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Monday, April 16, 2012

Arquette talks wrestling, Z! TLIS #62, Lockdown hype, Questions on remembering Benoit, turning Aries face, TNA's booking, WWE's naming, and Taker at Mania, Foley interview, Hogan cameo at NHL game, and a former TNA star at Lockdown

David Arquette talked about his involvement with wrestling. At least celebrities don't hold titles today.

Here's episode #62 of Z! True Long Island Story. The Brosetta Stone bit was good.

TNA's YouTube and Twitter pages featured a number of video interviews and other previews for Lockdown/ had some new questions up on Sunday. Here's my look at them:
1. And this is why I don't check out many social media comments. There needs to be some kind of literacy test you have to pass before you can post on some sites... Even without the issues of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure, that's a bad response. I can see how people would want to remember the great matches Benoit had instead of the terrible deeds he did on his final weekend, but that comment did more harm than good to that argument. It's not coherent enough for anyone to waste his or her time on.

After the break, I go into everything else from Sunday. Next up, did TNA rush the Austin Aries face turn?

 2. He has been a very entertaining and fresh character in a company that really needs those right now. I don't blame people for cheering for him, and I don't blame TNA for putting him up against heels now. As long as they don't radically change his character as a face, I'll be fine with it. I don't see Punk as a generic babyface at all. He's the WWE Champion and hypothetical face of the company. What's there to rebel against?

3. TNA's definitely been off from what it was not too long ago lately. But no, Russo's not secretly working for them.

4. I don't remember them specifically mentioning that he was Albert, just that he has previously been in WWE. There's a difference. They did mention that Ryback was in Nexus during his first match. Leavine was Kevin Hackman in FCW before he was on Tough Enough under his real name, but I get what they're saying. They probably changed Hennig's last name so they could use a copyrightable name, and wouldn't "have to" push him as his father's son. People change their names in "real life", so I don't see why they can't do it in wrestling.

5. While it would be a good place to leave off, I'd be very surprised if that's the last we see of Undertaker. HBK and Flair got big post-Mania send-offs, so I think if that was his last match, he would have gotten one as well. Obviously it has to end some time, and his body's not what it used to be, but it's too early to say it's over for him.

Mick Foley was interviewed. I don't think the WM28 match needed him. The story with Shawn was enough and putting Foley in the mix could have crowded it. To me, him being on commentary would remind people of past Cell matches with fire, barbed wire, and big cage bumps. Since we didn't get any of those in that match, it probably is best not to put those thoughts in people's heads!

Hulk Hogan was on a pre-taped video supporting the Philadelphia Flyers.

Finally, Chris Harris was in attendance at Lockdown. No word on whether TNA will bring him back in, since his last appearance wasn't what they hoped it would be.

That's all for Sunday's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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