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Friday, September 6, 2013

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 9/5/13

Read on for my thoughts on yesterday's Superstars and Impact Wrestling.

Pretty good opening contest. Could we be seeing a push for Truth?

Axel vs. Kofi was also really good. Both men have what it takes from an in-ring perspective. Hopefully in a couple of years they'll have progressed to the level where they can be headliners for the company.

Impact Wrestling:
Nice start to the show with the video packages and hype. Should be a good night.

That was a pretty good opening segment, all things considered. I like that it set the stage for Bully vs. Anderson. I'm glad we're finally on the road to the end-game of MEM vs. Aces and Eights.

Knux vs. Sabin was ok, I guess. Sabin continues to look like a chump who just so happened to be TNA Champ.

No idea what the heck they're planning with Sabin. They could have really made a new star there. They continue the TNA habit of pushing the younger stars to the side to focus on the veterans from other companies.

Oh, boy. Is Sabin going to get the latest edgy makeover? I guess they figure if AJ leaves, they need someone to replace him as the brooding, jilted TNA veteran.

That was a pretty good segment with Mickie and ODB. Mickie got to be the great character that she is, and ODB was kept in small doses.

Interesting tease with Bradley and Hernandez. It feels like we haven't seen Chavo in a while. I wonder what's going on there. Presumably it's just a case of TNA wanting to focus on other angles and the like.

More Aces and Eights dissension. I can't say that I care that much about Knux, Brisco, or Bischoff right now. They're obviously the grunts of the group.

Bully vs. Sting could be pretty big. I expect it will be two older workers doing a bunch of big bumps to disguise that Sting doesn't have as much in the tank anymore.

That whole match was pretty good. They did a good job working around some of the "so-so" workers. I liked the story told of who wanted to eliminate whom.

I expected Hogan to come out and throw us another crazy swerve in the BFG Series.

Good segment with Bully and Anderson. I look forward to them facing off.

Nice little Styles promo. I wonder who will win the Series.

Pretty good promo from Sting. Maybe he's got one last big singles match in him for TNA.

The tag match with the Champs was so-so. The tag team division is really at a standstill now that Hernandez, Daniels, and Kazarian are busy with the BFG Series.

I liked the Final Four segment well enough. I didn't really like Roode thinking that Magnus is the weakest link, as he might need to go for the Title if it looks like AJ's leaving after BFG, but other than that, it was good.

WHOA, BROTHER. GOTTA HAVE THE HULKSTER TAKE THE SPOTLIGHT, DUDE. I'm not shocked that they made the match No DQ. Sting might need all the help he can get to pull a big match out these days.

Man. They really needed a lot of smoke and mirrors there. Weapons; interference; the whole nine yards. It's pretty bad that the TNA Champ just tapped out to a guy who's probably pretty close to retiring.

I liked that ending to set up next week. Is this Anderson's swan song with the company?

More wrestling coming up.

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