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Friday, September 20, 2013

Impact Wrestling Reax - 9/19/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact (Rustling).

I'm down with a Magnus/Roode feud. With TNA talent seemingly leaving left and right, they need to use the great workers they do have as well as possible.

Fine opening segment. It's kind of disappointing to see Sting in there with five talents in their primes, but he is a part of MEM. Angle was still in rehab when this happened and Rampage was pulled, so he was the logical choice. I'd definitely be evaluating Sting's value to the company for 2014.

Sabin's in a similar position to a number of former MITB cashers-in in WWE as far as his status as a former World Champion not elevating him on the card.

Hardy vs. Manik was fine, though I think they should have done a better job in building the X-Division Champion. Ideally he'd be presented as someone who can step up and become a part of the "new TNA" following BFG.

I don't really care to see another Sabin/Manik feud, or a Sabin/Manik/Hardy feud, really. BUT maybe Sabin and Manik working with Hardy will raise their profiles.

MUH RESPECT. Maybe no one respects Sabin because they recognize he's in something of a small pond in TNA and would probably be stuck in NXT if WWE picked him up.

If that was Mickie's last match in TNA, she performed well. ODB becoming champion is the epitome of TNA desperation. They currently only have five Knockouts on the main roster, and Taryn's taking time off. So, ODB being carried through a match was one of their few options. Bleh.

Ehhh. Not crazy about that set up for a new feud. TNA's really looking more and more "small time" with the shrinking roster. They might have to push the referees if this keeps up.

Oh, boy. We're into comedy match territory. Anyone ever notice that the name Titanic contains the letters T, N and A?

I'm willing to give Park vs. E a chance.

Ok, it was KIND of funny that they got Robbie that way a second time.

Park could probably beat both Bromans by himself if he Abyssed up. Which is great for him, but not so much for Robbie and Jessie. I hope for TNA's sake that Park/Abyss' contract isn't up any time soon.

I liked the Aces and Eights video package to sell the beating they put on Anderson. It was pretty epic.

The Dixie/AJ segment could be pretty cool. Or pretty lolTNA. We'll see.

I mostly liked the Aces and Eights segment, but that was almost entirely due to Bully's delivery. Knux, Brisco, and Bischoff aren't exactly star players. They'll really have to prove themselves once they're separated from Bully the heat magnet.

MEM will be in an interesting position once the Aces and Eights angle is over. Where do the five members go from here? Could we be closing in on Sting's TNA swan song?

Gunner and Hernandez aren't two of my favorite guys in TNA. I think there are reasons they're paired with more charismatic veterans. But maybe they prove themselves in this match?

That match wasn't bad as all for the time it had. Gunner really stepped it up.

That was a pretty cool main event. Sting did seem a BIT out of place among the more home-grown TNA stars, but he didn't take away from the match.

That was huge! I loved AJ finally saying what a lot of fans have been thinking. Dixie's heel turn felt a little out of nowhere, but it sets up an AJ vs. the world storyline pretty nicely. Could this lead to AJ finally becoming the face of TNA?

More wrestling coming up.

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