about returning to the ring on the indie scene. As tired of his commentary as I am, I don't wish death on him or anything.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 5/23/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Main Event Reax - 5/22/13, WWE recruiting NFL talents, Interviews with R-Truth/Hogan/Holly/Bart Gunn, Jericho update, and Questions on Cena, Rock, ECW, Ryder, Fandango, Oklahoma, concussions, Aces and Eights, and big angles

Main Event:
Del Rio vs. Big E was VERY good. They told a pretty good story of finesse and technique vs. power. Big E in some ways was actually elevated, even in a loss, for looking so good against a former World/WWE Champion.

That was certainly interesting. The match itself was fine. I just feel like I've seen the Usos and 3MB compete in "filler" matches forever. I want to see some other acts thrown into the mix. They couldn't find a place for Bateman or Watson, yet these two acts seemingly get a good deal of TV time to spin their tires. Anyway, I liked what they did with Ryback to continue the build for Payback. Maybe they'll actually treat him as a threat to the WWE Title?

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Where Cena was on Monday, more on Axel, Henry hurt, Arnold talks Andre, Storm update, Raw audience, WWE behind-the-scenes names gone and Questions on Rhodes, Cena, Aries/Hemme, and Ion

John Cena granted a wish ahead of Raw and worked a post-show dark match. He teamed with Alberto Del Rio to beat Jack Swagger and Ryback. As long as he sells what happened at Extreme Rules the next time he's on TV, I'm ok with him showing up for the live crowd as a "bonus".

Curtis Axel was originally going to be "Curt" Axel, but for whatever reason they changed plans at the last-minute. Either name's fine with me and much better than "Michael McGillicutty". I'm pretty sure that Lesnar and Axel are pretty close behind-the-scenes, so that could have helped him get the chance he's getting now.

Mark Henry tweaked his shoulder at Sunday's PPV. I'll be interested to see what he does in the months to come.

Arnold Schwarzenegger gave a story about Andre The Giant. I'd love a collection of Andre stories.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Query on Hunico's bodyguard, wrestling at the Billboard Awards, more on Rock, hardcore legend Tweeting, wrestling as a part-time job, Interviews with Daniels/Foley, Hardy update, Kane shoots down rumor, Smackdown audience, Trish HoF list revealed, another Mysterio surgery, and Questions on HHH, Bischoff, Roberts, Lesnar, and Rock

First up, a query:
1. Hunico's bodyguard, Camacho, has worked here and there in NXT since he was last seen on WWE TV. The team worked together at WrestleMania AXXESS. I was pretty impressed by Hunico in the Sin Cara feud. I wish he would have gone further. Maybe when he comes back?

Singer Miguel (presumably) inadvertently hit Rey Mysterio's Dropping The Dime move a Rough Ryder at the Billboard Awards. The HIAC commentary version was pretty funny in a twisted way. There are some twisted people on the Internet...

The Rock talked about the side effects of his recent surgeries including a swollen penis. You know that if he ever shows back up in WWE, that's coming up in a promo. Just when I thought I had read everything!

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 5/20/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Interview with Jericho, more on Mysterio, and Questions on Raw, Abyss/Park, Aces and Eights, Vince, and the HoF

Chris Jericho was interviewed about Fandango and other stuff. Of course, very little is said about the feud and PPV. 

Rey Mysterio is being checked as per the status his injury. More on this as it comes in.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Trying to understand WWE's logic is at times an effort in futility. I don't even have the energy to add to the complaints here. WWE's priorities are all out of whack (and it shows in the discontent in the product). But remember, it's "not wrestling". It's "sports entertainment". I think we need to bring back Jim Cornette's ranting segments like he used to have during Raw.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Extreme Rules Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Extreme Rules PPV.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Extreme Rules preview

Read on for what I would do for Extreme Rules if I was running WWE Creative. THESE ARE NOT PREDICTIONS.

Interviews with Fandango/Costas/Rock, help Ion, an important piece of WWE history, and Questions on refs, Extreme Rules, being burnt out, Ambrose, and Cena

Fandango talked ahead of a live event, talking up his storyline with Chris Jericho. Fun stuff. He plays his character really well. This wasn't a standard "yeah, come see our show. We'll have good matches." type of deal.

Bob Costas talked about an old interview he did with Vince McMahon. I'd love to see another. Vince is not an easy guy to have a tough conversation with.

The Rock talked about a number of WWE topics. I'm glad that he put over some of the talented younger guys. I agree with The Shield and Fandango being solid. And I share in the props to the interviewer for knowing his wrestling.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Kane to run for office?, a lot of WWE business stuff, strange bedfellows, Booker update, NXT cuts, Interview with Dixie, Bruno honored, X-Division star has surgery, Impact audience, NXT signings upcoming, and Questions on the indies and RVD

There are rumors circulating that Kane could be considering running for political office in 2014. From what I can gather, he's a pretty mild-mannered, intelligent person outside of the ring. Would people be willing to look past his career as a wrestler and vote for him? As awesome as it would be for him to platform "in-character", I don't know how well it would work for him. He's had a very long and fruitful career, so I think if he's ready to hang it up, he's earned it.

Here are some (generally kind of boring) notes about WWE's business. Don't expect Khali to go away anytime soon. Trust me. I'd love for it to happen, too. As for doing something like Ring Ka King, it's an interesting idea but I see his point that WWE is so big that they'd probably do better with their own performers.

Here are some updates on the WWE Network. I love that they acknowledge that there are a lot of people who won't pay $50 for a PPV every month, but aren't going to drop prices. Sigh.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Smackdown Reax - 5/17/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Main Event Reax - 5/15/13, Updates on Roberts/Graham, another Heyman client?, new NXT name, more on Roberts, Interviews with Mickie/Rhodes/PTP, if ECW stuck around, Aries fined, and Questions on Cena, HHH vs. Lesnar, Heyman, and running WWE

Main Event:
Pretty good opening match. I think Rollins could be going places. It was smart that they didn't "feed him" to Kane and hurt his credibility.

Kind of weird that the Usos intervened instead of Bryan and/or Kofi. Something tells me we're in for a feud between The Shield and The Usos soon, maybe for the Tag Team Titles.

Oh, or maybe we'll see them face off on Friday. Squash match?

I don't like that Sin Cara came back with absolutely zero build. This guy was a HUGE star in Mexico. They're doing a disservice by bringing him back as just another superstar.

Not a bad match between Cara and Barrett. I hope there's at least one more round.

Rhodes vs. Gabriel was pretty good. They work together well. I'm glad that they acknowledged Rhodes vs. Miz for Sunday, even though Rhodes didn't get a promo or anything.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Query on ICP-TNA, what happened after Raw, Ziggler note, Smackdown audience, more on Aries-Hemme situation, Raw audience, ex-NXT star talks, WWE appearances, and Questions on NXT, Taker, Taz, Stone Cold, and Ryback

First up, a query:
1. I don't know of any plans for the Insane Clown Posse to go back to TNA. They weren't so well received last time, when they "invaded" with Scott Hall. That said, that was a number of years ago, so maybe bygones will be bygones?

After Raw, the team of Cena, Orton, and Del Rio beat the team of Big Show, Swagger, and Ryback after Cena hit the AA on Show. No one can beat Cena. No one.

There's no timetable for Dolph Ziggler returning, sadly. I hope he's back for Payback at least. His health should come first, though.

Smackdown's audience was 2.53 million. Not much to say here. Slightly up from last week.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Santino opens school, Jericho's partner, Interviews with Hall/Cole, Mysterio update, and Questions on Bret invading, WWE/Star Trek, Chris Benoit, Brock then vs. now, and "the list"

Santino Marella will be opening an MMA/wrestling school in Toronto in July, called "Battle Arts Academy". It will be interesting to see how that goes.

Chris Jericho's dance partner on Raw as Edyta Sliwinska, who is a part of "Dancing with the Stars". No, I didn't know that off the top of my head. I'm assuming that was a one-time thing.

Scott Hall talked about the current state of WWE. There are a number of young "fresh" talents in the company (Del Rio, Swagger, Ziggler, Ryback, The Shield). They just generally aren't pushed as being as important as Cena and the part-timers. That said, I agree about selling being important. It seems like a lost art at times, especially among younger talents.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 5/13/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Aries/Hemme controversy, Johnny Ace acknowledges his roots, live event notes, NXT notes, Cena update, and Questions on Raw's opening, the WWWF, African-Americans, and time limits

There's controversy over the actions of Austin Aries toward Christy Hemme at the most recent Impact Wrestling, linked here. Aries and Hemme commented on Twitter. Wade Keller, wrestling's self-appointed moral guardian, of course weighed in. If there's ever a time someone might be offended by something, Keller will be there. He probably cries himself to sleep at night over the fact that Right To Censor isn't still around.

WWE's John Laurinaitis offered tribute to Japan's Kenta Kobashi during his retirement his weekend. I kind of miss him on TV. Kind of.

Chris Jericho worked a recent Raw live event, losing to Fandango. Rev up that "smark" outrage.

NXT's Corey Graves worked a recent Smackdown live event, losing to Ted DiBiase. Anyone want to take bets on who the next main roster call-up will be?

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Query on Joey Mercury, SMS Reax - 5/11/13, former TNA Champion injured, WWE return, NXT talents on live events, and Questions on Mason Ryan, Sable, Vince dying, Ziggler's concussion, and ECW's music

First up, a query:
1. Joey Mercury wore a mask after a gruesome injury in a ladder match necessitated it.

Saturday Morning Slam:
Orton and Sheamus vs. PTP? Yeah, I think I can guess how that one will go. It makes sense for two former WWE/World Champions to beat a mid-level tag team.

One one hand, I appreciate the segment to set up Santino vs. Mahal, since the lower-carders rarely get time to set up their matches. But it was just kind of... silly. Though how could a segment involving Santino and Mahal not be... hmm...

Not a bad match between Santino and Mahal to kill some time. I doubt I'll remember that it happened by Raw.

Another silly segment. Not my cup of tea, but it makes sense for SMS.

Not much to really say about that match. WWE was just keeping the status quo in check. No anti-PTP vibes  coming off for me.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sandow and Cena do good deeds, Hall of Famer at Raw, Interview with Morrison, new ER match official, Impact audience, Ziggler update, and Questions on WWE Creative, Punk's body, bleeding from the mouth, TNA referencing WWE, and TNA in 10 years

Damien Sandow talked to children in Kentucky about child abuse. As if I needed another reason to be a fan of his.

The May 27 Raw in Calgary, Alberta, Canada will be Bret Hart Appreciation Night. Bret Hart is the wrestling equivalent of Grumpy Cat. caught up with John Morrison. Can you imagine a conversation between him and Brian Kendrick?

John Cena met another kid with a debilitating condition.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Superstars and Smackdown Reax - 5/10/13

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Smackdown.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Interviews with Jessie/Otunga/Jericho, TNA stars in OVW, Ziggler update, WWE show ending?, and Questions on iconic entrance music, Bruno, Brock, and Jay Briscoe

TNA's Jessie Godderz talked. I like the catchphrases and how he puts over the people who got him where he is. I also think it was smart to pair him up with the veteran Tara.

The latest OVW TV taping featured the Blossom Twins, King Mo, Rockstar Spud, Jessie Godderz, Sam Shaw, Taeler Hendrix, Jay Bradley, and Rob Terry. All of those names are on the TNA payroll.

David Otunga was profiled. He's definitely in very impressive shape. Nice story of persevering and achieving your dreams.

Chris Jericho talked about Fandango. Here are some highlights. Vince is a pretty weird guy. At least he seems to be onto something with Fandango.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Impact Wrestling Reax - 5/9/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Main Event Reax - 5/8/13, NXT star works dark match, when the new Development Center will open, Smackdown notes, more WWE return notes, Rock update, Impact changing times, Hall of Famer confirmed, Interview with DiBiase, World Champion hurt, and Questions on big WWE DVDs, Taker, "ruining" Punk, and WCW in 2000

Main Event:
Now THAT was a wrestling match. Cesaro continues to show that he can hang with WWE's top acts, and Orton shows off his veteran instincts every match as well. Both guys should be praised for this one, and WWE should take another look at the former U.S. Champion. He's better than a yodeling gimmick.

I'm glad that they did a segment to set up the second match. It makes sense to continue the rivalry between Gabriel and Slater.

A strap match is an interesting choice. They're kind of silly at times, with the tagging of turnbuckles and such.

I'm always impressed by Gabriel. Hopefully WWE is looking at his recent work. I think he could have a good future if he keeps doing good things. I don't think he'll be WWE Champion in a year or anything, but I do think he can do something bigger than he's doing now.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What happened after Raw, another Punk update, Dean shoots on Holly, good news for TNA, Interviews with Helms/DDP/Molly Holly, WWE return updates, new WWE signings, Raw audience, and Questions on the WWE HoF, Nash, changing WWE, and Bruno's future

John Cena and Team Hell No beat The Shield by DQ after Raw after the heels used a steel chair. The faces stood tall to end things (as always).

C.M. Punk is being advertised for the 6/24 live event in North Charleston, SC. However, these is still no set timetable for his return and this could very well be an error.

The former Simon Dean shot on Bob Holly. I think it's pretty obvious how Dean likes him now. This one takes some explanation: I definitely think Holly has a pretty terrible reputation (whether it's justified or not is not my call). For the Rene Dupree incident, the story goes that the two of them had rented a car together and there was some kind of issue that Holly had to clear up. He took his anger out on Dupree in the ring on a live event, intentionally hurting him. Not the most professional way to take care of that. As for Lesnar, the rumor hoes that he tried to "sandbag" (intentionally not assist) Lesnar during a powerbomb to make it harder for Lesnar to deliver it (and making Lesnar look less strong in the process for not getting him up for it). How'd that end for Holly, you ask? See for yourself.

Brock's face when:

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

PPV poster change, WWE tryout, HHH wins award, Punk/Cena updates, Interview with Hall, Smackdown audience, note on Lesnar angle, Lawler to return to the ring, and Questions on Vince reading dirt sheets, Batista, Cesaro, Lesnar, and Cena

There's been a change in the poster for WWE Payback. It now features Randy Orton. That's a pretty bland poster. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for all that negative space at the bottom. And why wouldn't they want Orton's name bigger? TNA's doing a much better job with posters, likely because they plan things out further in advance and actually know what they're going to be doing at upcoming PPVs.

Jim Ross and Gerald Brisco will evaluate talent over the weekend of 7/12 in Waterloo, IA in conjunction with the Thesz/Tragos Museum Hall of Fame. Someone should send a fake resume/picture and show up in a Napoleon outfit.

Triple H was named "Most Metal Athlete" this year at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards, which were hosted by Chris Jericho. Makes sense, honestly. Though without his trademark long hair and becoming more of a behind-the-scenes guy, he's not as "cool" as he once was.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Raw Reax - 5/6/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Another NXT star on live events, UFC star to buy WWE?, Interview with Goldberg, important milestone for the Blueprint, and Questions on D-Bry, Ring Ka King, showdown in Orlando, Owen vs. Austin, and HHH standing up to Vince

NXT's Corey Graves lost to Ted DiBiase on the most recent Smackdown live event. He has over 10 years in the business, so presumably he's got a good grasp on things by now?

The UFC's Chael Sonnen, close friend to C.M. Punk, wants to buy WWE when he retires from fighting. One does not simply buy WWE. I don't see this happening, unless the McMahon family gets really desperate somehow. It'd make for an interesting angle at any rate. There are some wrestling fans who really hate MMA and him coming in and trying to make things like the UFC would be very heelish indeed.

Here's a flashback to an interview with Goldberg discussing the opportunity he had to go with WWF instead of WCW. He was a pretty important past of WCW's rise. Some say that they could have done the same thing with similar big guys from the Power Plant, but I think Goldberg might have had something that some of those other guys didn't. As for the interview itself, it's interesting that he says that he's been at the right place at the right time since that's what his critics say about him. He doesn't really seem like a "wrestling" guy as much as a guy who happened to end up wrestling.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

SMS Reax - 5/4/13, Interviews with WWE Encyclopedia writer/Mickie James, NXT stars work live events, Punk update, story on Rock, and Questions on Angelina Love, Fandango, all of WWE's shows looking the same, and WWE's business philosophy

Saturday Morning Slam:
Well, at least this match has a set up. It's kind of weird, but it's a set up.

Meh. Not a bad match, just nothing to write home about.

Mick Foley obviously went to the Teddy Long School of General Managing. A tag match here made sense.

That was a good little tag match. Of course, the Usos won again. I can really see the complaints that we get that match a lot and the Usos pretty much always win. Between Raw, NXT, Superstars, Main Event, Smackdown, and SMS, there have been 18 times that these teams have faced off either 1-on-1 or 2-on-2 since PTP became a team early last year. In other words, they've faced off on TV an average of over once a month, excluding live events and matches were both teams were involved that weren't 1-on-1 or 2-on-2 (bigger tag matches, etc.). While overall The Usos are only up 10-8, they've won 8 straight. PTP hasn't won an outing since September. I like The Usos, but PTP's really getting hosed here. I don't think there's any kind of conspiracy: WWE just likes going to this match to warm the crowd up with a babyface win. That said, it's getting pretty old and formulaic.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

TNA prospect competes, Interviews with Bully Ray/King Mo/Ziggler, WWE helps out Full Sail, Impact audience, and Questions on Batista, Fandango, ringside photogs, and Low Ki

King Mo made his official in-ring debut at the most recent OVW TV tapings (in a dark match). Also competing were Taeler Hendrix, the Blossom Twins, Jay Bradley, Jessie Godderz, Rockstar Spud, Crimson, Rob Terry, and Sam Shaw. So, yeah, for those wondering where those people are, it's OVW.

King Mo talked about the experience and trying to become a wrestler. I'm glad that he wants to be ready (brother) when he wrestles on TV and puts over how difficult the business is.

Bully Ray gave a great interview ahead of a TNA live event. I like that he stayed in character AND put others over.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Superstars and Smackdown Reax - 5/3/13

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Smackdown.

Friday, May 3, 2013

WWE releases Q1 2013 results

Read on for a rundown of WWE's Q1 2013 financial results and my thoughts on them.

Cena does more good, Interview with Naomi, Impact from Scotland, Stephanie and Angle profiled, Punk update, critically acclaimed match on Smackdown, Slammiversary poster, and Questions on the blue cage, WCW One Night Stand, Bronson, Motorhead, ECW, and Shane Douglas

Note: for all of today's financial news, hit the next post.

John Cena will have another Make A Wish kid with him on Raw, which will surely be seen by some segments of the IWC as a cheap ploy to get Cena over as a face.

Naomi was interviewed. In the NXT days, I thought she was very athletic but seemed to not fit well with the "sports entertainer" aspect that WWE pushes. Meaning, she was focused on the wrestling and not as adept at the off-the-wall challenges. For what it's worth, still refers to him as Tensai. I like that she wants to be Divas' Champion.

Impact Wrestling will be broadcast from Scotland in early 2014. That's pretty cool. I like their expansion internationally. I hope the search for Scottish talent goes well for them.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Impact Wrestling Reax - 5/2/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Main Event Reax - 5/1/13, potential new WWE trademark, Sabin update, TNA Creative doing their jobs, 2014 HoF inductee, why Fandango's dancer changed, NXT call-up?, NXT guests, Batista update, and Questions on sending talents home, Rock returning, going national, championships, and Fandango

Main Event:
Good Cesaro promo. I hope he's got a good future ahead of him.

WOW. Both men get applause for that match. Cesaro could really go places and Kingston continues to deliver with his high-flying offense. I hope Management gets behind these two as they look for the headliners of tomorrow.

Really good babyface promo from Kofi. How hard is it to give people mic time?

And just like that, Cesaro is redeemed. I can forget about that whole "yodeling" thing if they keep this up. Great segment to get over his viciousness as a heel.

Wow. Gabriel and Slater have really grown from their NXT Season 1 days. I think Gabriel in particular has a good future ahead of him, though Slater showed that he's no one to take lightly.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Query on Fandango's dancer, what happened after Raw, Interview with Sabin, Ryder hurt, Updates on Mysterio/Miz/Jericho, Raw's audience, Smackdown dark match, and Questions on WWE replays, Ambrose losing to Taker, Fandango, and The Shield

First up, a query:
1. I never heard the true identity of Fandango's previous dancer. I don't know how long they planned to have her around, since they've had Summer Rae in NXT for a while and this is a great way to introduce her. She was training as a wrestler, so I suspect we'll see her in the ring at some point. How permanent that will be will depend on a number of factors.

Doctors looked at John Cena's ankle after Raw. He apologized to the crowd for wrestling when he probably shouldn't have. He'll wrestle until he physically can't I think.

After that, Fandango came out with Summer Rae and danced. Of course, he taught the crowd how to pronounce his name correctly.

Chris Sabin was interviewed in two parts ahead of his TNA return. I'll be interested to see how he performs going forward and where his career goes. Will he tone down the "car crash" style that led to his injuries?