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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax- 8/30/12

Read on for my segment-by-segment thoughts on the 8/30 Superstars and Impact.


Fine opening match to continue to establish Ryback. It's tough to know what to do with him from here besides "feed him more" lower/midcarders.

Fine tag match. I wish these matches had more story to them than "face tag team vs. heel tag team". I get that they're jockeying for position in the division, but there should be a pre-match interview or SOMETHING to make it feel like more than just another match between them.

So much for Alex Riley getting pushed. Riley vs. Cesaro would have been nice. Riley can be the all-American babyface looking to claim the title back for his country. Mahal's also doing jack. They could have rolled the dice and had him come out bigger than Khali, but they didn't. Where's Khali now?

Impact Wrestling:
I liked the opening segment other than some of the focus being on Hogan and Sting. It always goes back to the guys who were names before TNA existed.

ODB/EY segments are a waste of TV time.

Glad Storm got the win over RVD. RVD's protected in that his showboating cost him, but Storm looks good eating a former WWE, TNA, and ECW Champion.

TERRIBLE Knockouts segment. TNA could be building stars to one day be on WWE's level, and they're wasting time on this garbage. WWE gets blasted all the time for PG garbage, while TNA puts on this crap and is said to be better.

I like the Gut Check segments.

Hogan and Sting meet Kaz and Daniels. Some of my least favorite people to see in TNA. It'd be different if they were used better.

Solid match between Styles and Joe, but that's not a surprise.

Someone finally lost Gut Check! Lewie had energy. I'm surprised they didn't put him through since they usually give people contracts. I'm ready for the Joey Ryan angle to move to the next level.

At least Joseph Park still exists.

Angle and Hardy can always be counted on to knock it out of the park. This time was no different.

Fine continuation of Aces and 8s.

I'll be back for Smackdown tomorrow and more news when I'm able.

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