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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Smackdown and 205 Live Reax - 12/19/17

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown and 205 Live.

-- Smackdown:
- Bryan/Shane:
Bryan got right to the point.

I love how no one in WWE communicates important things when not on TV.

An argument can be made Shane is letting personal issues get in the way of what's best for Smackdown.

I like Bryan trying to talk some sense into Shane. I don't see it helping, though.

This is a pretty good angle. I don't usually like non-wrestlers feuding, but this is going well.

That was a good segment.

- Usos vs. Gable/Benjamin:
I love mat/chain wrestling.

Two solid pairs here.

Good strategy from the collegiate athletes.

This is solid!

Chaos Theory is an incredible finisher.

That was nice! Great work from both sides.

- Charlotte/Naomi/R. Squad:
The women's Royal Rumble is absolutely historic, and means a lot to quite a few people inside the business.

Naomi vs. Charlotte would be pretty good.

I hope the Rumble leads to Riott Squad vs. Absolution. It's pretty much a no-brainer.

- Charlotte/Naomi vs. Riott/Logan:
I'm very glad to see Ruby at this stage.

This is fun so far.

Not bad at all!

- New Day/Rusev/Aiden:
Fun Christmas stuff.

They've GOT to turn Rusev and Aiden face at some point. They're hilarious.

OH MAN. Those pancakes did nothing wrong!!

I liked that.

- Dolph promo:
Blah blah blah blah blah.

Dolph has definitely been incredibly successful over the course of his career.

OK, I guess? We'll see where it leads.

- Bryan/Owens/Zayn:
I love them assuming Bryan's on his side.

The dynamic with these three is a lot of fun.

Good segment.

- Aiden/Rusev vs. Kofi/Xavier:
Good mind games here.

I think I might like Aiden and Rusev teaming more than the Vaudevillains.

There's a time and a place to throw shirts. That time and place is not when you're in the middle of a match when your opponents are active.

Good to see English show what he can do.

This stuff with the pancakes is crazy.

This is insane. I love it.

Finally we get a flapjack on some flapjacks!!

Pretty good ending.

- AJ/Shinsuke/Orton vs. Jinder/Owens/Zayn:
Good start. This is personal.

Orton's got his work down to a science.

I'm liking all this so far.

Good stuff going into break.

I'm liking all the tagging work.

Nakamura on a roll.

This is all solid!

I liked the Singhs saving Jinder from Kinshasa.

Jinder's taking a beating!

Pretty big win for the faces. We'll see what Shane thinks of it next week.

-- 205 Live: 
- Kendrick/Gallagher promo:
That was good to make this match meaningful. Way too many matches just kind of happen.

- Kalisto/Metalik vs. Gallagher/Kendrick:
Nice start.

Metalik is a joy to watch.

The new unofficial Lucha Dragons make a pretty good duo.

Kendrick and Gallagher complement each other pretty well. I like it.

Metalik does some amazing things. Glad to see him again.

LOTS of lucha here.

Brian has no respect for authority.

- Post-match:
Good heel work here.

- Zo Train:
Haha Daivari rubbing it in.

I like this dynamic. They're building something good here.

- Itami vs. Delaney:
I love seeing Hideo let loose. I hope this run is successful for him.

Hideo just dropping Colin here.

That was good.

- Enzo/Cedric:
Enzo's a pretty interesting character here, going from catchphrases to gang-style beatdowns.

That was a good back-and-forth.

- Gulak promo:
Drew singlehandedly making Microsoft products relevant to the 2017 audience.

The Zo Train is totally a cult.

- Gulak vs. Cedric:
Enjoyable work early.

Gulak's technical work is always on (Power)Point.

I like the contrast in these two workers.

I like Drew's strategy here.

Good counter-wrestling.

Impressive submission work.


- Post-match:
Nice ending to set more up.

More wrestling coming up.

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