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Monday, March 2, 2020

Moxley update, Revolution attendance, more on Blood & Guts, new AEW team, Colt-AEW update, WWE name at Revolution, big AEW social media milestone, assorted wrestling press, another Japanese promotion dropping shows, Raw name out sick, EVOLVE 146 notes, and Questions on how the roster feels about Goldberg's win, not linking XFL 2020 with WWE, the Saudi dress code, going back to the well, AEW's hardcore elements, Tully's whereabouts, the Network cutting down on classic content, and why SSD was booked the way it was

Jon Moxley legitimately busted his head open at Revolution.

Revolution was a legitimate sellout. Very impressive!

"Blood and Guts" will be the name of AEW's version of War Games.

Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall will regularly team in AEW as the Natural Nightmares, with Brandi Rhodes managing the pair. Interesting combination.

Colt Cabana has signed with AEW as a wrestler, producer, and announcer. He will still be able to take other bookings elsewhere. He's going to be fulfilling a number of roles there; that speaks to how valuable of a presence he is.

Renee Young was backstage at Revolution. It will be interesting to see if she goes to AEW whenever her contract ends.

AEW has passed one million YouTube subscribers. That's great!

Bad Bunny impersonated Triple H at an NBA game. That's pretty cool. 

The Street Profits' first-ever WWE action figures were released. 

Goldberg got press for winning the Universal Championship as a Jewish man in Saudi Arabia. We live in some surreal times!

Big E, Xavier Woods, Liv Morgan, Adam Cole, and Tyler Breeze appeared in a Smosh Games video.

Dragon Gate has canceled shows until March 14 due to the coronavirus. That's getting really scary.

Viking Raiders' Erik has been ill. 

Alex Marvez discussed AEW and more. 

Jim Duggan was at the Variety Club Iowa Children's Charity telethon over the weekend, as he usually is.

At EVOLVE 146:
- Jessi Kamea teamed with Brandi Lauren as "The In Crowd," losing to Avery Taylor and Natalia Markova
- Brendan Vink defeated Leon Ruff
- Denzel Dejournette teamed with Jon Davis to defeat Adrian Alanis and Liam Gray
- Mansoor defeated Anthony Greene
- Jake Atlas was in a triple threat match with JD Drake and Curt Stallion. Drake won.

For my take on the first set of yesterday's questions:
1. I wouldn't blame anyone for feeling slighted WWE is using names who were stars 10, 15, or 20+ years ago in prominent matches after scratching and clawing their way to where they are now. Goldberg was seen as a past name when some of the current names were cutting their teeth, much less now. 

2. Vince really doesn't want people to associate the unproven XFL with his core business. Investors hardly need more reason to question WWE's future. 

3. WWE would be very upset, and the Saudis would also be very upset. It could jeopardize the whole deal. It wouldn't shock me if there was a lawsuit involved given the amount of money that could be lost.

4. It's much easier to go with what worked in the past than to build something new. It's very much a case of hitting the panic button. 

5. There's definitely an audience that wanted/wants those elements brought back in contrast to the "overly sanitized" PG product WWE has put out. So it seems to appeal to that group, for whatever that's worth. 

For my take on the second set of yesterday's questions:
Nothing to add to 1.

2. Tully and Spears are on Dark pretty frequently. It looks like they're looking to put Spears in a tag team. Dynamite's only two hours a week so not everyone is featured. I expect we'll see Spears and other acts more when Dark gets picked up. 

3. It could be a way of cutting costs by not digitizing as much at a time. The investments in the Network haven't made the service flourish, so I hope they are examining what is and isn't working. 

4. The people who paid for the show clearly wanted to see names from 15+ years ago look dominant, so that's what they got! And, realistically, it was probably for the best that Taker and Goldberg in particular didn't work long matches in their conditions, even without the heat being a factor this time. 

Nothing to add to 5. 

More wrestling tomorrow. 

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