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Monday, December 18, 2017

Clash of Champions Reax

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown-brand WWE Network special event.

-- Kickoff:
- Styles interview:
Jinder might need Khali, the Singh Brothers, Owens, and Zayn if he's going to get that title back.

- Naomi, et al:
I like the whole divisions on both shows being shaken up by the new factions.

I expect a crazy finish with the lumberjills.

Nice to sell the match.

- Charlotte on the panel:
Charlotte carries herself like a top star. I like it.

Not a bad heel promo from Natalya. It's just kind of hard to buy her as a villain knowing she's a cat lady.
- New Day interview:
I love them just getting to cut loose.

- Ryder vs. Mojo:
I like Ryder's tenacity here.

I like this being a fight.

Rawley's going hard to make the most of this opportunity.

Zack doing a good job playing a fired-up babyface.

Kickass ending. Mojo might be alright after all.

-- Clash of Champions: 
- Corbin vs. Roode vs. Ziggler:
Triple threat matches can be pretty fun with all the strategy going on.

I like Corbin's style of wearing people down.

Ziggler always works his ass off.

This is pretty solid!

Wow. Roode and Ziggler have the tools to do great work in the ring.

AWESOME ending to an impressive match. I'm bored as all get-out with Dolph, but this was a pretty good showing.

- Usos vs. Kofi/Big E vs. Gable/Benjamin vs. Rusev/Aiden:
This is a pretty interesting way to do the match.

NICE flashy start.

I love Big E's strength.

This is already explosive.

Wow. Quite the scene here.

This is wild! Hard to keep track of it all.

Hard to get a submission win in such a chaotic match.

I love Gable's athleticism and technique.

Really good work. I don't know where things go next for the Usos' reign, but this was good.

- Charlotte vs. Natalya:
I'm waiting for the day there's a lumberjack match where no one is thrown outside.

This is pretty solid.

HAHAHA that's why you don't try low dropkicks in a lumberjill match.

These two always do good work.

Nice Figure Eight spot.

I liked Carmella teasing a cash-in. That was clever.

Good match!

- B. Bros vs. Breezango:
Hahaha I don't blame Breeze for getting the heck out of there.

Effective destruction from Harper and Rowan.

I LOVE Breezango, but no complaints about the Bludgeon Brothers squashing them. I want to see Harper and Rowan go on a tear before facing the Authors of Pain after WM34.

- Orton/Shinsuke vs. Owens/Zayn:
Damn. Orton dominating here.

This is a crazy combination of superstars and wrestlers.

Interesting decision by the refs.

This is pretty solid so far.

Owens and Nakamura work well together.

Good work here.

I'm liking this.

NICE frog splash spot.

HAHAHAHAAHA good move from Owens to cause confusion.

WHAT? A McMahon trying to screw someone over???

Interesting ending. I kind of wanted to see Sami and Kevin protest outside of buildings and stuff en route to being signed back for Royal Rumble. They could work "unauthorized" matches on live events or something, showing up and disrupting the show from the crowd so that, say, Orton and Nakamura come to the ring and tell them to come to the ring. Since Shane and Bryan aren't on the live events, the referee can just say "screw it" and let the match happen.

- AJ vs. Jinder:
Good start.

Nice strategy from AJ.

Good basic story here.

I like Mahal taking advantage of his surroundings to work AJ's ribs over.

I'm liking Jinder's submissions.

They're telling a good story about AJ's ribs.

AJ's a talented technician who can lead someone like Jinder.

This is going well!

NICE counter to the super Khallas.

Good selling of the ribs.

Jinder might just get this done with his buddies helping out.

I LOVED Jinder going for the Styles Clash, and AJ being able to counter his own move.

That was a badass ending. Great work. Jinder looked fine in defeat.

More wrestling coming up.

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