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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 9/6/12

Read on for my thoughts on the 9/6 Superstars and Impact Wrestling.


Cesaro vs. Gabriel was pretty awesome. Cesaro's painting with a completely different palette than the rest of WWE and that's refreshing. I think with more experience and some love from Creative these two will go far. Gabriel could use some more personality and mic skills as well.

Layla's really improved from her time off from the ring. The Divas division continues to be overlooked by fans and suits alike.

Always good to hear a Sandow promo.

Sandow and Riley are both good and both have time to grow. I hope WWE keeps them both around as they could be valuable in the future.

And a good tag match to end things. WWE could use some shaking up in the division, though.

Impact Wrestling:
Surprising win by Hardy. I personally want Aries vs. Joe for the title at BFG. Hardy's over whether he's in the title picture or not, so why not utilize a motivated TNA original?

I didn't miss Hogan on this show at all. I'm ready for a new authority figure. We're in 2012, not the '80s or '90s.

I like the setup for Magnus vs. Joe. Both men are assets to TNA.

I'm glad that we're not in for yet another Styles/Daniels/Kaz confrontation.

I hope Tessmacher vs. Tara is set up to make the champion a star. That's how TNA should use the stars of yesteryear (some of whom, like Tara, are still game, but probably don't have many years left in the business and need to be used strategically).

Gail vs. Tara was good. I kind of wish Tessmacher would have been on commentary or something to set up the title match.

Cool segment with Ryan and Snow. I'm down with seeing that match, as they've made it meaningful.

I'm pretty much just tired of seeing Hogan on TV.

Ray vs. RVD was a nice blast from the past. Both guys worked well.

Here's a segment with Aries and Aces and Eights, hot acts that are hopefully long-term players in TNA, and they're saddled with HULKAMANIA'S STILL ALIVE, BROTHERS. BUY MY DAUGHTER'S CD.

Good segment with Storm. It's kind of a shame that his story with Roode has been pushed to the side. I hope it gets back on the rails for BFG.

Pretty good Magnus promo and segment.

Two people over the age of 40 in this match, with Hernandez at 39. TNA's not going to be the future of wrestling with guys that age.

Pretty solid tag title match. Everyone worked hard, and the challengers are protected by the match ending.

Pretty cool ending to the show. I'm looking forward to more with Aces and Eights going into BFG.

The 9/7 Smackdown should also be up today, with a news post up next.

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