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Thursday, March 16, 2017

NXT and ROH Reax - 3/15/16

Read on for my thoughts on last night's NXT and ROH.

-- NXT:
- Ealys promo:
They do speak! I kind of expected they'd go back to the background after that attack.

- Authors vs. Ealys:
The Ealys have some big size on them, but I don't think it's going to help them.

I like big guys just colliding like bulls.

Impressive domination by the champs.

- Ellering/DIY/Revival/Regal:
I'm liking the association of Paul and the Authors. He chose well!

Wow, guys. Algorithm's not that fancy of a word.

DIY might be able to do it. They've got the tenacity.

I can see why Scott and Dash are upset at not being at Takeover after such a string of big matches.

That could be a really big match!

- Machinery video:
Another hoss team to wreck things? Umm, yes.

- Asuka video:
I like the sun/moon references.

The champ's been dominant, but this arrogance could be her downfall.

Good work overall.

- Cross vs. Estrella:
I love unhinged Nikki.

Nikki's just insane.

This definitely stands out!

That match meant more than if Nikki would have done a 450 suicide hurricanrana or whatever.

- Post-match:
Well this is pretty crazy.

Nikki has NO FEAR.

I hope this sets up something crazy at Takeover.

- Black video:
I'm excited to see more from the former Tommy End.

- Oney/Almas:
I'm all for this match. Both men are good but Oney in particular could use some more flavor before getting a bigger role.

- Kassius interview:
Ohno's a little too laid back for my liking. I guess it's confidence.

- Roode interview:
I mean Bobby's got some good points. Roode has star written all over him.

- Roode vs. Ohno:
Hahaha Kassius surprising the champ!

This is good so far! Kassius is a pro, for sure.

I'm liking what Ohno's doing, and Roode's selling like crazy.

Roode's a top-tier athlete.

This is pretty solid!

Roode has a clear strategy here.

Ohno making the most of his size. I think I like him better like this than when he was working at a lower weight.

I like the cyclone kick more than I thought I would.

Both men are champion material.

I'm liking the counter wrestling here.

One heck of a match! It's a shame they can't both go on to face Shinsuke at Takeover (or can they?).

-- ROH: 
- Announcing:
It's weird to see Shelley not competing and Sabin being a singles guy. I haven't heard anything about Alex being inured or anything; not sure what's going on.

- Bucks vs. C2C:
The Bucks aren't champs anymore. Awkward.

Whoa, headlocks in a Young Bucks match????

There we go; time for gymnastics!!

 I HATE when people do flippy moves that intentionally take out their partners. For fuck's sake!

Same shit we see in pretty much every other ROH match. I just find it hard to care now.

The fancy moves and doubleteams are done well, which I guess is the point.

A wash. ROH needs some real changes.

- Post-match:
I did like the post-match.

- Lio/Rebellion:
The Rebellion had some serious potential to shake up the status quo in ROH, but it didn't happen.

A Rebellion beatdown would be a fine way to write Lio off.

Fine enough I guess. Everyone's just kind of treading water.

- Evans on commentary:
I like the idea of Evans evaluating the newer guys. They need someone experienced in that role. 

- Quinn vs. Stallion:
Boom. Quinn's the heel right out of the gate.

I'm glad this is a fight after that sneak attack. It wouldn't make sense to flip around with someone who sucker-punched you during a handshake.

I'm liking this alright!

Quinn's already showing some personality. That's good.

Ohh..... well, that was fun while it lasted, but I was hoping the guy who showcased more of what he's about would make it further.

- Cody/Page:
Man, Cody's all over wrestling TV!

I mean, I just saw Lethal at the PPV.

Cody still bragging about something from three months ago is kind of meh.

I like Page; they need to develop him more.

I'm all for a Bullrope match. It's a shame that show won't be a PPV.

- Castle vs. Gresham:
Good psychology to start.

I'm liking the technical showcase. It's a nice break from the first match.

This is a good match and good story developing.

Gresham's someone to keep an eye on; he's impressing me here.

NICE ending sequence. Both men did well here.

- War Machine vs. Whitmer/Martinez:
Now THIS is what I've wanted to see from ROH.

I'd enjoy Hanson and Rowe a lot more if they didn't do stunts like cannonballs and cartwheels. It takes away from what could be a badass team. They're more Highlanders than Wyatts.

Good physicality.

War Machine are too goofy with their offense. It's all fun and games (and stunts) instead of a big brawl.

I'm disappointed here. This could have been better without the Bronco buster kind of silliness.


This is embarrassing. Who does some of this flippy shit in a NO DQ GRUDGE MATCH???

Martinez has potential. I hope he doesn't fall by the wayside.

Too many fancy moves.

Mercily, this farce is now over. PHEW.

- Post-match:
Dude WHAT??? Delirious' gimmick must be a shoot with some of this booking. That was OUT OF NOWHERE.

More wrestling coming up.

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