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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Smackdown Reax - 11/15/16

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown.
First up, congratulations are due for such a big milestone. That's a LOT of episodes.

- Shane/Bryan:
So, are Edge and Undertaker Smackdown talents? How does this work?

I'm glad they're pretty much getting right to the action.

- Miz vs. Ziggler:
I like the quick attempts to win!

These two generally work together pretty well. Miz has been underrated forever.

As good as these two are, I'm ready for them to have some new feuds.

Solid work here.

I'm liking this.

Enjoyable match.

Good Figure Four spot.

NICE ending. Based Miz does it again.

- Flashback:
OHH MAN I remember Austin destroying the DX bus. The Attitude Era was so cool; feuds got out of control a lot more.

- Bryan/Alexa/Natalya:
Priorities, Alexa!

That was OK, I guess.

- Lorcan vs. Kalisto:
Glad to see Lorcan in action. Could he be joining the cruiserweight division and/or 205 Live?

Well that was quick. I guess Oney's not ready for main roster competition yet.

- Slater/Booker/Breezango:

That was OK. Breezango are pretty funny.

- Nikki vs. Carmella:
Ehhhhhhh. I wonder if Carmella should have stayed in NXT.

Nice aggression by Carmella.

This isn't bad, just pretty basic.

Nikki's trying her hardest.

Well at least they built to Sunday's match.

- Raw vs. Smackdown women:
If you're not sold on Survivor Series by now, come on.

Ha. Nia destroying Carmella was funny.

Oh, Nia's looking like a BEAST.

Good stuff overall.

- Ascension/S. Squad/Vaudevillains/Headbangers vs. A. Alpha/H. Bros/Usos/Breezango:
Just book ALL the teams.

"Everyone do a move!"

Mojo is HYPE as always.

I think sixteen men in one tag match is a LITTLE complicated and hard to invest in.

That was fun for how crazy it was.

- Cutting Edge:
I wouldn't be surprised if Edge requested Chimel to do SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPERSTAR. As he should have.

The brand loyalty thing is so goofy.

Funny stuff with AJ getting psyched out.

Hahahaha that five second pose spot.

Way to bury everyone, AJ. There's "I'm the most important because I'm the champion," then there's "no one cares about anyone else but me."

Nice nod to Rated RKO.

Randy in the Wyatts is pretty interesting.

I would watch AJ vs. Shane...

I love Heel AJ.

Nice sell for TLC.

OOOHHHH SHIT that just got real.

Interesting stuff from Taker.

I'm very curious where that Taker promo's leading. I really hope we get Taker vs. Cena at WM33.

More wrestling coming up.

1 comment:

  1. Survivor Series predictions:
    - Kalisto to move the division to Smackdown since 205 Live will be taped right after. I'm sure it's much less complicated to just fly everyone in for Tuesday instead of for Monday and Tuesday.
    - Raw women because they're really pushing Charlotte. She could be on a roll for a while.
    - Smackdown teams to even things up from the previous match.
    - I assume Raw wins the main event to set up Taker coming after Smackdown for losing. Maybe we get Taker vs. Shane at TLC with Shane taking responsibility for the loss, Taker vs. AJ for the WWE Title at the Rumble in Taker's home state, and Taker vs. Cena at WM33.
    - Miz losing the title so soon would be a shock. I don't see much reason to add the IC Title to Raw and leave Smackdown with no mid-level singles title, but maybe they think that would make things "even" for losing the cruiserweight title. WWE doesn't have a huge IC "division" so I wouldn't rule it out. Maybe Dolph costs Miz the match?
    - Brock in what could easily be Goldberg's last match
