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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Main Event Reax - 12/14/18, new Impact PPV match, UK changing WWE airtimes, HBK on WWEPC, Final Battle hype, Ring Warriors gets new home, lots of Hidden Gems coming, Becky talks to E&C, Cena press, Impact audience, Vince back on WWE TV, Final Battle curtain call, NXT live event return, and Questions on UE not using the Freebird Rule, EC3 dropping his longer name, streaming wrestling, WWE not honoring legends, and the Muppets on Raw

-- Main Event:
- Mojo vs. Breeze:
So-so so far.

OK. Tough to follow Final Battle!

- LHP vs. Ascension/Hawkins:
Oh LHP is definitely officially part of Raw now.

I believe Hawkins is 0-242 going into this one. But it's a six-man tag! It might be time to turn things around!

I like the lucha teamwork.

It's good to see both sides mix it up with new opponents.

Impressive work from LHP. I liked that. 

Impact's Homecoming PPV has added Eddie Edwards vs. Moose in a Falls Count Anywhere match. That should be really solid.

WWE's UK broadcast partner is shuffling Raw and Smackdown Live to different channels for the rest of 2018 due to the Darts World Championship. The current product is less over than DARTS. Let that sink in.

Shawn Michaels discussed his WWEPC role. Interesting comments about turning down opportunities to be in the spotlight in favor of younger talent. I do wonder how different past generations of WWE would have been if they kept inserting stars of 15+ years ago into things.

Ring Warriors will now air on Amazon Prime, with a "winter season finale" on December 22 featuring the last currently taped matches from the promotion. There are no current tapings announced for the group, and it's unknown whether they will return to WGN America. However, the press release indicates more announcements are coming soon regarding venues and talents.

WWE Network will be adding Hidden Gems each day through December 25.

Becky Lynch is on Edge & Christian's latest podcast.

Karen Q was profiled before Final Battle. It's telling she has to have a day job as well. We'll see if she ends up moving to Orlando soon.

ROH Pinnacle is expected to continue, with Lightning One working on the series.

Luchasaurus is booked for ROH's January 12 TV taping and January 13 Honorclub event. He has an opportunity to break out in 2019 with all the departures pending.

Becky Lynch spoke to Yahoo! Sports. I hope WWE takes a lesson from her getting over rather than Charlotte. There's a definite disconnect with what WWE pushes and what some fans want.

John Cena's humanitarian efforts were profiled.

WCCW's Christmas Star Wars 1981 has been added as a Hidden Gem. Notably, three matches are cut from the presentation.

Atlas Security worked Final Battle.

Madison Rayne talked to The Mirror before Final Battle. She's really had a lot of opportunities in 2018.

Jay Lethal talked to Gamespot before Final Battle. His Randy Savage impersonation is more over than being ROH Champion, it looks like.

Impact drew 140,000 viewers Thursday night, the highest milestone in the new timeslot. It will be very interesting to see how the next two weeks' "Best Of" shows do.

John Cena and Matthew McConaughey discussed wrestling on Graham Norton's show.

Vince McMahon will appear on Raw. They've got an opportunity to get the ball rolling on some changes. This is going to be an important episode.

The Elite, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky thanked fans after Final Battle, with the Young Bucks strongly putting over ROH personnel before promising to return in New York City. That may or may not have been a hint to The Elite appearing on G1 Supercard. Notably Christopher Daniels was not part of this segment despite his contract coming due at the end of the year, while Marty Scurll was even though his contract continues well into 2019. This could be because Daniels already had a moment in the ring earlier in the show.

Rinku Singh returned to NXT live events for the first time in more than a month, teaming with Mansoor Al-Shehail in a loss to Heavy Machinery on December 14 in Florida.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Somewhat surprisingly they're not using the Freebird Rule. That could always change down the line, though. It's also possible they want to focus on the two younger names instead of the 39-year-old Fish.

2. I don't see a trademark for the full name. I think they could still use it, but EC3 is short and catchy and doesn't remind people of the former Impact president.

3. I use my computer, but I can see why others want a larger screen.

4. I can see the Natalya aspect. I read it as them not wanting to honor the controversial Dynamite Kid, but that doesn't explain not honoring Hennig.

5. He's fine with some comedy in wrestling. Things can get monotonous without something outlandish like the Broken Universe every so often.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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