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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Main Event Reax - 7/3/13, Ricardo update, Interviews with Bully Ray, TNA talents gone, guest TNA manager, Kane unmasked, new WWE signings arrive, HBK contest, TNA's cost issues, Taz update, WWE job posting, WWE stars meet military, Smackdown taping profiled, and Questions on TnT, Vince, McIntyre, and Florida

Main Event:
Based Sandow. What else is there to say? He's always good on the mic.

Christian vs. Sandow was a very solid encounter. Christian's veteran wiles came into play here. Sandow continues to improve in the ring. I don't know if he's quite ready to win the briefcase, but I think it might be worth rolling the dice.

Always fun to hear a Zeb Colter promo. Top heel act for sure.

Swagger returned to form in the ring here. I'm always pretty impressed by his ring acumen. Sin Cara is fine and I hope one day he gets pushed.

Curt Hawkins sighting! And it seems like he's improved his game since we've last seen him. That said, this was Big E's match to win.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
Ricardo Rodriguez commented on his 30-day suspension. I'm a big supporter of Ricardo, but he should be a little more apologetic for failing a drug test.

Bully Ray totally exposed the logic holes in the new MEM in a new interview. Interesting stuff. I liked his thoughts about the BFG Series, and also think that Morgan, Crimson, and Magnus have potential. Sabin on the other hand? Not so much. I only want to see Hogan if it's a shoot fight with Steiner or someone who would kick his ass.

Here's a second Bully Ray interview. As regards to the Dudleys in WWF: not every act needs to be super-buff. I agree about his views on some of the younger guys and the training of them (and schools in general). I like his stories of the old ECW and his run as the Dudleys, and his putting over of Mark Henry. Interesting stuff about some fans' criticisms. I agree to some degree. I was amused by his remarks about the Hogan.

As part of ongoing cost-cutting, TNA has cut ties with a number of employees:
1. Madison Rayne's TNA contract has expired and hasn't been renewed. She has promised to return to the ring. I can't really complain. She hadn't wrestled on Impact all year. Honestly, I was never really much of a fan and don't think it's much of a loss that she's gone. I suppose she could end up in WWE/NXT once she delivers her baby, or could end up back in TNA. Meh.

2. Taeler Hendrix has also left TNA, but this was her own choice. She had been most regularly working in OVW. This is another loss that isn't a huge dent for the company. Taeler's only 24 and was still finding herself in the ring. They can always bring her back in the future once she has more experience. It's possible that she ends up in WWE/NXT, but by no means is it a done deal. They've got a good number of female performers as it is.

3. Christian York. I would say that York was the biggest success of the Gut Check competition. Exactly the kind of talent TNA should be recruiting: 15 years of experience (by 2013), and only 36. He was clearly confident in the ring and knew how to put a match/story together. PROTIP: They're not "highspots" if the whole match consists of them. I hope WWE picks him up, as he could be a valuable teacher to some of the younger stars on the roster. I'm disappointed that he's been out there all this time and they've never picked him up.

4. Joey Ryan, whose contract expired and wasn't renewed. I thought Ryan had a great look and gimmick, which is sadly something of a lost art with some stars these days. I don't know if/how he'd work in WWE, but he's certainly got the "entertainment" part of sports entertainment down pat.

5. Crimson, which is the biggest surprise I think. Crimson got a number of pushes from the company and I think was another talent overlooked by WWE. Good look, and fits the "big hoss" archetype that WWE likes at times (Ryback, Big E, etc.). I'd definitely be giving him a look for NXT. 28 with 4 years of experience? they could definitely do worse (and have).

There was a report that Sam Shaw had also been released, but this is erroneous. I wouldn't have been shocked given how little they use him.

The nature of the contracts of these wrestlers were that they were being paid a monthly guarantee, plus extra for every appearance they made. So, even if a talent wasn't used, they were getting paid. I think there are a number of other performers they could cut if they really wanted/needed to.

New York radio personality Peter Rosenberg will manage Velvet Sky at an upcoming TNA live event. Cool for him.

Kane was a part of a barbecue with former Presidential candidate Ron Paul. Pretty weird to see him like that!

Sami Callihan has arrived in Florida ahead of working in NXT.

Shawn Michaels is promoting a contest to meet him at WrestleMania XXX. How cool would that be?

For more on TNA's cost-cutting: It's more expensive to tape things on the road, and some wrestlers are behind on being paid. Is this TNA or the original ECW? It's unfortunate that while they make good moves like going on the road, it's so costly that it hurts them.

Taz has re-signed with TNA. Meh. I was ready for a new voice at the announce table. looked back at the first WCW match on WWF TV: Booker T. vs. Buff Bagwell. I remember when that happened and thought it was the most historic thing ever. How weird to have WCW stuff on Raw. To think of it, all these fans had been voting with their remotes and wallets to not watch WCW. Putting it in the headline spot on Raw is an odd choice, though I see what they were thinking. Watching that match in 2013... yeah, it wasn't that great. If those two were advertised as WCW's top 2 acts, who could blame the WWF fans for rejecting the Invasion?

WWE wants a writer assistant. You too could be yelled at by Vince!

PTP and Natalya will be meeting members of the American military.

Here's a look at the most recent Smackdown taping .

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Tara's back alongside Jessie Godderz and Robbie E as they challenge for the TNA Tag Team Titles. Tessmacher's just kind of hanging out until they plan to use her again.

Not much to add to 2. I don't see him stepping back any time soon unless for some reason he has to.

Nothing to add to 3.

4. Given the problems TNA's having, I think he's lucky to get a guaranteed payday in WWE!

5. Also note that WWE's NXT is located there and TNA used to tape Impact there every week.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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