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Monday, February 20, 2012

Questions on Booker in the WWE Hall, Tamina, Taker's hair, and the Rumble, former FCW Champion arrested, Orton update, Chamber dark match, and Smackdown's Mania main event made official

Sunday's news starts with the questions of the day. Here's my take:
1. I definitely see him as deserving given his very impressive list of accolades. I'm not familiar enough with Harlem Heat to say much on the tag team end, but I'd say barring some big fall-out he'll end up in there soon enough.

2. I imagine they waited until she turned face to make that official so she wouldn't get cheers for the last name. It makes a lot more sense to play it up now that she's emulating her father. As for McGillicutty, when/if he starts emulating his dad's moves, I think (hope) they'd change his name to reflect his lineage. How ridiculous of a name is Michael McGillicutty anyway? No offense to anyone who has that name in real life!

Nothing to add to 3, other than that it's related to 4. I don't get the "hair cutting" part either (hopefully they explain more in the weeks to come- maybe he'll end up with a different look overall?), but keeping the two of them mostly apart until the PPV is SMART. If they interact too much between now and then, the match will be somewhat watered-down (since we would have already seen them collide to some degree). It looks like they're selling the future match on the fact that we don't know how they'll match up. If anything, they need to do more in that direction so angles don't burn out so quickly.

After the break, I go into the rest of the day's news and questions, starting with a Royal Rumble complaint.
5. That was TERRIBLE. Innocent people DIED at Pearl Harbor. You're really saying that because you didn't get your money's worth (if you actually paid to see it), that's worse than the U.S. being attacked!? Thousands of men and women have died for you to have the freedom to type such stupid things. I hope you realize that. Anyway... they make a good point about Orton, and it made him seem more special and a bigger deal to have that anticipation building for him to be #28. Cena vs. Kane made sense from a storyline perspective because there's no reason to tease Cena being in the title picture for Mania. They didn't have to resort to some of the people they put in the Rumble; they just went more for nostalgia and comedy than title contenders. I agree about why the WWE writers have jobs. I won't speculate about why the questioner doesn't, though I'm sure I could come up with some reasons...

FCW's Bo Rotundo was arrested for a DUI. I'm very, very disappointed in him given how highly his work has been praised. At 21, he's a former FCW Heavyweight and current Tag Team champion. To let the company down after such a promising start to his career is shameful. He was let go after a $500 bond. I hope he gets at least a good talking to from management.

Tuesday's live Smackdown will also be shown live in the UK. gave an update on Randy Orton's condition, saying that he'll be re-evaluated on 2/27. I'd be very surprised if he wasn't at WrestleMania.

Hunico beat Alex Riley ahead of the Elimination Chamber PPV.

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan for the World Heavyweight Championship has been made official for WrestleMania. That can be great if they book things right.

That's all for Sunday's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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